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"The Bard"

Unknown, 47/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:12 PM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
Location: San Jose, CA United States

"Jesse isn't caring about HP more than usual, so if you thought he didn't care before, prepare to be unpleasantly surprised."
About me:
Pie. Read THAT. \\\\/
About you:
Don't care at the moment. If I like you, you'll know, and I assume I'll know if you like me too. Do not flash your chest or various other sundries at me and expect me to pet, thumb, or shop you. It makes me gassy, and I hate that, especially if I can't make you hate it too. STOP ASKING ME TO SHOP YOUR SHOP OR BUY YOUR CD, OR VOTE THAT YOU HAVE THE BEST KAZONGAS ON FACEBOOK. IF YOU WANT ME TO SLAVER OVER YOUR PROFILE, PUT ON SOME GLASSES AND USE BIG WORDS, AND COVER YOUR KAZONGAS. ITS ALL ABOUT COLLARBONES, MMK? Sweet jesus.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Nerds are Sexy, Livin in the Land Down Under, Careful...... We Bite, Intellectual Experimentalists, MENTAL,RANDOM,EVIL AND SCARY, ANIME LOVERS, Pagan Pets, The redhead solidarity front, Suicide Girls, Spiritual Ecclectics, [Un]Intended Sinners, polars, Cheating The System (CTS), Anti-Boobage Campaign, Natural Born Charmers, Intelligent Pets, Tiny Dancer's Dancing Thumbs, EuRoFfeCTiOn, Erotic Art, Love Who You Want!, Ella's Enchanted, Ménage à Cinquième/Perverted 5, Hot Chics In Glasses, Ode to Skuli, ~Bay Area's Herd~, Hot guys ♥ Sexy girls, The Lolas (Official Hottest Pet), LanasAngeles
Unknown's tales
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The sort of tree, where I'd rather be, with snow falling 'round
In one another's arms, safe from harm, is where we'd be found.
Happy Solstice everyone, and Christmas, and Chanukah, and Kwanzaa!

Note: If your holiday is not represented above, send me a message, and I will hug your brains out. So there. =D
Unknown "The Bard" Evasive - 16 years, 4 months, 2 days ago
Making this up on the spot because its late and I'm determined...

It is better than good to be a man because:

1. Without us, there wouldn't have BEEN a Titanic. Wait, that's better, yes?
2. Having more male bosses means women get to work harder, setting the stage for even scarier gynecological disorders.
3. We get the pleasure of driving you around & depriving taxi drivers, which means thinking about you naked is *somewhat* harder, and challenges are good.
4. We actually have to use skill when dancing, rather than just coordinating our natural assets repeatedly. You just set your blender on "Stun".
5. While the Speedo is usually the reigning king of kitsch, we can't do a too-short miniskirt in a horrible color like y'all can.
6. Watching soap opera=passing gas. Any questions?
7. We can have all the body hair we want, regardless of who knows. Right?
8. We build each other up by tearing each other down-try it, you'll like it.
9. For women, a makeup compact case is like a private part. Maybe its just our way of letting you know they're still there. See?
10. You have the ability to make a mirror cringe in terror after preening in front of it for hours. We actually like to be fussed over, but can dress ourselves when pressed. Against.
11. Talking to women doesn't always involve them naked, especially if there is driving involved. It usually depends on your neckline or depth of hip-hugging jeans. Exactly WHY do you wear those again, hmm?
12. If a woman marries someone twenty years younger, she secretly gets congratulated for finding a man that can keep up with her. If we do the same, we get publicly ridiculed for thinking with our nethers. I call this a failure to communicate.
13. Women have more things to pierce that they regret, oh yes.
14. There are more times when porn, beer or sports can solve our problems. We think...
15. We share meaningful glances (and grunts) that women never get anyways. What were you talking about again?
Unknown "The Bard" Evasive - 16 years, 5 months, 27 days ago
One of THE funniest slightly raunchy blogs I've ever seen. I love Aussies. =D
Unknown "The Bard" Evasive - 16 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 (SF Chronicle)
Jon Carroll

I think Bucket is taking a correspondence course in "How to Be a Cat."
Archie more or less took up all the cat room available in the home when he
was alive, leaving Bucket to sulk around the edges, very occasionally
seeking bonding opportunities, during which she drooled copiously. When we
made overtures of friendship, she usually ran away. Very disheartening.
But Archie's been gone for nine months now, and Bucket is assuming the
role of Cat in the household. Unfortunately, she has no idea what the job
entails, and she's had to follow her instincts. Her instincts are
As an example: Most cats will initiate a rub-and-purr session by jumping
up on an available lap or bed. I think Bucket maybe saw Archie do that,
and so she's trying it out, sort of. Sometimes, she stands by my chair and
looks up. Sometimes she meows.
"Come on, Bucket," I say. "Come on up. That's a girl. Come up. You know
you want to. Come on." And Bucket stands there. She's racked by internal
doubts. Is it safe up there? It's been safe the previous hundred times,
but that does not mean it's safe now.
"Come on, Bucket. Up you get. Come on. Such a good cat. Come on, Bucket."
Still she stands. She tilts her head quizzically. Sometimes she walks
around in a small circle. She weighs the options. A car door slams far
away, and that distracts her. By this time, I am getting tired of trying
to persuade a cat to experience bonding pleasure. She doesn't want to get
petted, fine. Go your own damn way, devil cat.
And sometimes she does. Nothing happens. There's a lot of rejection in the
Bucket experience. Of course, all cat owners experience rejection; that's
what sets them apart from dog owners. But this scenario of permanent
hesitation is way too tedious. It's against the Cat Code.
And that, of course, is the problem - Bucket has not read the Cat Code.
She never got a copy. She knows she's supposed to do something, but she's
damned if she can figure out what that is. And she won't accept my help
because I'm not a cat. Oh, I could make her such a cat. I could be
Pygmalion and she could be Eliza Doolittle. But that is not to be. Doomed
to selling flowers in Covent Garden! Poor Bucket!
Bucket's indecision is not confined to human interaction. She will stand
in front of the cat door for 10 minutes before going out. There's a great
big window next to the cat door, so she can see pretty clearly that
nothing is lurking outside. Still, she temporizes. She frets. And when she
finally departs, she scurries through the hole like a ferret chasing a
rat. Then she stands on the deck breathing heavily, having cheated death
one more time.
If Bucket were indifferent to us, that would be one thing. But she's not.
Occasionally she will join us on the bed and start to purr and knead like
crazy. She will stand on my chest (or Tracy's chest; she doesn't seem to
have a favorite) and push her forehead into my chin, and eventually I will
have to put her down because I am, damn it, trying to read. Archie
understood about reading. Cuddling up next to someone was fine with him.
Bucket doesn't have that part down yet.
Finally, maybe, Bucket will settle down for some companionable nestling.
She spooks easily, however. The following things will cause her to leap
from the bed and disappear down the stairs: a cough, a sneeze, the turning
of a page, a laugh, any noise outside the house no matter how muted or
distant, body movements of any kind. She can also become alarmed by events
inaudible and invisible to humans. Marley's Ghost has come again! Flee!
Bucket also doesn't grasp the difference between waking humans and
sleeping humans. That should be covered early on in the course, because a
sleeping human suddenly wakened can be dangerous to cats - indeed, it is
their only indoor predator. Bucket will lea
Unknown "The Bard" Evasive - 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
If you are liberal, bi or gay, and want to see one of the most interesting groups on Facebook, this is probably it. If you are truly conservative, you DON'T want to go there. =]

*Gay Marriage Killed the Dinosaurs.*

Unknown "The Bard" Evasive - 17 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
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Truth... You have been given Truth....
Crafted by Emperor of the Known Universe
Petalwing "~Natural Beauty~" Random - 15 years, 9 months, 15 days ago

&lt;3 You have been given <3.
Crafted by Petalwing
Petalwing "~Natural Beauty~" Random - 15 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
Miss Hannah
something to make you stand out! You have been given something to make you stand out!.
Crafted by Miss Hannah
Miss Hannah "~Sneaky Voyeur~" ♥ leaving HP, not coming back - 16 years, 7 days ago

We belong together You have been given We belong together.
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Petalwing "~Natural Beauty~" Random - 16 years, 21 days ago
loooooooove your new picture oh bard of mine.
your heart is so colorful You have been given your heart is so colorful.
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Petalwing "~Natural Beauty~" Random - 16 years, 23 days ago
Angel Illusion

Blowing Kiss You have been given Blowing Kiss.
Crafted by Don's Pet
Angel Illusion "My Peacemaker" Naughty - 16 years, 26 days ago
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