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Amber Skye | - Free online hangout and friends
Tony VdS
Tony VdS owns this human at 60 points.


Amber Skye
"Submissively Shy"

Amber Skye, 30/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:06 PM
Join date:11 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
Location: What City Do You Live In? United States

"A happy cat who loves to sing and dance in the rain"
About me:
Name: Amber Nickname: 'Ber, BerBer, Snake-chan Age: 18 Height: 5'7 Weight: I really don't wanna say Dom or Sub: Sub Favorite things: My friends, laughing, giving, making others smile. Favorite quote: Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain! I absolutely LOVE The Phantom of the Opera! And Naruto, plus a bunch of other anime I won't bother listing cuz there are too many!
About you:
New friends! XD
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Creepypasta
Herds: *~Herd Orgasm~*, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, The Naruto and Bleach group., Bondage Temple, Anime Lovers, Naruto's Ninja Clan, BDSM Pets, We ♥ Horror, BDSM Live Roleplay..., Naruto addicted, Inked Souls, BDSM Teenagers
Jory Granados
Jory Granados
"Dragon "
10000 pts
Amber's tales
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Amber Skye
My birthday party was today! I am now 19 years old! Woooo! (My actual birthday was the 14th) I went bowling with my 7 best friends!
Amber Skye "Submissively Shy" Festive - 11 years, 11 days ago
Amber Skye
If I am forced to watch ONE MORE stupid little cartoon with my sister, my head will EXPLODE! On a happier note, I am almost caught up on Homestuck, so ladies and gents, direct your attention to my Redglare here...
Amber Skye
Amber Skye "Submissively Shy" Festive - 11 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Amber Skye
I am sick. Very fucking sick. I have a terrible stomach virus and I've missed three days of school. I AM IN PAAAAIN!!! I would love missing school if it wasn't for the pain. Grrr, 😣
Amber Skye "Submissively Shy" Festive - 11 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
Amber Skye
I slipped and fell on ice and hurt my leg. God bless my friend Tony who literally picked me up, carried me back to the house, and grabbed my dog which I was walking, and he didn't slip. He is a fucking wonderful boy who is practically my brother, we've been best friends since 7th grade, luv you Tony! X3
Amber Skye "Submissively Shy" Festive - 11 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
Amber Skye
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain"

There are many things people convince me not to do, even if I love doing them, rain dancing is something nobody will ever take from me.

No matter what comes, you will always find me dancing in the rain.
Amber Skye
Amber Skye "Submissively Shy" Festive - 11 years, 3 months ago
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Missing You You have been given Missing You.
Crafted by HellKattKitten
HellKattKitten "Back Lash" Ferocious - 10 years, 11 months, 11 days ago

where are you?! ♥ i miss you You have been given where are you?! ♥ i miss you .
Crafted by Ging
HellKattKitten "Back Lash" Ferocious - 10 years, 11 months, 11 days ago

Happy Easter You have been given Happy Easter.
Crafted by Unknown
HellKattKitten "Back Lash" Ferocious - 10 years, 11 months, 18 days ago

by grace
Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace
grace - 10 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
a breast exam You have been given a breast exam.
Crafted by Unknown
HellKattKitten "Back Lash" Ferocious - 10 years, 11 months, 28 days ago

I'm just gonna sit right here You have been given I'm just gonna sit right here.
Crafted by HellKattKitten
HellKattKitten "Back Lash" Ferocious - 10 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
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Amber's shop

All things creepypasta! X3 WARNING: Some images WILL be violent, or "threatening". Figured I should warn y'all

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200 pts
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200 pts
Bought by 5 people
Best bros
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200 pts
Best bros
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Sexy Clown
1 use

200 pts
Sexy Clown
Bought by 2 people
Who, ME? Insane? Never!
1 use

200 pts
Who, ME? Insane? Never!
Bought by 2 people
Oh my god, its you
1 use

200 pts
Oh my god, its you
Bought by 2 people
Kill dis one!
1 use

200 pts
Kill dis one!
Bought by 0 people
Sweet dreams!
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200 pts
Sweet dreams!
Bought by 3 people
Batman Creepypasta style?
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200 pts
Batman Creepypasta style?
Bought by 2 people
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200 pts
Bought by 0 people
Making you beautiful, Jeff styl
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200 pts
Making you beautiful, Jeff styl
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My couch!
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200 pts
My couch!
Bought by 3 people

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