I have the BESTest Owner
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| Herds (lead): | Fairy Thumbs | Herds: | Fantasy Herd., Ravenheart, °[ Paris WEEKDAY Thumbs ]°, mikes herd, The Watch Tower, Ike´s Thumb Magnet, RoCk mY WoRlD, Heaven's Lair, HOUSE OF BRANWEN, Kitty Land, To the Max!, ~♥Cindy's Twilight Thumb's♥~, DRAGON LORDS HOUSE, Speed Herd: 433+ pgs, Diane's Thumbies, Trusted Thumbers Association, Herd Of The Damned | |
Sherrie's tales
So, I've been away from HP for some time now. I'm just getting back into the swing of things again. Comments to friends, messages back and forth, and of course the thumbing and posting thing. Since my return, I haven't done the "I'm back I'm back". I've been quietly going into friends herds to thumb them. Now in all fairness, I don't post in my herd until after I've thumbed everyone. This is just in case I don't have time to get to everyone. Now I'm not the most technologically inclined person. I have DSL because I work for the cable company. I know I have a fast connection. I also run 3 computers. 2 of them run exceptionally well. Unfortunately, the PC in my home office runs slow. Perhaps a techy out there can tell me why. I have no clue. I have a new ethernet card and everything. Anyways, the reason for this tale.... Because my PC is slower than molasses, when I thumb people, the puter works at catching up to what I've actually done. Apparently this triggered something with HP and I've now been disabled. I understand that people write scripts to cheat. But I wouldn't have the foggiest idea how to do that. There's got to be another way to stop cheaters. The unfortunate thing is, because of this, I will not be renewing my membership and will probably float from HP at the end of this one. I have facebook for those that wish to keep in touch. Thank you to those that understand. Frustrated!
Sherrie I have the BESTest Owner
- 16 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
As many of you can guess, this week was a total bust for me! The weather here has been horrific, traffic disgusting, and work endless. I'm sorry to those I've disappointed by not coming around and thumbing. The holiday season is a poor excuse, but a valid one I'm hoping. I've been given a new project at work and my hours are up and down. I miss you all and will resume old habits hopefully next week! Merry Christmas, Joyous Yule, Feliz Navidad and Happy Holidays to one and all! Be safe this season and in the New Year to come!
Sherrie I have the BESTest Owner
- 16 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
Okay. So I renewed my membership today. I guess that means I'm committed to sticking out the drama for another 3 months. I just wish we could all remember that this is an online forum to make friends and meet new people. Some people come to escape reality, and some come to build on their own reality. Let's just remember that words and actions do affect the people on the other side of the screen. Be kind to one another. Understand that your words can make the world of difference, good or bad, to someone who is reading them. I thank you to my Owner Dark Feline, My pet Diane and my wonderful Friend Susan. You remind me each day that in a forum filled with anger and distrust, there are wonderful people. There are many more of you out there that bring me happiness and joy, and please don't think I've forgotten you. Love to you all.
Sherrie I have the BESTest Owner
- 16 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
The Recipe For Sherrie

3 parts Imagination
2 parts Fascination
1 part Ingenuity
Splash of Bravery
Shake vigorously
Sherrie I have the BESTest Owner
- 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
I'm heading to the in-laws for the holiday weekend. I won't be posting in Fairy Thumbs. I will resume my thumbing Monday! Happy Turkey Day Everyone!
Sherrie I have the BESTest Owner
- 16 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
I Do Believe In Fairies
You're sure to find something for anyone here. Be sure to check out Both pages. If you're looking for something, and I've moved it....Let me know, I'll bring it back.
Myspace Comments @ 123glitter.com glitter-graphics.com
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