About me:
Life is for living and having fun as you don't know what is going to hit you round the corner!!!! Known for spontaneity, and have been occassionaly known to enjoy the odd glass of wine (lol). You get as good as you give is my view xx
I do not want romance or relationships from this thing, Im married and its only a app, f you try to get heavy with me, I will walk away, I am only on here for a laugh and that is all!
About you:
I'm honest and I expect that in others, please don't bother me otherwise.. if I pet you don't think I want to have your children or need sex with you, just being nice and rtfing you! :)
Yay... came online and found all these congrats for my Birthday, Love.. enjoy slow agonising torture from me for a lot of time! For the rest of you, thank you so much .. *giant bunny huggles* xxxxxx Miss Nicola"~(MiSS.BUN!E)~"
- 15 years, 17 days ago
Happy Valentines Everyone :)
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
Miss Nicola"~(MiSS.BUN!E)~"
- 15 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
Just thought I would share my new, today my mum was made an OBE!! Yay
I am really thrilled for her and also to hear such great news on the last day of 2009!
Also, really want to thank you all for my love pressies this year and to all of you for making for a very entertaining year.
Lets hope next year is even better and the entertainment stays more positive.
Hope you all have a great night, and tomorrow is the beginning of something great for all of you
Loads and loads of bunny hugs xxxxx Miss Nicola"~(MiSS.BUN!E)~"
- 15 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Lets see if this works, I actually used this for my senior management presentation! lol
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://www4.streamingwizard.com/swfobject.js'> <script type='text/javascript'> var s1 = new SWFObject('http://www4.streamingwizard.com/player4-4.swf','ply','320','260','9','#FFFFFF'); s1.addParam('noallowscriptaccess','always'); s1.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); s1.addParam('flashvars','file=lcbt/that nellyagain!.flv&streamer=rtmp://draco.streamingwizard.com/wizard&autostart=true'); s1.write('container');
Miss Nicola"~(MiSS.BUN!E)~"
- 15 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
Wow, what a day, first I had to get into work real early (and I can tell you travelling at the height of rush hour with a bad leg is not fun). Anyways, had to give a presentation to the CEO and all senior managers all about the work I do, really I was trying to save my work... luckily I think they were impressed :)
Anyway got back to my desk to find an email telling me that my sis had fallen over and broke her leg in 3 places!!!! If you know me, you know I am very protective of my family, I was gutted, that might sound funny some.. Well went to the hospital at 5pm and had to wait till 9.20 for her to be wheeled upstairs from surgery (she went down at 1.30pm) welll I can tell you she looks lilke a bull eyed frog from all the drugs but very happy in the world of 'Morphine' ..... just thought I would share :) Miss Nicola"~(MiSS.BUN!E)~"
- 15 years, 3 months, 15 days ago