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Jeanine | - Free online hangout and friends
Annie owns this human at 2545633 points.

new tat .. woot

Jeanine , 24/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:55 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
Location: Canada

About me:

I spend way to much time on this damn site. Some days I can be very chatty, other days not so much. I'm sarcastic more often than not. I'm pretty easy to get along with and will chat with just about anyone. I am not judgemental..ok well stupid people might annoy me.

About you:
You are someone who is fun to chat with, and fun to joke around with. I talk to you on HP but I will most likely not add you to my facebook, so don't bother asking. I use that strictly for family and close friends. You can always find me here, or on MSN so there is no need to send me crap on facebook.

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Nini's thumb shack, nada, Jeanine's Speed Thumbing, Nothing here, Jeanine's 333, 100 pages, ...
Herds: Pat's Paddles Thumbs for all, ~ FOXY'S DEN ~, Lonestar's Main Herd, D thumbs, My Spam Jungle, Naked Snails 50/5., trial and mostly error, SPANKY'S SPEED THUMBERS EXCHANGE, trial and error too, The Revolving Door 30/5, Smiles for Annie 50/5, Bill's Big Bites, Ἤearţ Ḿinḓ ṦṍṷḸ 30/5, Lions Den 5/10, AMANDA'S THUMBS
100000 pts

5513 pts
Jeanine's tales
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Added a pic of the tat I got a little blurry until I get a good pic taken..the white highlights on the ribbons is not actually that bright...I'm a bleeder when I get its kinda sorta bubbly? right now...ewwww lol
Jeanine "♥Nini♥" new tat .. woot - 15 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
Jeanine the adapter did not solve my problems, which I kinda had a gut feeling it wouldn't. So now I have to ship the whole darn thing away for repair, which means I'm looking at another 2-3 weeks before I'm back up and running...oh woe is me
Jeanine "♥Nini♥" new tat .. woot - 15 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Grrrr..... still having computer issues. I just received a new battery and of course that didn't solve my problems, so now they are going to ship me a new adapter. Hopefully this will indeed solve my problems, because if it doesn't, I will have to ship them my whole laptop for repairs. It has already been way to long since I have been able to spend any time here, so I will keep my fingers crossed that when the adapter arrives within a week or so I will no longer have these frustrating power problems.
Jeanine "♥Nini♥" new tat .. woot - 15 years, 3 months, 7 days ago
LOL someone just sent me this:


At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
When you said you had 10 inches, Lord I almost died!
But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long, That I grew strong, and I knew that I could take you on...
But there you are, another lie,
I was ready for a Big Mac and you've brought me a French fry!
I should have known that it was bulls***t, just a sad pathetic dream
Should have known there was no Anaconda lurking in those Jeans!

Go on now-go! , Walk out the door,
Don't you promise me 10 inches, then turn up with only 4!
Weren't you a brat to think I wouldn't find you out!?
Don't you know we're only joking when we say size don't count??!!


I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries,
My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex,
With a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive! Hey! Hey!

It took all my self control not to laugh out loud,
When I saw your little weiner standing tall and proud!
But to hell with your ego and to hell with all your needs,
Now I'm saving all my lovin' for a cordless multispeed!


I will survive! I will survive!
Cuz as long as I have batteries,
My sex life's gonna thrive!
I will always have good sex,
With a handful of latex!
I will survive! I will survive! Hey! Hey!
Jeanine "♥Nini♥" new tat .. woot - 15 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
Finished painting the living room..looks great..exhausted and my back is killing me..tomorrow I get to put some furniture together and put the room back together..Oh Joy!!
Jeanine "♥Nini♥" new tat .. woot - 15 years, 11 months, 21 days ago
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Madame Otter
miss ya!
:P You have been given :P.
Crafted by Kenny
Madame Otter " " Tired - 4 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
Madame Otter

Full English Breakfast You have been given Full English Breakfast.
Crafted by Chris Jeffries
Madame Otter " " Tired - 4 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
Madame Otter

A Bucket of Smiles You have been given A Bucket of Smiles.
Crafted by Star Wonder
Madame Otter " " Tired - 4 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
Madame Otter

For A Special Person You have been given For A Special Person.
Crafted by Joey
Madame Otter " " Feisty - 7 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
Madame Otter
lol..Rob and I just thought we saw you at the Toronto/Ottawa game panned around on the 3rd goal :) are you still here on HP, somewhere?
♥ smiling cookies ♥ You have been given ♥ smiling cookies ♥.
Crafted by Wasabi
Madame Otter " " Feisty - 10 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
grace andrew
by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "BEST GRACE YET!" - 10 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
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Jeanine's shop
Ninis Gift Shack

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I'd do it
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I'd do it
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