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Mandi | - Free online hangout and friends
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Deliciously E-ville!!

"Cannon Fodder"

Mandi , 47/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:18 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
Location: Perth Australia

"A life of fur and love"
About me:
Welcome to Mandi-Land Please enjoy your stay
The rides are expensive, but DAMN they're worth it!!!

I SWEAR this is worth a minute and a half of your life!!!

Follow MandiMilo_nBear on Twitter
About you:

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): ♫~§~Mandi♥Land~§~♫, Front Porch Chat
Herds: DanzThumbs, Annie wants thumbs too XD, Welcome to Human Pets, Tempest's personal Spamalculous, Adora´s place, ~Michelle's Herd of Many Colors~, Driftwood
2975 pts

1069 pts

1000 pts

306 pts

"Peter puppyeater"
80 pts

"Susie Q"
70 pts
70 pts

"Sweet Nky"
69 pts

69 pts
Rachel Knows
Rachel Knows
"Sex Kitten"
50 pts
Mandi's tales
How to pretty up your page 101

1 - Create a Photobucket account -
2 - Upload the pic you want for your background into photobucket and copy the direct link for that pic
3 - In your 'about me' box under 'edit your profile', insert the following with no spaces (just copy & paste this code, remove the spaces & add your own direct link)

< body background="paste your direct photobucket link here" > ( and delete the spaces between the <> )

To FIX (so the image stays in one spot when you scroll) your background, add this code in the body background part


if you also want to change the font color on your page, add this code at the end

< body text ="The colour you want" > ( and delete the spaces between the <> )

You can do the same in your Herd description too!

If you want to add a color background in your shop, use this code in your shop description..

< div style="background-color: type your color here from the below website" > ( and delete the spaces between the <> )

Here is a great HTML page for colour codes.

color chart - click a color and it will show you what other colored text looks like on top of it

Mandi "Cannon Fodder" Deliciously E-ville!! - 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago

Yep... Exmouth was awesome!!!

Came home with a tan (while everyone else here in Perth are glow-in-the-dark white!)
Caught a kick arse big fish (see my pics for proof!! - 12.5kg/28lb Spanish Mackerel, 130cm long!)
Slacked off for 2 whole weeks
And as you can see... was staying around some gorgeous views!

What more could I ask for?
Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi Mandi
Mandi "Cannon Fodder" Deliciously E-ville!! - 16 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
_________333333333333333333:n::::::::::::::::3333333333333 ________33333333333333333333:::::::::::::::::n33333333333333 ________3333333333333333333333:::::::::::::n3333333333333333 _________3333333333333333333333::::::::::n333333333333333333 ________3333333333333333::33333:::::::::n33333333333333333333 ______33333333333333333:::33333::::::::n333333333333333___3333 _____33333333333333333:::33333::::::n:::::;o*n*o;333333333____33 ____33333333333333333:::3333:::::::n::::::::::::::::::33333333__ __3 ___33333333333333333::::33:::::::::n:;:::::::::::::::::::3333333 33 __3333333333333333333:::3:::::::::n::::aAa::::::::::::n333333333 3 __33___3333333333::33::::3::::::::n::::::::::::::::::::333333333 333333_3333 _33__33333333333:::3::::::::::::::n:::::::::::;::::::::33:333333 33333333333 _3__3333333333333::::::::::::::::n::::@@@@::::::::3w333333333333 3333 __33333333333:333:::::::::::::::n:::::::@a@:::::::n3i33333333333 3333 _3333333333::::33:::::::::::::::n333:::::::::::::::::n33z3333333 3333333333 3333333333:::::3::::::::::::::::n33333::::::::::::nn333!33333333 3333333333 333333333:::::3::::::::::::::::n3333333*TeAnne*33*33333333___333 33333 333333_n::::::::::::::::::::::n333333333:::::::::nn3333333333333 ___3333333 3333___n:::::::::::::::::::::n33333333333:::::::nn33333333333333 ____33333 _333___n::::::::::::::::::::n3333333333333n:::::nn333333333333__ __333 __333__n:::::::::::::::::::n3333:3333033333333:::n::nn3333_3333_ __333 ___33__n:::::::::::::::::::3333:3333333333333333:::::::::nn3___3 333___333 ___33__n::::::::::::::::3333n::33333::333333333333::::::::::nn33 33____33 ___3___nn:::::::::::::3333n::::3333:::::333333333333:::::::::::: nn3_____4 _______3n::::::::::::3333n:::::::333::::::::33:::3333333:::::::: ::::::nn_____2 ______33nn:::::::::3333n::::::::::33:::::::::3:::::333333::::::: ::n::::::n _____3333n:::::::::333nn::::::::::::3::::::::::::n::::3333:::::: :::::n::::n ____33333n:::::::::33:n:::::::::::::::3:::::::::::::n:::3333:::: ::::::::n::n ___33_333nn::::::333:n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::n:3333::::: :::::::::n: ___3_33333n::::::33::n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::nn:33:::: :::::::::::::n _____33333n::::::33::n:::::::::::::::::*33*::::::::::::n:33::::: :::::::::::::::n ____333333n::::::33::n:::::::::::::::33@@33::::::::::n::33:::::: :::::::::::::::n ____333333nn::::33::nn:::::::::::::33@@33:::::::::::n::::3:::::: :::::::::::::::*3 ____33333__n::::::3::nn:::::::::::::::*33*:::::::::::::n:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: 33@ ____3333___nn:::::::::nn::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::nn:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::3 3@@ _____333____n:::::::::::nn:::::::::::::::::::::::::::nn::n:::::: :::::::::::::::::::: 333 _____333____nn:::::::::::nnn:::::::::::::::::::::nn::::nn::::::: ::::::::::::::::::nn ______33_____n:::::::::::::nnnn::::::::::::nnnn::::::::nn::::::: :::::::::::::nnn _______33____nn:::::::::::::::nnnnnnnnnnn:::::::::::::nnn::::::: nnnnnn ________33____nn:::::::::::::::::::nnnnn::::::::::::::::::::nnnn nnnnnn _________33___3nn::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::nnnnn __________3___33nn:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::n:::n:::::::: :::nnn ______________333nn:::::::::::::::::::::::::::nn::::::::nn:::::: nn _____________33333nn::::::::::::::::::::::nnn:::::::::nn:::::nn

Please dont buy me, I'm really happy where I am right now. I love my owner, and my owner loves me!!

Mandi "Cannon Fodder" Deliciously E-ville!! - 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
It begins with a slow warmth that moves up my body.
My skin starts to tingle.
My mind is focused on my arousal.
Nothing else exists but the sensation of my hands on my body and images of you in my head.
Faster now, and hotter too.
I close my eyes and my mouth falls open.
I think of you.
Of tastes, of touches, of scents.
The feel of your skin, the sound of our mingled breath.
Faster still – my skin is pink with desire.
I feel a build-up in my stomach.
My body tenses with the knowledge that the best is yet to come.
Faster. Hotter. Harder.
It’s an aching throbbing that consumes my every sense.
I am on the brink.
I picture your body over mine, sliding inside me.
It’s all I need to send me over the edge.
The waves start to come.
Flowing throughout my body, so intense.
My pulse is thundering in my ears.
My vision goes blurry
I have the slight metallic tang of blood in my mouth – I have unknowingly bitten my lip.
I smell my desire for you – the hot musky scent of sex.
I feel my body tremble with a prickling fiery heat.
My body is shuddering with an aching longing for you to be a part of this moment.
I sigh with frustration.

©Mandi 2003
Mandi "Cannon Fodder" Deliciously E-ville!! - 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
It’s a burning heat in my stomach.
Butterflies with wings of fire.
Pleasure/pain of extreme proportions.
You energize me.
What was distorted is now clear.
You are the air that I breathe,
The sky that I see,
The earth that moves under my feet when I see you smile.
When you are happy I cry with joy.
When you are sad I cry with helplessness
You stir emotions inside me that I never knew existed.
You make me feel ALIVE

©Mandi 2003
Mandi "Cannon Fodder" Deliciously E-ville!! - 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago


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grace andrew
by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "Tuesday's Grace" - 10 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
Ben Musgrave
Happy Birthday for tomorrow Mandi :)
Happy Birthday (strawberry) You have been given Happy Birthday (strawberry).
Crafted by Unknown
Ben Musgrave "Music Man" Intrigued - 12 years, 20 days ago
Ben Musgrave
Happy Birthday for yesterday Mandi ! :)
Happy Birthday You have been given Happy Birthday.
Crafted by Wayne Nauss
Ben Musgrave "Music Man" Intrigued - 13 years, 14 days ago

Hello You have been given Hello.
Crafted by Unknown
Darron "Naughty Ninja" Peaceful - 13 years, 25 days ago
Arda Whatever or Something Blue

Flamed You have been given Flamed.
Crafted by Shiny
Arda Whatever or Something Blue "Hyacinthus" Thirsty - 13 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
Flying HIgh
Hope you have a fantastic day xo
Happy Birthday! You have been given Happy Birthday!.
Crafted by Unknown
Flying HIgh Playful - 14 years, 16 days ago
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Mandi's shop

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1 use

269 pts
Bought by 139 people
A slinky to keep you busy
1 use

169 pts
A slinky to keep you busy
Bought by 25 people
1 use

169 pts
Bought by 21 people
A kiss blown to you
1 use

169 pts
A kiss blown to you
Bought by 32 people
I pugged your tales!!
1 use

169 pts
I pugged your tales!!
Bought by 26 people
Just checkin out your page!
1 use

169 pts
Just checkin out your page!
Bought by 30 people
I think you're a cutie!
1 use

169 pts
I think you're a cutie!
Bought by 29 people
Sorry to bug you, but...
1 use

169 pts
Sorry to bug you, but...
Bought by 53 people
Do you still love me?
1 use

169 pts
Do you still love me?
Bought by 29 people
I'm so happy to see you!!
1 use

169 pts
I'm so happy to see you!!
Bought by 33 people
You didnt pet me today :-(
1 use

169 pts
You didnt pet me today :-(
Bought by 31 people
Can you come out to play?
1 use

169 pts
Can you come out to play?
Bought by 25 people
1 use

169 pts
Bought by 30 people
1 use

169 pts
Bought by 35 people
I'll fight for you!
1 use

169 pts
I'll fight for you!
Bought by 21 people
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