As i have been noticing a lot in tales, is a bunch of over aged fools picking on people.
Seriously look at yourselves in the mirror,you live such perfect lives that you need to express your self over some stupid pictures.
Really are you the moral police, do you need to point things out.
Oh I get it, if one person does something, the followers must follow.
I must say though it is very amusing to watch such foolishness.
Maybe just maybe if you think about this, i know it may be hard for you to grasp the idea.
That if you stop acting like a bunch of children in day care.
Maybe, who knows you may be surprised that you wouldn't be treated like you are in day care.
Half the stuff that goes on the net here, people do it because they can get away with it.
If you tried it in real life, some one would give you a dose of reality in your face.
Seriously grow up.
And I'm sure that some of the correct spelling, big 50 dollar word, moral police members on here, will be responding.
Only to prove that an show, how really big of fools you are.
As for this place not being fun anymore maybe if some people stopped with the BS and get along, this place would be fun.
Waits for the childish responses from the Muppet Show Gang
Take care, wishing you all a happy an safe night or day where ever you are to in this big crazy world.
Gennyfer "'lil Koala" Curious
- 10 years, 11 months, 16 days ago