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tyler t
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Lost Soldier

Lost Soldier, 40/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:19 AM
Join date:15 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Location: Afghanistan United States

About me:
Did a 14 month stint in Sadr City, now starting my Afghanistan tour. Internet here is crappy so wont be on much. Its cold, but winter seems to be warming up sooner than expected. Still waiting to get into the first firefight of the deployment, hope the newbies do good. As long as everyone comes home alive, i will be plenty happy... that and not being sober 24/7
About you:
Just here to meet some cool people.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Armed Forces of Sgt Boobies, Thumb Mania, Mumbo Dance, Pub o Thumbs, STUDIO 54
Lost's tales
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Lost Soldier
im back bitches!
Lost Soldier "HOT STUFF" Surprised - 14 years, 3 months, 19 days ago
Lost Soldier
so heres a small update. election day in afghanistan was the 18th of september. my platoon was in a blocking position, walking around and keeping taliban out of the area. we had only been out a couple hours, and we got into our first fire fight. i heard the loud "snap" sound and the buzz of bullets, then noticed branches inches above my head were being cut by the bullets. he played hide and seek with us, but later we pinned him down, and i dropped a round from my M203 right on him. later, we were ambushed from the side while we were in the open. i fired as i dove for cover, then started launching more high explosive grenades when i found out which direction to shoot. after two rounds, i sprinted for better cover. i had to step completely out into the open to continue firing, and finally killed him when a round made it throught the trees he was hiding behind.

later in the day, we took fire while inside a building. everyone inside ran to the roof and returned fire. the moment i poked my head up, bullets slapped the wall in front of me. i ducked down, flipped off the safety, and lit up the tree line again. an RPG hit the wall in front of my team leader less than 10ft from me, knocking him out and stunning me. after i checked him out and got the medic up there. when i got back up on the wall, the taliban was firing from three different tree lines, but our mortar teem was also dropping rounds right on top of them.

the final event was in vehicles as we escorted the ballots out of town...or tried to. we had just gotten to the edge of the villiage, and half of our guys got out to clear for IEDs (roadside bombs). they hadnt gone more than 50 yards when an RPG came flying from the high ground on the right, impacting just past the farthest man. as i spun my turret around to open fire on the wall where the tracers were coming from, more tracers flew at me from the buildings right above me. i opened up with the .50 cal machine gun, blowing off the top parts of the buildings. i didnt normally ride in this truck, and the normal gunner hadnt kept the gun clean. it jammed on me multiple times, forcing me to stand up under fire with bullets flying all around just to un-jam it. just as i finished fixing it, our platoon leader came over the radio yelling "LIGHT UP THE HIGH GROUND!!!" so i did just that. after a continuous burst from my weapon, sweeping back and forth across the wall where the multiple RPGs had come from, the fire stopped.

i dont think i have ever had so much fun in one day, and taken no casualties. in the end, i looked at my helmet and discovered one last thing. i looked because multiple people had shrapnel in their helmets and body armor, and chills went down my spine. i didnt catch any shrapnel, but i did have a bullet cut a piece of the camoflage helmet cover, only an inch from my head. i gotta say, after all that, its definitely good to be alive!
Lost Soldier "HOT STUFF" Surprised - 14 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
Lost Soldier
hey everybody. i am still alive, just dont have internet out where i am at. been through some shit, had some fun, even upped the taliban body count by a few. we are almost done with our deployment, and i am fucking ready for it. i may post tales, tell you all some stories of things that have happened over here. take care everyone!
Lost Soldier "HOT STUFF" Surprised - 14 years, 6 months, 6 days ago
Lost Soldier
ive been in afghanistan for a few weeks now, its freezing here. heater in my room doesnt always work, so theres lots of freezing my ass off goin on. its been pretty slow and quiet here. so, so far all is well and safe.
Lost Soldier "HOT STUFF" Surprised - 15 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
Lost Soldier
hey all. sorry to come back to see all the drama going on. nothing special going on, i just been getting ready for deployment. dont know what internet will be like when i get there, and dont remember my address, but i will keep you ladies posted. just do me a favor and everyone take a chill pill. im just a, cut, drool over my pictures sexy soldier. nothing to get worked up over ;)

pic is from 311 concert... it was pretty good concert from what people tell me
Lost Soldier
Lost Soldier "HOT STUFF" Surprised - 15 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
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grace andrew
by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew - 10 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
DeAdLy TaSh
still gorgeous as eva
DeAdLy TaSh "My Queen" BACK TO RUN AMOK - 13 years, 8 days ago
DeAdLy TaSh
snuggles ur sexy ass
DeAdLy TaSh "My Queen" BACK TO RUN AMOK - 13 years, 8 days ago
DeAdLy TaSh
wow i saw ur arrival hehehe
Glad to now ur still about
Take care u
Waiting for you You have been given Waiting for you.
Crafted by Margo
DeAdLy TaSh "My Queen" BACK TO RUN AMOK - 13 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Cobblehill Max
Checkin in to see if your playin safe... Peace and keep smilin!
~ Thank You ~ You have been given ~ Thank You ~.
Crafted by Cobblehill Max
Cobblehill Max "Loved to the Max" Sparkling - 13 years, 2 months ago
DeAdLy TaSh

You have been pounced :) You have been given You have been pounced :) .
Crafted by Unknown
DeAdLy TaSh "My Queen" BACK TO RUN AMOK - 13 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
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