Bundled warmly threading...
Our hands locked..
Snow flakes kiss our cheeks..
Laughter bursts from our souls..
A smile...
A long walk for awhile...
Icy breath upon the air..
Thrust into a dance...
Our mark left behind...
Loves footprints...
Loves waltz ..
Loves ichy kiss upon my cheek...
Our eyes embrace...
Our body swirl..
Red cheeks and frosty noses..
Your smile throws me...
Your playful words hold me...
Your lips warm me..
We dance my love..
My heart jumps to hear those words..
Whispered in my ear so sweetly..
Our movement stops..
My heart stops when you look at me..
Loves long kiss greets me..
Our dance the snows sweet secret..
Hands locked and hearts singing we walk again..
The warm fire calls me to it..
Laughter ringing once again...
A chase begins...
The fire calls our bodies together..
We rush to it...
The heat of our passion melting in the snow...
Our love carries us on wings of joy..
Our snowy walk alone.
Krista "Missed" Bye everyone xo
- 15 years, 2 months, 21 days ago