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Jeremy owns this human at 60 points.

Hayley Jane
Hayley Jane

Hayley Jane, 36/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:45 PM
Join date:14 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
Location: Minnesota United States

"**..dELiCioUs DiVa..**..I doN't THiNk yOu CAn HaNDlE tHIs..**"
About me:
Well, I've got a huge thing for vampires and I'm a Sagitarrius.. You can look at my photos for a physical description. Uhm, let's see..I love music with my entire being, and reading and writing, singing, and having civilized conversation. I'm relatively outgoing, a tad bit outspoken, but loveable. If you have any questions, feel free to ask..I'm not overly good at writing the About Me section. I refuse to be I would appreciate it if you wouldn't try. I'll back down rarely. If you're searching for a spirited pet, you've found one! ^.^ Although for the most part I am very laid back and easy-going. If you've other questions, feel free to ask me! I am available for purchase, so have fun buying and commenting!! Feel free to get to know me! AND let it be known, I'm NOT here to satisfy "Primal Urges!!" Flirtations are acceptable, but if I get UNCOMFORTABLE, I will BLOCK whosoever makes me feel so.
About you:
I really enjoy meeting new people and being able to talk! Male or female can own me and get to know me =) If you treat me well, I'll remain your pet =)
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Play With Codes Herd =)
Herds: ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, Customization Organization, Layout Codes for Dummies, No Thumbing Agenda Chat Herd!, Couch Potatoes
Hayley's tales
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Hayley Jane
This one's for my Davey! =) Just an FYI that, yes at your request I took and posted dress photos for you! More to come tomorrow!! <3
Hayley Jane
Hayley Jane Ferocious - 12 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
Hayley Jane
Ahhh my new hat photos, posted as I promised you my Davey ;)
Hayley Jane Hayley Jane Hayley Jane Hayley Jane Hayley Jane Hayley Jane Hayley Jane
Hayley Jane Ferocious - 13 years, 14 days ago
Hayley Jane
She leaned against the door and angrily wiped the tears off of her cheeks. She hated him for chipping away the ice that had so effectively coated her heart and protected her from FEELING, she hated feeling FOR him, and she hated herself for hating it. Her fist pounded against the solid oak door behind her before she stormed across the kitchen.

She fought miserably against the lump in her throat and the hot tears that poured from her eyes. He wasn't supposed to CARE! None of them ever had, so why did he? Why did he want to see who she was so badly? Not a single other man had....

The others weren't men. The voice in her mind was soft as it tried to make her hear its point, but she shook it away angrily.

They WERE men, and every single one of them was the same. This one just had a new tactic, that's all. He WANTED to get inside of her mind to break her apart from the inside out instead of from the outside in. At least the others hadn't succeeded in the latter, but he was finding a new way...

She slammed the bathroom door and screamed against the pain that throbbed inside of her chest, sinking to the floor with her face buried in her hands. What IS this?!

Every other emotion she had felt in the past she had learned to bury, to keep it locked away so she could stay far away from human interaction. She had taught herself to shut down and feel nothing at a man's touch and not to show anything to anyone. But then this stranger had come into her life and shattered everything she had worked for.

She didn't want to feel this, to feel this warmth toward this one. As soon as she did something would go wrong. It had to. It always did. She pushed herself up and walked to the mirror.

The broken, bruised, and tear-stained face that looked back at her made the rage grow and she punched it. Hard. Glass rained down onto the counter and into the sink. It tinked as it fell to the floor around her feet and burned inside of the wounds in her skin. He wouldn't want her after this...

The knock on the door startled her out of her hypnotized state. "What!" She screamed and pounded her other hand on the counter, snarling at the glass that newly embedded itself in her skin.

He opened the door and stepped across the distance wordlessly, his shoes crunching the pieces of mirror that lay on the floor. He reached out and took her hands in his own and turned them over to see the extent of the damage before he turned the water on and moved her hands under the cool water to wash the blood away. "Keep them there," he said as he turned to find a pair of tweezers that were in the top drawer of the counter and pulled a towel from the cabinet.

She stared at him while he patted her hands dry and began picking the tiny pieces of glass out of the open wounds. "I broke your mirror." Her voice was cold and cruel.

"You did." He kept his eyes on his work.

"Aren't you going to make me pay for what I've done?" She tried to see the expression on his face, but he continued to pull the shards out.

His green eyes flicked up to her blue ones briefly. "You've already done that."

Her mouth opened and then closed as she let his words sink in. She looked at his hands holding hers in the towel. They were rough and hard to the eye, but gentle and tender as he used them for this delicate task. "Why are you doing this?" She asked again.

"I've already answered that for you. All you need to do is accept it." His tone was sad and soft.

It broke her heart. "I didn't ask for this, mister."

"I offered."

She gasped as he pulled a large piece from between her knuckles and he pressed the towel against the wound to stop the bleeding. "I'll clean this up."

He shook his head. "You'll lie down and rest. You've been through enough, now. I can get this."

"It's my mess," she protested.

He looked into her eyes and smiled weakly. "And I've chosen to clean it."
Hayley Jane Ferocious - 13 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Hayley Jane
She pulled away from him as he lifted his hand to her face, wincing as she waited for the strike to come. But it didn't. The wince melted into awe as he stroked her cheek with his thumb. "What's happened to you that's made you so incredibly cold?" He whispered.

Awe morphed into anger inside of her. She wouldn't allow him to get inside of her defenses. "What do you care?" She snapped. "You're just the like rest of them anyway!"

She shoved his hand away from her and turned her back to him. Her frown fell. Maybe those words were a little harsh...she thought.

His hands slid around her waist and he pulled her close to him. "I'll wait," he whispered against her hair.

She laughed. "Why would you do something like that? You're wasting your time."

"You're worth it," he said. "One day, you'll see that. One day, you'll forgive yourself."
His embrace warmed her heart, but she was uncomfortable. Who did he think he was?

Trying to prove himself different from every other asshole that had used and abused her in the past. She rolled her eyes, but stayed in his embrace. There was comfort, warmth, and safety here. For now, she reasoned with herself. For now I can stay here. "You'll get sick of me too, mister," she said. "You'll get sick of me too, and throw me out like all the rest to find the next skirt to chase."

He kissed the top of her head and rocked her. "I'm not going anywhere unless I'm with you."

She hated it, the way he was able to chip little pieces off of her defense. She sure as hell wasn't letting him in any further than he already was. Not a chance.

He turned her to face him, took her chin, and tilted her head up; she averted her eyes to look over his shoulder. "Look at me," he said softly. She refused. "Please." She obliged briefly. "I want to help you, but I can't do that unless you tell me how."

She laughed coldly. "Help me? You think you can help me. I got news for you, mister. I don't need your help. I'm perfectly fine, and I don't need nothin' from you."

He sighed. "Why are you pushing me away?"

"Because that's what I know," she spat and shoved out of his arms. "Life isn't the fantasy world you're offering me. That place doesn't exist." She stormed toward his house that he'd taken her to after saving her from getting her life beaten out of her by a drunk that had attached to her a week earlier. "I didn't ASK you to bring me here, you did that yourself. It sure would be nice to be able to believe you could give me that life, mister, but I don't believe in fairy tales anymore. I haven't for 6 years."

She was fighting her tears. He could hear it behind her anger, so he said nothing and watched the door slam behind her. With another sigh, he put his hands in his pockets and began down a trail into the woods to give her time.
Hayley Jane
Hayley Jane Ferocious - 13 years, 3 months, 9 days ago
Hayley Jane
Hmm..a noticed irritation..So I was paging through the auctions after I had just created mine, and noticed people holding their hands out for points--with NO PRIZE--and they're ending up with 600,000+ points. WTF?!?!?! Pretty sure that is one of the MOST STUPID thing I have ever laid eyes on here. That never used to happen. The other thing is people posting the NFS crap on their pets. That takes the FUN out of the game! I'll admit, I enjoy seeing that people have bought me and raised my worth instead of sitting at the SAME VALUE for months on end. How seriously dumb...
Hayley Jane
Hayley Jane Ferocious - 13 years, 3 months, 25 days ago
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NirvInch "Bestie" Tear me to pieces, Skin to bone - 4 years, 8 months, 4 days ago

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NirvInch "Bestie" Tear me to pieces, Skin to bone - 5 years, 8 days ago
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