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Corine Edwards | - Free online hangout and friends
Mike Yaoi
Mike Yaoi owns this human at 578813 points.


Corine Edwards
"Booty Like POW"

Corine Edwards, 40/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:22 AM
Join date:15 years, 8 months, 24 days ago
Location: Fort Nelson, Bc Canada

"I am the Kitteh!"
About me:
I am me! Nothing more, Nothing less! If you can't deal with that don't bother talking to me, I don't need the DRAMA!!!!!

About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Im Here, Your There, Why?
Herds: Nerds are Sexy, the Women i Worship .... and me., The V.I.P. Lounge, Common Bonds, Silver's Thumbing Herd, The CB herd Scare Dare!, thumbs for me... thumbs for you., Hannibal's Playhouse
Corine's tales
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Corine Edwards
... soooooooo as of april first this Hp old timer is moving to NS, gleeee to excited new place, new start... anyone in the yarmouth area wanna show me around *grin*
Corine Edwards "Booty Like POW" Growling - 11 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
Corine Edwards
Is feeling a lil lost latly... don't know whats up down or sideways for that matter, just been kinda going through the motions of day to day life, pretending everythings ok, so the people i care bout don't worry bout me... hopefully i snap out of this funk soon, I dont like this...
Corine Edwards "Booty Like POW" Growling - 14 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
Corine Edwards
lol i laughed so hard... i was stapling papers at work in the office and i turn to one of the office girls sitting next to me and am like omg its the paper vampire beware lil papers run now as as i stapeled them, if you saw the look of sheer horrer in her face you would have died laughing i think she may sick the white coats on me wanna come save me if it happens.... ps. work makes me crazy lol
Corine Edwards
Corine Edwards "Booty Like POW" Growling - 14 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
Corine Edwards
I've entered "HP's most well dressed" contest hope you'll come on down and vote for me *hugs*
Corine Edwards "Booty Like POW" Growling - 14 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
Corine Edwards
So I woke up today and realized something... I have more things going on in my life right now that I want happening at one time... It weirded me out that while I was out walking today and passed the bus station that it would be easy to just hop the bus in the morning and leave... and that I wouldnt come back... I've felt this way before but never to the point where i know that if I got on that bus I know I wouldnt come back and really it kinda scares me... Nothing seems to be going right lately, well cept that i've found two people that truly makes me happy, even when all they say is hey... work is the suck and dont get me started on my family and friends... its like im not even a part of things ya know... but i should stop bitching and just go to bed (im so tired latley afternoon naps are my savior) anyways i luvs my people who care and understand the real me not many people get to see...
Corine Edwards "Booty Like POW" Growling - 14 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
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Sweets For My Sweet You have been given Sweets For My Sweet.
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Cheyenne "♥Chy♥" ♡ Unsupervised ღ - 11 years, 11 months, 11 days ago

Let the feathers fly! You have been given Let the feathers fly! .
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Steven "Llama King 🦙" Content - 11 years, 12 months, 2 days ago

a dancing lesson with a lunatic You have been given a dancing lesson with a lunatic.
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Wow , you are so sexy You have been given Wow , you are so sexy.
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Steven "Llama King 🦙" Content - 12 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
Bob E

Greetings You have been given Greetings.
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Bob E " As Good As Gold" yum yum - 12 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
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Corine's shop
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This, That, and oh yea That

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Sweets For My Sweet
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Sweets For My Sweet
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Your Love
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Your Love
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Fixed It On My Own
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Fixed It On My Own
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Walking My Pet
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Walking My Pet
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200 pts
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Stop Working&Play Wit Me
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200 pts
Stop Working&Play Wit Me
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Luv You To
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Luv You To
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Here Take It
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Here Take It
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Miss You
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Miss You
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My Lil Pet
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My Lil Pet
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Luv You
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Luv You
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Hey You!
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Hey You!
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Gonna Join Me?
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Gonna Join Me?
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