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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Herds: Shadow Wolf Pack, THE AMERICAN (U.S.) HERD, Intellectual Experimentalists, DARKLIGHT, ☆___Ninjas Unite___☆, ANIME LOVERS, Maryland, Caution: I bite, Wolf Mountain, The Think Pack
"Le Beaut"
78750 pts
Unknown's tales
To turn a new leaf.
A different path, you seek?
When the old looks dreary and bleak.
With every passing moment.
A chance to make atonement.
An idea, save the self!
Ever chance to think?
The life, your wealth,
Passes by in a blink.
Take my hand, I hope to not jump alone,
Here's my hat, I am my home.
Come on in friend, the waters fine.
Above the cretins, shall we shine?
I guess our souls are just intertwined.
And together, no longer shall we be blind.
Unknown Content - 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
I am a time traveler, my vessel...this body to which I am given. There have been many others and many more to come, but this vessel is mine. I created it with my bare hands, granted with the aid of other time travelers I have come across.

We are all time travelers, barreling forward through our own little bit of the clocks ticking hands. Plans fail, people fade, but one thing remains true...time keeps ticking away. Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock...goes the seconds of the clock. When did it start? When will it stop?

No matter how hard one tries to run from the inevitable, they will eventually find that you cannot run, nor can you hide from what you are. You are born, you live and you will die as yourself, fact. Fiction, you will always stay the same. The truth is, that the only thing unchanging is change. From one second to the next, you are a different person. You are older, smarter, sometimes bolder, and sadly sometimes colder. With my eyes, I see everything. I see the times change before me, I am an unchanging change. I will always be me, but what defines me will always and forever be on a forward path.

Tomorrow is a door I have not walked through yet, how can I open a door that I am not at? Looking forwards to that door, will only make the room to which I am in, Today, pass me by. There is no telling, when my clock will stop. All I know is that, in this moment...tick.

Yesterday, Tock, is another moment to which I can no longer reach. I have walked through that door and I shall not, will not and cannot turn back. To think of turning back, is to have regrets. To have regrets is to waste today, a sin of unforgiving proportions.

Being a time traveler, I find that I cannot change my past by looking back. I can only change the pasts of others, by changing thier present. Not all hope is lost, for I can change my present. An attempt at changing my present, appeases my soul. For, changing the present not only changes my future...but my past, from that point on, aswell.

Time has yet to be written to our eyes, for we are that book's author. How will it end?

A circle's end is it's beginning.

As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end.

The Diary of A Time Traveler...
Unknown Content - 17 years, 2 months, 9 days ago
Seamless dreams of maddening insanity,
I dare not wake, fearing the fleeting sanctity
Loveful images of happiness and peace
To be lost in fantasy, the body deceased.
Wake me not, I beg of you mother dear
For the life I live, comes no where near.
Shed a tear, for the waking mind;
This paradise I leave, far, far behind.
Til one day I shall return,
Til then, of life's pain I shall learn.
Growing cold and dead at the heart,
Praying nightly, do I get another restart?
Where in life did I go wrong?
Or was it just a dream within a song?
The path I walk, life just so long.
Or am I damned to die alone?
Falling farther and farther from my throne.
And so the words did read from his Tombstone,
"A dreamer at heart, so his soul did part.
Pray that his dreams are fufilled
The cup of life, not one drop spilled."
Unknown Content - 17 years, 2 months, 22 days ago

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It So is.
A Life Changing Book You have been given A Life Changing Book.
Crafted by Unknown
_____ "Dark Goddess" - 16 years, 1 month, 18 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #115) *pawed at* You have been pawed at
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
Unknown "Thoth" - 16 years, 8 months, 21 days ago
Even the blind can see.
Unknown "Thoth" - 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
Janet Marie Rosenshine
What's chillin', my funky priest? We haven't chatted in a while...
You have been given Ninja!!!.
Crafted by
Janet Marie Rosenshine "Iris" Emo - 17 years, 6 days ago

You have been given Biiiig Hugs!.
Crafted by
Unknown "Muerto" Neglected - 17 years, 10 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Insane Shop

Not your average run of the mill items.

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