
"Shay Shay"
Name: |
Starfallen Faerietale, 41/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 8:45 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 3 months, 12 days ago |
Location: | Lancaster Pa United States
"Crème brûlée can never be Jell-O. YOU could never be Jell-O" |
About me:
I'm a mommy of a wonderful little boy and a little girl. They are the joys of my life! I am a photographer a bookworm and a gamer dork. i can talk your ear off, hold your hand and put a smile on your face. Eternally optomistic and romatic, why should life be any other way....
Everyone seems to be writing warnings about themselves....
Well I don't really think you need to be warned about me....
but there are somethings you should know, if you actually
want me to respond to you:
***** I am a hopeless romantic and optomist, nothing
you say is ever going to change that...trust me it has been tried
*****I am shallow and a princess when it suits me...tread carefully
*****I am a proud mommy and my kids come first in my life.
If you have a problem with this, then FUCK OFF
***** I am very sweet unless you give me reason not to be
*****I will NOT have cyber sex with you as I find it to be retarded
and unfullfilling
*****I am very sick of meeting superficial people who can not
hold a real conversation
*****With that being said, anyone who can hold an intelligent
conversation will earn my respect and affection
*****Just because I flirt with you does not mean I am going to fuck you
*****I am a photographer with a great appreciation for the human body...
however your penis by itself is NOT an inspiration to me.
*****And no drama please!.......This is a game, I have many a great
person and many a sucky person on this site....
keep your drama to yourself thankyouverymuch =^D
About you:
the artists, the poets, the faerie folk.....someone who will take my breath away with inspiration
"The boys I once loved began by calling themselves poets and artists.....
Now they call themselves homosexuals"
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Bi
| Herds (lead): | Sexy Dorks, Faeries ALWAYS thumb back! | Herds: | Jen's Thumbing Herd!, Matt's Point Stockade, I could be a Pansexual!, Shameless Thumb Whores!, Out Of The Box, The pink pillow, MEMBERS ONLY SHOP ITEM PROMOTION, CUPIDS HANGOUT, Theresa's Friends and Viewers :), baby dolls thumbs, Fanta Se Thumbs, Spam!- I mean Thumbs! Thumbs!..., Girls wanna play ? xx, Naughty Bi/Lesbian gifts!, Red heads are best in bed, Signed Pics, UNDER CONSTRUCTION, Vintage Faery's 20/5 Herd, Trick or Treat, Dark Faery's 15/10 Herd, Showering with Friends |
"Hanna's Mommy"
2100 pts
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Starfallen's tales
On August 16, 2011 I was laid off by my employer Bountiful Blessings Early Elementary and Education. This termination came right after a case of severe bronchitis that I had doctors notes for and a vacation that was well approved when I got hired. I had come into work on time, started to set up stuff for my class and was asked upstairs by the owner. I was sat down in the office and handed a piece of paper and a pen. Not a word was said to me, I was just expected to sign it and come pick up my paycheck on Friday. This termination also came directly after I reported child abuse to the director by one of the staff member. This other staff member came in drunk to work, flicked kids when they were bad, called them stupid and dragged a 3 year old with a mental disability across the playground by his arms. She is still currently employed there. My son, who used to be a student there came home with five nail marks down his arm (which I have photos of) and the teachers claim they knew nothing about them and never wrote up an accident report. He is saying he got it from someone in that room. One of the owners kids pushed another child so hard she hit her head on the metal bar that opens the door and the mother(who is a teacher there) pulled her from the school age class and put her in her own room for the safety of her child. The owner’s daughter also got into a fight with one of the boys in the classroom putting her hands on him, and she was never disciplined for that but I believe that the mom pulled them out of the school too. Every employee that has pulled there kids from that daycare have either left or been pushed out as I was. Another incident that happened while I was there is that I was asked to go into the kitchen by a girl who was bigger than me where she got in my face and threatened me about spreading gossip that I never even talked about. Said that if I did it again I would be done. (She is the owner’s daughter) There is a severe case of nepotism at the facility, and the owners children (both adult and minors) are allowed to do whatever they want. I was also written up for leaving my classroom a mess (after I had cleaned it for a half hour) only to find out that when I left the owners children were allowed to run down there and play and do whatever they wanted. Regardless, every day I went there I was in trouble for something, I was told that I was hated by the directors and that I was targeting children to get in trouble. I loved all of the kids I worked with all of my heart and my co teacher can attest to that. She can also attest to the child abuse and the fact that I got harassed almost every day. I reported unfair conditions to DPW as I was concerned for the welfare of our school age kids who were frequently left (in ratio) but downstairs in a windowless basement with one teacher. Henceforth making it impossible for any of the kids to be taken on field trips as you need two teachers to do so. After I was handed my papers I filed for unemployment only to be told that I was a week to short of working for them to provide it to me. I am a single mom of two children, one of whom is Autistic and am finally back in school trying to make ends meet. I have no other form of income. I went to the school that following Friday to pick up my paycheck (which you have to sign over to them and they hand you cash). I was told (by the owner at the time that I picked up my pay check) that she heard I had talked to DPW and the labor board and made sure to call them and tell them I was a disgruntled employee that lied about everything. I mentioned I had written a letter a while back about the harassment and unfair treatment that I felt I was receiving. The following Monday, I went to the school to speak with the director in her office (as I felt she was the only one I could come to with my problems) I mentioned everything that I thought was going on (to which she responded well we can’t discipline them because they are the owners kids). I also mentioned that I knew I was supposed to be given my final payment within three days of my termination, but was not paid for the Monday before I was fired. She said that payroll is every two weeks and I would have to wait. She was courteous and polite and so was I and I thought my points were adequate. I mentioned that I had heard, people saying that I was stalking the school. (I live a block away and you have to pass the school to get to pretty much everything in my area). I also mentioned that I felt it unfair to let me go when there were two teachers there that didn’t have all their clearances (at the time) and were being left alone with the kids. I have all of my clearances to work with children. She said that there was no ill will from her side of the termination and that we were still on good terms. After a nice conversation with the director, I went on my merry way to put my life back together and figure out where to go from here. The next day I received a certified letter in the mail (from the school, that is a block away) that they wished me the best in my job finding efforts but since I was no longer employed by them they would encourage me to please refrain from being on the property. Which was laughable but fine, I still was not changing the whole route that I took to get places just so I didn’t drive down the street in front of their school. There was no court order and I was being very civil. I went to my case worker to file for cash assistance and in the mail I received a letter from her saying that my old employer had to fill out a form which I have to bring with me to my meeting next Wednesday. I got up early and went over to the school as to not bother too many folks with my presence. I was told at the door by one of the teachers (who receives CCIS but works in the same room as her child) that she couldn’t let me in without Lori (the director) permission. I said fine and held the door open as it was pointless to ring the bell again. I was then told by the cook that I had to close the door. SO I did, understanding that they had to go talk to the director. Then, instead of coming to the door and even speaking to me herself the director had the cook talk to me over the intercom saying I had to fax or mail said paperwork and she would get to it when she could. I said well can’t you just open the door and I’ll hand you through the paper. Their response was that I was not allowed on the property and if I remained on the property the cops were going to be called for trespassing. I have not done anything wrong. And I still have a form, to fill out that is not getting done. I tried calling the school numerous times, but they send the calls straight to voicemail. I feel like I was fired unfairly, harassed and am being treated like a criminal. I am even afraid to put them on my resume, for fear they will make up lies about me. I really need help on this matter, and I don’t have a lot of money. What can I legally do to take care of my family and prevent more children from getting hurt at the facility? Thank you for your time Shaina R Abbs
Starfallen Faerietale "Shay Shay" Pixiefied!
- 13 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
I am no longer a member....so I can't see the naughtiness yall send me...Just so ya know
Starfallen Faerietale "Shay Shay" Pixiefied!
- 13 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
Today, of course, is spent wishing all the amazing daddy's out there a Happy Father's Day (and rightfully so). I want to take a second to wish all of the Single Mommy's, the Military Mommy's and all those others that have taken on both parental roles (and are often overlooked) a very Happy Daddy's Day as well. Much love to all of you <3
Starfallen Faerietale "Shay Shay" Pixiefied!
- 13 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
http://glorimere.deviantart.com/ Go look now!!!
Starfallen Faerietale "Shay Shay" Pixiefied!
- 13 years, 10 months, 2 days ago
Hey ya'll I am going to be Walking for Autism at the end of the month. This is really important to me as my son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS. If you would like to help sponsor me by donating it would be greatly appreciated!! Follow this link! http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/ShainaAbbs/walkforautism
Starfallen Faerietale "Shay Shay" Pixiefied!
- 13 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
Faerietale Suicide
Lots of stuff...and doom..and goodness...yay
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