"What is Downtown?"
Current mood: artistic
My downtown is
coffee shops and graffiti'd walls
Jazz taverns and pool halls.
My downtown breathes
like an ancient elder
adourned with abandoned buildings
like jewelry
My downtown feels
every teen hanging in the park
as well as homeless creeping after dark.
My downtown knows
Because it's seen it all before
through stained-glass eyes from
the churches on every corner.
My downtown is giving
offering inspiration and space
where ink stains and spraycans deface.
My downtown takes
lives like from police pistols
pointed at pushers with pills
posted under streetlamps.
My downtown is
the only simblance of life in this town
the very simblance of death
No matter what
my downtown Gadsden is
I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Unknown "Curious George" Feisty
- 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago