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Dotz Soh | - Free online hangout and friends
Jerry Chan
Jerry Chan owns this human at 12999999 points.

ditzy dOtzie
Dotz Soh
Dotz Soh
"Jelly's Dotz!"

Dotz Soh, 26/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:07 AM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 10 days ago
Location: Singapore

"lOve the life U live... live the life u lOve"
About me:
Be nice or I'll kick your Butt...
heee.... I'm actually very nice, sweet, friendly & very loving.
please thumb me while U r here!!
thanks for shopping too!!
Join my herd... hOt dOtz...... its fun there!!
About you:
welcome to join my herd ... hOt dOtz
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): hOt dOtz, dOtz hOt, hOt dOtz SWARM 5/10 >>>>>
Herds: diamond, Wowzers, ❤Kitteh Thumberz❤, ♥♥ vOnnmEmOriEs♥♥, Nite Club, 百万宝贝秘密乐园, Lush Swarm, *THUMBSWARM* ™©, ♥ Rainbow Swarm ♥, Marvelous Kenny 5/5, Serenity, Little Pigs thumbs, ♥Hot Pierced Chicka 5/10♥, ღ vOnn Happy Swarm ღ 5/10, GENIE'S SWARM PALACE 5/5 ღ, Crazy Thumb @@ 15/5, HP's Best Owner Contest
"dotz pRinCess"
4388888 pts
Kelly Chanel
Kelly Chanel
"dotz sweets"
3777777 pts

Derrick Vennard
Derrick Vennard
"dotz ChaMp"
1373737 pts
"dotz charming"
1158888 pts
Euphy Yup
Euphy Yup
"dotz fave"
1102500 pts
Lin Weida
Lin Weida
"dotz XMT"
1000000 pts
~ ♥♥ wildwood dancing~
"dotz seXy deaRie"
700000 pts
Dotz's tales
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Dotz Soh
gOing tO <<< LA >>>.... yes USA early in the mOrning of 2nd December!!! will be San Diego on 4th December fOr a day!!! gonna visit the USS Midway AirCraft Carrier!! wee~~

Back in Singapore on the 9th December!!!

dO drop me a post on my page while I am away!!!~ cheers!

will be back in HP soon!!! dun forget me!!
Dotz Soh "Jelly's Dotz!" ditzy dOtzie - 15 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
Dotz Soh

gOing tO HOng kOng in the wee mOrning this saturday 18/07/2009 - 20/07/2009 & will be gOing to kaO siung from 20/07/2009 - 24/07/2009 !!

cant wait tO meet the lOvely Hong Kong HP friends & herdies sOooOon!!!!!
dO drop me a message if u can meet me there!! haha

will be back in HP soon!!! dun forget me!!

Dotz Soh "Jelly's Dotz!" ditzy dOtzie - 15 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Dotz Soh

gOing tO LAS VEGAS & LA this sunday 24/05/2009 ~~ & will be back on the 02/06/2009 !!

if u can meet me in Vegas or LA or Taipei cos i will ba at taipei on 01/06 for a day only!! dO drop me a message!! haha

will be missing my friends here in HP especially friends from hOt dOtz herd!! see you soon!!

Dotz Soh "Jelly's Dotz!" ditzy dOtzie - 15 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
Dotz Soh
its been mOre than a year since I have been playing HumanPets!!!
really have met lOts of nice ppl & friends here!!

especially all of U from hOt dOtz!!! have collected some precious gifts that U have given hot dOtz herd & me!!! thanks so much!!

Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh
Dotz Soh "Jelly's Dotz!" ditzy dOtzie - 16 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Dotz Soh
**** gOing Taiwan kaO shiung from 09/01 - 13/01****

haha!! finally added the cOsplay phOtos which happen during my JAPAN TRIP in Dec08!!
I had tOns of funnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

was sakura in Naruto shippunden with kakashi!! haha & my whole gang of friends!!

never thOught I wOuld cOsplay in my whOle life!!!
lOve my life!!! dreams dO comes true!!

Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh Dotz Soh
Dotz Soh "Jelly's Dotz!" ditzy dOtzie - 16 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
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Madame Otter

A Lovely Cup of Tea You have been given A Lovely Cup of Tea.
Crafted by Madame Otter
Madame Otter " " Annoyed - 1 year, 10 months, 21 days ago

:-) You have been given :-).
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" Long Live the American Avengers - 4 years, 8 days ago
Wayne Nauss

Happy Birthday with LOVE You have been given Happy Birthday with LOVE.
Crafted by Gilly Girl
Wayne Nauss "1 Hot Ride" - 9 years, 3 months, 13 days ago
Mario Ong
Happy Birthday to u
Mario Ong "★grandpario★" ღLovingღ - 9 years, 3 months, 13 days ago
Vampire Gab

Magic Vial ~ Love Dreams You have been given Magic Vial ~ Love Dreams.
Crafted by Left HP
Vampire Gab "Blood Sucker" Inspired - 11 years, 29 days ago
Vampire Gab

A cheeky Cupcake delivery You have been given A cheeky Cupcake delivery.
Crafted by LLB
Vampire Gab "Blood Sucker" Inspired - 11 years, 29 days ago
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Dotz's shop
hOt dOtz friendship store

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so preciOus
1 use

130 pts
so preciOus
Bought by 39 people
yOu are speCial
1 use

130 pts
yOu are speCial
Bought by 87 people
a reMindeR of lOve
1 use

130 pts
a reMindeR of lOve
Bought by 33 people
flOwers Of lOve <3
1 use

130 pts
flOwers Of lOve &lt;3
Bought by 38 people
haVe a geOrgeOus dAy~*
1 use

150 pts
haVe a geOrgeOus dAy~*
Bought by 165 people
waNna feeL yOu clOse~*
1 use

150 pts
waNna feeL yOu clOse~*
Bought by 97 people
sOft kiSses~♥
1 use

150 pts
sOft kiSses~♥
Bought by 129 people
yOu liGht Up mY wOrld~*
1 use

150 pts
yOu liGht Up mY wOrld~*
Bought by 130 people
pRettieSt flOwers fOr U~*
1 use

150 pts
pRettieSt flOwers fOr U~*
Bought by 142 people
wOnderful dAy wiSh~*
1 use

150 pts
 wOnderful dAy wiSh~*
Bought by 132 people
fOr the sWeetest U~♥
1 use

150 pts
fOr the sWeetest U~♥
Bought by 102 people
as sWeet as U~*
1 use

150 pts
as sWeet as U~*
Bought by 137 people
luCky stArs~*
1 use

150 pts
luCky stArs~*
Bought by 105 people
fOr the lOvely U~*
1 use

150 pts
fOr the lOvely U~*
Bought by 122 people
haVe a gReat dAy~*
1 use

150 pts
haVe a gReat dAy~*
Bought by 131 people
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