Thin brown hair and eyes of blue,
That once shone deep,
Sparkle illuminated innocence,
Shone with the joy of stars.
Smile luminescent,
Could brighten anyone's day.
Little hands, high, shrill voice,
Ringing with the echo of the moon.
Then went through an awkward stage,
As most young people do.
Braces, glasses, the whole works,
But smile and eyes stayed bright.
One day a few years later,
Things began to change.
Grey clouds pushed out the blue,
Light and laughter began to fade.
Eyes darkened, hardened,
Cold, icy Grey-blue replaced
What once had been the deepest Sapphire,
Was now her protective shield.
Smile no longer shone with joy,
It was strained, and fake.
Desperately trying to cover up her pain,
So she could still brighten people's days.
Pushing to keep people at arm's length,
Only telling them as much as was vital,
Smothering her own defenseless heart,
Protecting it from shattering.
But sadly the only place
All that has gotten her,
Is a shadowed, warped path,
Of fear, destruction, and utter loneliness.
The innocence and beauty,
That little girl once held,
Has vanished.
Sheri Keller "Energizer Bunny" Inspired
- 16 years, 20 days ago