Lightwarriors are those who make known all sides of any given issue or topic. Those who defend and fight for light and truth, either in the earth or astral realms. Those who restore, fight for, and keep balance in all things. They are the lurkers, the watchers that sit in rooms, or various forums, and it seems the only time they speak up is when something controversial comes to the surface. Seeming cold, logical, and often times seeming negative, they are often misunderstood and disliked among the lightworker community.
Welcome to the world of the lightwarrior.
The lightwarrior methods may include the diplomatic but direct approach, bluntly honest in nature, but offering encouragement and support where needed and warranted. The lightwarrior approach may range from gentle and nurturing to a more intense, empowering “tough love” approach. Lightwarriors are aware of both sides of the coin, and defends the light by making all sides of an issue known, no matter how unpleasant or controversial.
The lightwarrior is silent, watches the flow of things around them. The lightwarrior is a staunch defender of the light and of truth (in all its various forms). The lightwarrior respects all paths and beliefs, but is quick to jump to the forefront of things if there is something important to be said. Often times the message the lightwarrior brings is against the grain, against the fabric of what most lightworkers believe or hold.
Lightwarriors restore balance. Lightworkers and lightwarriors are two sides of the same coin, but many times end up warring with one another. Both breeds have a shortsightedness to them, and each needs the other to bring forth a complete, balanced whole. Lightworkers, in all their beauty, tend to be blindsighted by such, often oblivious to, or totally denying the existance of darkness, polarities, and those things which fight against that which they uphold. Lightwarriors tend to be intense, often appearing to lack love and compassion, and speak from the viewpoint of blatant honesty, no matter how blunt or controversial. The lightworker needs the lightwarrior to bring to light those things which could block or hinder their growth or path. The lightwarrior needs the lightworker to see the beauty in all things, to soften and loosen up, and to let the love within them come to the surface. Therefore, lightworkers and lightwarriors are balancing factors for one another - they need each other.
Lightwarriors are defenders. They defend light, fight evil, and make known those obstacles which could block the progress of spiritual seekers. The path of a lightwarrior is one of uncompromising battle for truth and defending the innocent…every day is a war to keep balance in the universe.
Cat "Beep Blue" Sparkling
- 16 years, 3 months ago