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Azaria owns this human at 75000 points.

"Tipsy Gypsy"

Azaria , 39/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:56 PM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 3 days ago
Location: Kelowna, British Columbia Canada

"Doot doot doot"
About me:
I am a bartender in training. I am a bit of a hippy. I'm atheist. I like to swim at night, lay in the grass, watch storms, and be silly. I like to bike, throw grass in your hair, and nap when I'm not supposed to nap!
About you:
Please DO thumb my tales!
Please DO thumb my herd!
Please DO visit my shop!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): AzaThumbs, Score!
Herds: We Love Weed!!, ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, ☆___Ninjas Unite___☆, *Bi and Lesbian Girls*, The Alternative Society Herd, Point Spread
"Tipsy Gypsy"
75000 pts
Azaria's tales
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A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00am by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.

'Not a chance,' says the husband, 'it is 3 o'clock in the morning!'
He slams the door and returns to bed.

'Who was that?' asked his wife.

'Just some drunk guy asking for a push,' he answers.

'Did you help him?' she asks.

'No, I did not, it is 3 o'clock in the morning and it is pouring rain out there!'

'Well, you have a short memory,' says his wife. 'Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!'

The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding rain.

He calls out into the dark, 'Hello, are you still there?'

'Yes,' comes back the answer.

'Do you still need a push?' calls out the husband (soaking wet)

'Yes, please!' comes the reply from the dark.

'Where are you?' asks the husband..

'Over here on the swing!' replied the drunk.
Azaria "Tipsy Gypsy" Feisty - 15 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
An Obituary To Notice

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:

- Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- Why the early bird gets the worm;
- Life isn't always fair;
- and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, I Want It Now, Someone Else Is To Blame, and I'm A Victim

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing
Azaria "Tipsy Gypsy" Feisty - 15 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
Growing up;

Your best friend becomes your worst enemy. Your boy friend becomes a prick. Lollipops turn into cigarettes. The innocent ones turn into sluts. Home work goes in the trash. Mobile phones are being used in class. Detention becomes suspension. Soda becomes vodka. Bikes become cars. Undies turn into g-strings. Kisses turn into sex.

Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground? When protection meant wearing a helmet? When the worst things you could get from boys were cooties? Dad’s shoulders were the highest place on earth and mom was your hero? Your worst enemies were your siblings, race issues were about who ran the fastest. War was only a card game, the only drug you knew was cough medicine. Wearing a skirt didn’t make you a slag. The only things that hurt you were skinned knees and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow?

....And we couldn’t wait to grow up.

Azaria "Tipsy Gypsy" Feisty - 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
I dug up an old transcript from skype, and someone requested I put it up in my tales, so take a gander at this weird fellow. I couldn't help but mess with him, and I suspect he may have been thinking the same thing. ;)

BE WARNED THOUGH! It's sick and fucked up.

Part ONE!
[7:49:29 PM] yapkm01 says: hi
[7:49:35 PM] yapkm01 says: i am from toronto
[7:49:36 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Oh hi.
[7:49:37 PM] yapkm01 says: where r u from
[7:49:41 PM] Robyn Azaria says: BC.
[7:49:46 PM] yapkm01 says: ic
[7:49:54 PM] yapkm01 says: r u filipino?
[7:49:58 PM] Robyn Azaria says: No.
[7:50:01 PM] yapkm01 says: or indonesian?
[7:50:05 PM] Robyn Azaria says: No.
[7:50:11 PM] yapkm01 says: then?
[7:50:14 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Caucasian.
[7:50:26 PM] yapkm01 says: u mean white
[7:50:29 PM] yapkm01 says: hehe
[7:50:30 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Yeah.
[7:50:35 PM] yapkm01 says: ic
[7:50:43 PM] yapkm01 says: u must be a student
[7:50:49 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Nope.
[7:51:08 PM] yapkm01 says: but u r only 20
[7:51:10 PM] yapkm01 says: right?
[7:52:28 PM] Robyn Azaria says: That's right.
[7:52:40 PM] yapkm01 says: married?
[7:52:44 PM] Robyn Azaria says: No.
[7:52:47 PM] yapkm01 says: bf?
[7:53:10 PM] Robyn Azaria says: And a gf.
[7:53:17 PM] yapkm01 says: huh
[7:53:19 PM] yapkm01 says: wat u mean
[7:53:23 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I have a boyfriend.
[7:53:25 PM] Robyn Azaria says: And a girlfriend.
[7:53:36 PM] yapkm01 says: u mean u r a bisexual?
[7:53:43 PM] Robyn Azaria says: That's what I mean.
[7:53:49 PM] yapkm01 says: ic
[7:53:54 PM] yapkm01 says: cool
[7:53:58 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I think so.
[7:54:04 PM] yapkm01 says: where r u now
[7:54:07 PM] yapkm01 says: home?
[7:54:09 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Yep.
[7:54:22 PM] yapkm01 says: want some cybersex chat?
[7:54:25 PM] Robyn Azaria says: No.
[7:54:25 PM] yapkm01 says: for fun
[7:54:31 PM] yapkm01 says: y
[7:54:39 PM] yapkm01 says: i thought u r open to it
[7:55:30 PM] Robyn Azaria says: To cyber sex? No. I don't really care for it.
[7:55:36 PM] yapkm01 says: well
[7:55:54 PM] yapkm01 says: lets talk a bit about anatomy
[7:56:00 PM] yapkm01 says: for fun
[7:56:04 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Um.
[7:56:36 PM] yapkm01 says: common
[7:56:45 PM] yapkm01 says: i ask u 1 q
[7:56:49 PM] yapkm01 says: u ask me 1 q
[7:57:01 PM] yapkm01 says: deal?
[7:58:23 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I'm not really interested in asking questions.
[7:58:35 PM] yapkm01 says: ok
[7:58:36 PM] yapkm01 says: then i ask
[7:58:43 PM] yapkm01 says: ..
[7:58:47 PM] Robyn Azaria says: ..?
[7:58:53 PM] yapkm01 says: eg. tell me how hairy is your pussy?
[7:59:06 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Super hairy. I have a three foot bush.
[7:59:14 PM] yapkm01 says: haha
[7:59:22 PM] yapkm01 says: serious
[7:59:25 PM] yapkm01 says: common
[7:59:32 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I'm totally serious. It's the cool thing to do.
[7:59:47 PM] Robyn Azaria says: My girlfriend loves it. She likes having something to chew on when she eats me out.
[7:59:56 PM] yapkm01 says: cool
[8:00:19 PM] yapkm01 says: how do u keep all the 3 foot hair in ur pants?
[8:00:36 PM] yapkm01 says: i guess u dun swim?
[8:00:38 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I braid it.
[8:01:04 PM] yapkm01 says: cool
[8:01:06 PM] yapkm01 says: haha
[8:01:27 PM] yapkm01 says: i guess we'r not getting along
[8:01:31 PM] yapkm01 says: bye for now
[8:01:33 PM] Robyn Azaria says: We aren't?
[8:01:39 PM] yapkm01 says: nope
[8:01:44 PM] Robyn Azaria says: That's so sad.
[8:02:01 PM] yapkm01 says: i think u r a very agitated person
[8:02:08 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Not the last time I checked.
[8:02:15 PM] yapkm01 says: too bad
[8:02:30 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Too bad? Why?
[8:02:33 PM] yapkm01 says: agitated and arrogant
[8:02:39 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I'm not arrogant.
[8:02:42 PM] yapkm01 says: yes u r
[8:02:53 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Since when? :(
[8:03:00 PM] Robyn Azaria says: That's a terribly mean thing to say.
[8:03:24 PM] yapkm01 says: well .. that's wat most ppl are in western world
[8:03:38 PM] yapkm01 says: that's y the muslim hates u ppl
[8:03:50 PM] yapkm01 says: though i am not a muslim
[8:03:54 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Well I'm not like everyone else. I live in the mountains. You would have no idea how hard it is to get internet up here.
[8:04:11 PM] yapkm01 says: u r arrogant
[8:04:20 PM] yapkm01 says: watch those ppl in CNN
[8:04:23 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Tell that to the villagers at the bottom of the mountain!
[8:04:31 PM] yapkm01 says: watch the attitude of this ppl when they debate
[8:04:40 PM] yapkm01 says: u r just like them
[8:04:45 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I can't even go into town, because the villagers throw rocks at me, for I will not join their violent war-mongering ways.
[8:05:01 PM] yapkm01 says: well
[8:05:04 PM] yapkm01 says: whatever
[8:05:14 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I think you're just as evil as they are.
[8:05:16 PM] yapkm01 says: to me .. u r just like those on tv
[8:05:22 PM] yapkm01 says: arrogant
[8:05:30 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I don't even have a tv.
[8:05:34 PM] yapkm01 says: and a fault finder
[8:05:43 PM] yapkm01 says: u know wat a fault finder is?
[8:05:51 PM] yapkm01 says: that's who u r
[8:05:55 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Is that for finding earth quakes?
[8:06:02 PM] yapkm01 says: judging ppl without knowing ppl
[8:06:06 PM] Robyn Azaria says: WHAT!? I'm not an earth quake!
[8:06:12 PM] Robyn Azaria says: What are you talking about? YOU'RE SO MEAN!
[8:06:21 PM] yapkm01 says: finding fault on ppl but cannot see your own fault
[8:06:23 PM] Robyn Azaria says: When did I judge you?
[8:06:28 PM] yapkm01 says: bye
[8:06:42 PM] yapkm01 says: i dont want to waste ur precious arrogant time
[8:06:43 PM] yapkm01 says: bye
[8:07:00 PM] Robyn Azaria says: You're terribly cruel. :(
[8:07:03 PM] yapkm01 says: take care fault finder
[8:07:13 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Enjoy your donkey, fucker.
[8:07:26 PM] yapkm01 says: i will pervert
[8:07:31 PM] yapkm01 says: lesbian
[8:07:33 PM] yapkm01 says: haha
[8:07:44 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I'm going to floss my teeth with my pubes and think about bombing your country.
[8:07:58 PM] yapkm01 says: u should also fuck ur dad
[8:08:06 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Oh I have! He's a great lay!
[8:08:11 PM] yapkm01 says: i think that would make u more cool
[8:08:15 PM] yapkm01 says: cool
[8:08:17 PM] yapkm01 says: hehe
[8:08:18 PM] Robyn Azaria says: It is cool.
[8:08:34 PM] Robyn Azaria says: He taught me everything I know.
[8:08:35 PM] yapkm01 says: cool dad donker
[8:08:42 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Duh, my dad is not a donkey.
[8:08:45 PM] Robyn Azaria says: You're silly.
[8:08:46 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck my dad!
[8:08:48 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck my dad!
[8:08:50 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Is he hot?
[8:08:51 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck my dad!
[8:08:53 PM] Robyn Azaria says: How big is his dick?
[8:08:55 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck my dad!
[8:09:00 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck my dad!
[8:09:06 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Chill! I will, okay? Give me some details first. Jeez.
[8:09:07 PM] yapkm01 says: oooii .. i am fucking my dad
[8:09:13 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Take pictures.
[8:09:15 PM] yapkm01 says: oooii .. i am fucking my dad
[8:09:19 PM] yapkm01 says: wow .. i am coming
[8:09:21 PM] yapkm01 says: coming
[8:09:21 PM] yapkm01 says: coming
[8:09:26 PM] yapkm01 says: argggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[8:09:28 PM] yapkm01 says: coming
[8:09:30 PM] Robyn Azaria says: That's so hot.
[8:09:34 PM] yapkm01 says: holy smoke
[8:09:39 PM] yapkm01 says: i squirt
[8:09:47 PM] yapkm01 says: even my shit coming out
[8:09:53 PM] yapkm01 says: dad .. fuck my ass
[8:10:05 PM] yapkm01 says: mom fuck my pussy
[8:10:07 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Wow. I've never heard of anything so hot.
[8:10:11 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Wait, YOU HAVE A PUSSY!?
[8:10:22 PM] yapkm01 says: put ur whole fist into my pussy
[8:10:24 PM] yapkm01 says: put it mom
[8:10:27 PM] yapkm01 says: i am ur daughter
[8:10:34 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck that pussy mom

Continued in Part 2, the next tale down!
Azaria "Tipsy Gypsy" Feisty - 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
Part TWO!
[8:10:36 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:10:38 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:10:39 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:10:46 PM] yapkm01 says: harder
[8:10:47 PM] yapkm01 says: harder
[8:10:47 PM] yapkm01 says: harder
[8:10:51 PM] yapkm01 says: harder
[8:10:52 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:10:56 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:10:57 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:11:01 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Wow. You're a god.
[8:11:02 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck harder mom
[8:11:09 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck harder mom
[8:11:16 PM] yapkm01 says: i am robyn azaria
[8:11:28 PM] yapkm01 says: ur lesbian daughter
[8:11:28 PM] Robyn Azaria says: HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE ME!?
[8:11:30 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it mom
[8:11:30 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:11:36 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:11:37 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it mom
[8:11:44 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it harder dad
[8:11:48 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck ur daughter
[8:11:52 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:12:01 PM] yapkm01 says: holy smoke dad
[8:12:06 PM] yapkm01 says: now bring that dof
[8:12:07 PM] yapkm01 says: dog
[8:12:16 PM] yapkm01 says: put that dog dick into my pussy
[8:12:16 PM] yapkm01 says: yes !
[8:12:18 PM] yapkm01 says: yes !
[8:12:21 PM] yapkm01 says: it is in
[8:12:28 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck harder dog
[8:12:35 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck that pussy dog
[8:12:37 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Whoa. That is so hot.
[8:12:42 PM] yapkm01 says: ejaculate
[8:12:47 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck harder dog
[8:12:56 PM] yapkm01 says: so that i can conceive ur puppy
[8:13:03 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck harder dog
[8:13:07 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:13:11 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:13:13 PM] yapkm01 says: fuck it
[8:13:17 PM] Robyn Azaria says: This is great. Wow. I should masturbate with my braids to this.
[8:13:17 PM] yapkm01 says: holy shit
[8:13:24 PM] yapkm01 says: u r cool dog
[8:13:26 PM] yapkm01 says: u r so cool
[8:13:34 PM] yapkm01 says: now i have ur puppy
[8:13:36 PM] Robyn Azaria says: I have to agree.
[8:13:37 PM] yapkm01 says: 1/2 man and 1/2 dog
[8:13:52 PM] yapkm01 says: good bye mother fucker
[8:13:58 PM] yapkm01 says: i have blocked u
[8:14:00 PM] Robyn Azaria says: Bye! It was fun!

Continued in Part 3, the next tale down!
Azaria "Tipsy Gypsy" Feisty - 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
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dear new friend,
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schummgeb - 8 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
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victoria132 "sponge" - 8 years, 2 months, 28 days ago

*pounce*  You have been given *pounce* .
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Lenguy "Pickle" Happy and you Know it - 8 years, 3 months, 22 days ago

Enjoy the weekend You have been given Enjoy the weekend.
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none "Ttys" - 9 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
Your shop is the bomb, Some day when I grow up I will have a shop this great. So hard to find a sense of humour sometimes
The Dude says: You have been given The Dude says:.
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J P Livin Large - 11 years, 5 months, 13 days ago
Morris Varney

.. You have been given ...
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Morris Varney "★One of a Kind" Massaged - 12 years, 3 months, 10 days ago
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Aza's Asylum

Rahr n stuff! grr arg!

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