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Unknown's tales
By the way, AIÓN PANTHERA has a significant meaning for the poem. AIÓN is a Greek word for eternity, but when used in the Bible, represents a limited amount of time. PANTHERA, of course, is the genus of cats, in which my dear tiger fits.
Unknown "Cats eyes" Emo - 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
AIÓN PANTHERA explaination

The tiger trusts someone, but does not know them.

His pelt is the color of "Rome's war god," which is Mars. Thus, his pelt is orange like the planet. His "years" represent a timeline, which are the enemy of Hyperion, the god of Light. This means they are black, and this timeline makes up the tiger's stripes. He turns away from these false gods, however, because he knows that they do not hold his future.

His eyes are white and milky like pearls because he is blind and cannot see.

The dragons are the dinosaurs, who once walked the path in the past. They have been walking for six thousand years, and are still walking in the eyes of God, because He is not limited by time.

The beast doesn't know who God is, but trusts that, judging by the past, he will continue to walk forever. He does not see the cliff before him, but simply has trust that whatever is ahead and whoever is guiding him, he will be safe.

His head is low in reverence because he knows he is in the presence of someone greater and mightier than he, even though he is a great and mighty beast.

Each step represents a second. Every second we continue to live is a phenomenon, because all of time has been waiting for this moment since the beginning of time. However, just as soon as that second passes and another begins, the glory is lost and given anew.

Sixty steps make a journey. Since steps are seconds, then sixty equals a minute, which, in this case, is a journey. I chose the word "journey" because every minute God gives us is an amazing gift, and how we spend it is up to us.

This stanza simply expresses how the tiger's paw hangs just over the cliff, so that every step he takes, his claws hover over the abyss below. But, as he reaches foreward to take another step, more ground is provided for him and he is able to walk on.

Someday the "tiger's bond will be broken," meaning that his trust that time would continue to be provided for him would be lost. However, "the scales leave the pearly glory." When Saul's blindness was taken away, what appeared to be scales fell from his eyes. The pearly glory represents the tiger's eyes, as mentioned before. He now sees that this is actually all part of the plan, and that, he was not let down after all by the One in whom he put his trust. He sees that, somewhere, in the mysterious places below his feet, he will be safe, and can continue to trust in God.
Unknown "Cats eyes" Emo - 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
-By Monk Ish

Mighty is the beast whose gait graces the path,
Powerful is his will.
Yet he places his trust
In one whom he does not know.

His muscles ripple with the color of Rome's war god,
His years the enemy of Hyperion,
But he turns his head away from these, for he knows who lays his path.

His eyes pallid as pearls, glorious in color,
Though never shall they gaze
Apon the one who keeps his feet safe from what lies below.

The mighty dragons follow in his footsteps,
Knowing the path just as well as he,
For they have walked along behind
Their path stretching six thousand
As far as the eye can see.

The beast does not know and cannot see,
But has faith in his destiny
That Whoever has laid this path,
Will lay it again.
Until the world will end.

His head is low in reverence,
His shoulders sloping like the great mountains
The mountains that have risen and descended
Before and behind,
And will.
But for how long?

Each step is an incredible event,
But its glory fades as soon as it started.
Then another one begins,
Its dying ghost left behind and forgotten.

Sixty steps make a journey,
And journeys make an exodus,
Towards the cliff, the ominous cliff,
Ending just beyond the beast.

Yet, the cliff seems to extend.
His paw lands, his claws hovering the thin air
Of the unknown below. But as soon
as he takes another step,
The ground is provided below his feet.
But for how long?
When will this end?

Someday soon the tiger's bond will be broken,
With the one who lays his path-
But another will begin,
When the scales leave the pearly glory,
And his future, his glorious future, though falling,
Falling to an unknown fate,
Is revealed to him.
Unknown "Cats eyes" Emo - 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago

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Lovely poem. I'm interested to know what genre of short story you write.
Unknown "Sir Quill" Frisky - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
:'( where are you?
Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
~Yeah, so I got an X-ray today and they found you in my heart. the dr. said if I took you out, I would die cause I could not live without you.. Give this heart ♥ to every person you care about including me if you care. Try to collect 12. Its not easy! !
Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
No Prince Charming
Thank you, cutie!
You have been given a big bear hug.
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No Prince Charming "Muffin" Goodbye for good, HP!!! - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
No Prince Charming
Hehehe... boo yourself
No Prince Charming "Muffin" Goodbye for good, HP!!! - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago

You have been given friends 4 life.
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Unknown Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 18 days ago
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The Spork Master's Shop of Doom!!

It rawks.

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