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"Coconut Rum"
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Unknown's tales
(9/3/06 10:29 pm) Reply Internet Explorer 3 When using Internet Explorer 3 for Windows (google around for a version that works on Windows XP), enter this in the address bar (do not copy-paste, you must input it with the keyboard): for-you://gratitude-and-remembrance Wait ~ 40 seconds. You will fell strange. Don't fight the feeling, or you will be jerked out of it, and you have only one chance to do it. A weblog will appear. It will contain events that will happen for the seven next years of your life. Add /admin/ to the address bar. Try to guess the password your future self would have chosen. There is always a way - discovering it is never out of your reach even if it's a meaningless string of letters. Once you have access to the admin, you can delete any post you want, and that event will never happen to you. However, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES you are to edit a post. JUST DON'T. You have only one hour to do it: after that the connection will be lost.
Unknown "Coconut Rum" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
There is a doorway, one that can be any door, at any time. This door leads nowhere, yet there lies a realm of twisted reality to the opener. This door exists for everyone - some never encounter it in their lives, others unknowingly open it and step through. The problem is, you can't tell if the door is open to you, until years after you step through it. You'll see them, and they'll finally see you.
Unknown "Coconut Rum" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
In rural southern Illinois a toy company began selling "realistic" baby dolls to expectant mothers. But apparently after the mother had her child the toy baby would start crying. Eventually the "rocking motion" advertised to calm it down wouldn't work, and you couldn't get it to stop without shaking it. Eventually when it started crying the parent would have to beat it, and the beatings and thrashings would have to get harder and harder to get it to be quiet. The only thing that seemed to shut the baby doll up permanently was to bash its head against the wall to destroy whatever mechanism triggered the crying. On more than one occasion though, neighbors called the authorities to report child abuse, and when the police arrived they found the the bloody remains of infants smeared across the walls and the floor. In most cases the mother couldn't understand why the police were there, she just "got rid of the stupid doll" as she rocked a baby-shaped bundle in her arms.
Unknown "Coconut Rum" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
In highschool 11th grade, I was basically a loner. I never talked to anyone, but I wasn't picked on or anything because I would occasionally do funny shit, so people liked me. I was also in weight training, and was above average in there, so I guess that made me seem more normal to the jock types who knew me from that. But anyway, during lunch I would always go to the cafeteria, get some food, and take it to the library. You weren't supposed to eat in there, but during my lunch period, all the staff were gone eating too, so I ate in the library anyway, while reading stuff. There would rarely be any other students there. One day a girl who I, to this day, think was the cutest in the school comes in there and asks me out. I thought she was joking at first, but long story short, she wasn't, and we were happy with each other. After a while we were going to fuck. She was a kind of sheltered girl, so even though my school was full of sluts (I am pretty sure every single one of my classes had at least 1 pregnant girl in them), she was a virgin (as was I). We both had jobs after school, so she said she didn't mind her first time being at school. So we were going to fuck in the back of the library since no one ever came to the library anyway. I couldn't spend long on foreplay, since our lunch period was only 40 minutes, but I did what I could, and gave her a good licking. Then I stuck it in, and when I did so, she sighed in relief. She didn't seem to be hurt at all. "Wow, I was really scared the first time would hurt a lot." she said, "but this feels really good." I was overcome with joy at that point (I really did care about her, I should state). So I started pumping her, and after a few seconds, I looked down, and was horrified by what I saw. There was blood everywhere! Normally when a girl bleeds her first time, from what I've heard anyway, there isn't much blood at all, and often isn't even visible. But my shirt and pants, and the floor beneath her, were completely soaked. It looked like someone had just taken a bucked of blood and poured it on us. She then looked down, and noticed it too. "Oh, wow, well...it's okay. It doesn't hurt at all. Just keep going." she told me. So I kept humping her, with pretty poor technique (it was my first time too, remember). Everytime I pushed into her, there was a clearly audible squishing noise. I tried to ignore this af first. After a few minutes of pumping her, I pulled out and came on her breasts. I tried to ignore that the blood had formed a small puddle below us. I started to think, though, that the janitors would start to wonder where it came from, and we may be in trouble. "Oh wow, sex is AWESOME!" she said. I looked over to her, to see her face with an ecstatic, but deranged expression, as though she were high on something. I noticed her vagina was now flowing with blood. "Woah, are you okay?" she told me she was okay, but looking at the increasing amount of blood gathering on the floor, I knew something was seriously wrong. "Hey...hey...I love you" she told me, with glazed eyes and a smile on her face. I put my hand over her vagina, hoping to stop the flow of blood. "HELP!" I cried out, wanting to call 911. She had now lost a lot of blood, and I knew she might die if something wasn't done fast. And with her coherence and alertness slipping, I grew even more worried. "Stay here, don't move! I'll get some help!" I said, running toward the desk at the front of the library, hoping to use it's phone to dial 911. I picked up the phone, and did so. After a few seconds, a voice came on the line, breathing heavily. "Hello?" I asked. "Oh wow..." I heard. "Was that...was that her?! How is she talking to me on the phone? I know I didn't dial the wrong number, it's 911!" I thought. "Oh...Michael (that's me)...I'm so glad you were my first...I love you so much." I was overcome by fear, and I was still panicked for her safety, but more than anything, I was confused. I started hearing something that sounded like a bathtub fauced turned on. I looked down to the ground below me, and noticed that I was standing knee-deep in blood! "Hey..." the voice on the phone said. "When we finish high school...promise me you'll ask me to marry you, okaaaaayy?" she said, then let out a deranged giggle. "Oooookaaaaaaaaaay?" she repeated. I then heard the sound of a huge wave crashing toward me. I was swept up by an enormous wave of blood coming from the back of the library. After I regained control of myself, I swam up toward the cieling. For a few seconds, I was able to take a breath, then the entire library filled with blood. I was, obviously, unable to see and could only hope for salvation. After about a minute, my limit for holding my breath as far as I knew, I could feel something pulling me to the left. Another few seconds, and I felt my head hit the metal border of what I hoped was the door to the library. I rode a wave of vaginal blood out through the library's entrance. I landed softly on the ground, covered in blood. I shook my head like a dog, and opened my eyes. I was outside of the building, safe and sound. I looked toward the door, and saw my girlfriend, carrying the clothes she had taken off earlier, soaked in blood, smiling at me. "Wow, I sure bled a lot." "I'm...sorry." was all I could think to say. She walked over to me and hugged me. "It's okay. I enjoyed it. You were so gentle. When I'm with you, I feel so safe." Such a stereotypically lovey-dovey statement was almost enough to snap me out of the bewilderment of what I'd just experienced. I mean, I had actually had sex, with a GIRL! She and I both went to the bathroom to clean outselves up. We decided we wouldn't worry for now about how much trouble we'd be in for her flooding the school with her vaginal blood. After we had somehow cleaned ourselves up, we made it to our respective classes just in time. Later that night, she came over to my house and gave me a blowjob. We are now happily married, and have 16 kids, Ozarka, Cream, Beef, Biceps, Rei, Gordon, Maxwell 4.7 GB DVD+R, Koopa, asdfghjkl, Artificial Tears, Pamson, Studsworth, Lance, Skeletor, MR GAY, and Aphrodite.
Unknown "Coconut Rum" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
An odd occurance has been rumored to happen in a certain pub at night in southwest Germany. If you sit in the stool farthest from the door while one beside it is empty, order a round for yourself and offer to "buy one for the Baron". The bartender will without question or expression pour 2 beers from tap. He'll place one beside you and the moment the other one hits the table the room will go dark and silent, save for the sound of footsteps as a man in uniform sits beside you. It is believed that it is indeed Captain Manfred von Richthofen, although no one is sure becuase they can barely see their own glass, much less the person's face. No one who's told this story has had the nerve you touch him or risk insult, and the figure does not say a word. But apparently if you were to ask him "So sir, what's the condition at the front?" he would tell you startling details about the region's future and sometimes how they connect to the world as a whole. Those who lived long enough after the fact claim that these events took place the exact about of years from the date they asked as from the date Baron von Richthofen died in battle. Yet this cannot be confirmed, because every time the figure has been asked the question after 1964 he's only replied with a cold laugh.
Unknown "Coconut Rum" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
Sqeej's Shop of Doom
Buy here and die! Just kidding, but you will spend some of your points, so be careful.
Most recent customers:
Love Peace & all that Sh!t
"Quinta Essentia"
9999999 pts
"So very missed "
157500 pts
I haz tasty meatballs 🍴
Dick Tator
"Swedish Meatball"
666666 pts
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