Woop! Alright, Im not back here yet but Ive started to miss it since I joined the HP group on FB. Just had to take a look at how it's going over here^^ Emma
- 13 years, 12 months ago
- Thursday, December 3 2009 -
Kind of done with my blog, I'll publish it anyway^^ I still need to write some more on the pet section and links but I've added several posts plus photographs already (I'll use it as a blog where I type ofc but also where I post some of my photographs). It's written in english and everyone is able to comment (at least should be able to according to my settings) so feel free to visit it^^ http://emmha.bloggsida.se
Oh noes..no pig vaccine today either. What a shame.. *not*. I'm not really looking forward to it and I'm not sure if I should take it now as I've been feeling pre-coldish.
Alex has begun to upload covers on uTube btw :D I'll post one of them in this tale. Our friendship has gone up and down quite a lot recently but it's alright for now. I just need to take more control over my head and it will be fine^^
A third thing..and it's kind of about WoW. I've been in the same guild for quite some time now and I fit in with the irishmen, englishmen and so on. Fuuuucking Dublin guy..he pissed me off once and I refused to heal him for several days (we use to do dungeons together). After a while he said "Okay, I dont know what I did to you but it's enough now. I dont like you" with his irish accent^^ He always tries to piss off people so it's fun with pay back! I was in a real shitty mood yesterday and we were of course raiding then..I couldnt have any sound on because it was major echo. Had to restart the pc to remove it which I didnt do. He died at one boss and complained about now being ressed first in /w to me. I had a small go at him, asked why he was so bitter, said that I was in a crap mood so if he wanna piss me off for real this is his best chance. He impressed me:P He totally changed and said it wasnt his intention to piss me off etc. So yeah, the whole thing is forgotten^^ After the raid I, him and 3 more went off to the daily dungeon. 3 of them were on vent chatting, I still couldnt hear a thing because of the echo. Apparently Harry (the Dublin) tried to get me killed by throwing some aggro spell on me >< I was the healer.. and he begged the tank on vent to stop tanking. Argh lol. And the mage went nuts, pulling everything he could reach. Even the bosses. Ah well..the only one who died was the mage ;D IN YOUR FACE HARRY!
Yeah..having a little rough time again. Everyone seems to be in love and the one I want doesnt want me so it doesnt really cheer me up that most people are busy with their love. I can try to forget him, of course, but I really dont wanna say bye and farewell. He means a lot as a friend but he at the same time hurts me and I feel guilt for making him feel it's his fault. All the blame aint on him, it takes two for this kind of problem..
Went afk and ate, I feel better now for some reason hehe. Well I might come back here again. Depends on how many I know is still playing^^
Wassup? :D I'm locked in a room right now, the PC room of course, and have been almost all day *sigh*. Some plumbers are working in the kitchen and bathroom, running around in the whole house. They leave the doors wide open so I dont dare to have my kitten run loose - she's in the PC room and I feel like I have to keep her company. She was a real pain at the beginning, she attacked my feet and legs..chewed on them. The teeth arent any problem because they barely exist haha but god..the claws. They feel like needles and she gets stuck everywhere with them, even skin, so yeah you can probably imagine the scenario when she wants to play with my legs. omg..they just drilled a hole into the PC room >< You think we can sue them and the money can cover the renovation? *crossed fingers* Hmm one of them was in the same school as me, perhaps I should go and offer them cookies and coffee ;D