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Emma | - Free online hangout and friends
Madam Maraschino
Madam Maraschino owns this human at 12165 points.

read my last tale
"The Original"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Nerds are Sexy, Vlado's pets, friends and angels, CUPIDS HANGOUT, worldings, Hubbaesque, The Herd of Fabulous Shops
Emma's tales
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Okay..through a techinical..erm..'hitch' I have found I cannot delete my it is to be left open, but nobody will be home anymore...

Thus ends the play 'Death of a Snorkmaiden' x
Emma "The Original" read my last tale - 15 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
Emma I thought long and hard about this one..but basically I have decided that after this weekend is over, I am going to be leaving HP.
I have loved every last minute on this site, but I have to sort stuff out in my life, and I get so bloody distracted here, that I fear I will never get anything sorted out! x

I have also decided cold turkey is the only I will be deleting my account :)

I will be saying my goodbyes over the next couple of days, and will be able to keep in touch with my dearest friends in other ways ^_^

I may return at some point, but it won't be for a while xxx

Lots of Love Em x :)
Emma "The Original" read my last tale - 15 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
My internet has fallen to bits again..not a happy bunny..I will try again tomorrow..*sigh*

*blows bigs kisses out to all*
Emma "The Original" read my last tale - 15 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
Sorry if I have suddenly disappeared on anyone tinterweb is crawling to a halt..will have to read a book or something I suppose...try and expand my feeble mind :) x
Emma "The Original" read my last tale - 15 years, 6 months, 17 days ago
Proud to have a smiley family! lol :D xxx
Emma "The Original" read my last tale - 15 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
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Vestan Pance

beard love? You have been given beard love?.
Crafted by Cari
Vestan Pance "The Mad Hatter " Curious - 6 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
Vestan Pance

voila! You have been given voila!.
Crafted by Jamie Jones
Vestan Pance "The Mad Hatter " Curious - 6 years, 11 months, 24 days ago

A nice massage for you You have been given A nice massage for you.
Crafted by Unknown
Mero " *Mr introvert*" - 7 years, 18 days ago

one thing that's always real You have been given one thing that's always real.
Crafted by Kate
Martin "Ma lil quiet bat" Sparkling - 15 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
You just cannot close the store, it's my most favourite!!!
Dave "Bogey " Dazed - 15 years, 4 months, 9 days ago
The store is open for ever and ever as I forget to close it before I deleted the profile!

Grrrr...all that profit going to waste, boy I am dumb! :D x
nobody "Frogmella" Gone - 15 years, 5 months, 13 days ago
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Emma's shop
Em's Fancies

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a quick flash
1 use

150 pts
a quick flash
Bought by 87 people
happy birthday sweetie!
1 use

150 pts
happy birthday sweetie!
Bought by 112 people
liquid lunch
1 use

150 pts
liquid lunch
Bought by 159 people
party with me sweetie!!
1 use

150 pts
party with me sweetie!!
Bought by 89 people
you look fabulous dahhhrling!
1 use

150 pts
you look fabulous dahhhrling!
Bought by 156 people
I have no morals darling!
1 use

150 pts
I have no morals darling!
Bought by 66 people
coming back to mine sweetie?
1 use

150 pts
coming back to mine sweetie?
Bought by 26 people
vodka makes it better sweetie!
1 use

150 pts
vodka makes it better sweetie!
Bought by 58 people
I like your profile sweetie!
1 use

150 pts
I like your profile sweetie!
Bought by 15 people
moomin cuddles x
1 use

150 pts
moomin cuddles x
Bought by 67 people
moomins are cute & crafty
1 use

150 pts
moomins are cute & crafty
Bought by 28 people
making myself pretty for you x
1 use

150 pts
making myself pretty for you x
Bought by 50 people
pretty flower for your hair
1 use

150 pts
pretty flower for your hair
Bought by 72 people
moomin love x
1 use

150 pts
moomin love x
Bought by 111 people
cared for while feeling poorly x
1 use

150 pts
cared for while feeling poorly x
Bought by 108 people
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