
"My L♥ve Prince"
Name: |
Victor Chua, 36/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 12:23 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 2 months, 27 days ago |
Location: | Singapore
"Stand by Stand By" |
About me:
About you:
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | The Herd | Herds: | -One Step Closer-, hOt dOtz, Thump poor me, ET Fund, Final Fantasy VII Lovers, just us! <3, Horikita Maki Lovers, * HEIRESSITY*, ~watashiwaVIVIIdesu HERD, ★MayeS hERd ★, Miyuki's One and Only Fanclub, Super-Sweet Shops Herd, sweet dreamy world, Thumbs for Ven, frιdα´s wOr↓d ♥, ♡° Prince and Princess HP °♡, Afterdark's, The Suggestion Box, Angel's heaven, Active Thumbers, ToO SeXy FoR mY sHiRt, Chinchinflas y Malafachas, Asian Gang Spamer, ~Sarah's Honey Pot~, *Shaz's Love Swarm~~5/10~~*, hOt dOtz SWARM 5/10 >>>>>, Marvelous Kenny 5/5, CANDY LAND ♥, ginger's thumbing herd 30/5, ginger's thumbing herd 15/10 |
" ♥Kitty♥"
1188888 pts
LeaveMeAlone ~
"♥Lil Ms Notti"
500000 pts
"Vic's Nicole"
208888 pts
"Pretty Arika"
198 pts
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Victor's tales
Congratulations !!! :P U had now come to my page....:P
Victor Chua "My L♥ve Prince"
- 16 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
Thumb and read my tales =) Thank You.....Terima Kasih....Xie Xie....Nandri
Victor Chua "My L♥ve Prince"
- 16 years, 3 months, 12 days ago
Completed 3 months of Basic Military Training as at 10 Dec 2008.....Moving on to a new unit on 22nd Dec..... A very tough and lousy vocation...=.= Just hope that it's not as bad as I had imagined......Artillery, Operation of very sophisticated and heavy weapons......... =.=
Victor Chua "My L♥ve Prince"
- 16 years, 3 months, 12 days ago
This is a short tale =) hmm, I just went for haircut today(27th May 2008), so that I can look gd for my graduation ceremony tml(28th May 2008) and my new hairstyle turns out to be not bad, I am quite satisfied with this hairstyle =) It's nice =D
Victor Chua "My L♥ve Prince"
- 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
I will be attending my Polytechnic graduation ceremony on the 28th May 2008 at 2pm =) Wow, I didn't know that it is already the 48th Graduation ceremony for Singapore Polytechnic... ^_^ Cool man =P Wonder what the graduation ceremony would be like? I need to dress in Formal, plus blazer and tie too... Wonder if I would look gd in it? Maybe I can try taking photos after that =)
Victor Chua "My L♥ve Prince"
- 16 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
I sell all types of things
Most recent customers:
the sky meets the sea
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"Meatball 🧆"
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