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Bobby Peacock | - Free online hangout and friends
cck owns this human at 250000 points.

Bobby Peacock
Bobby Peacock
"♥ccks♥ (NFS)"

Bobby Peacock, 25/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:36 PM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
Location: Salem, OR United States

About me:
I am just a guy who loves meeting people. I love my online friends as much as I do ones I see everyday in life and they mean the world to me I am married to a wonderful woman for 26 years. I have 3 kids who are all grown and on their own I love animals and I have 5 dogs who are my children now and they think they are human because they are so spoiled You can have the world but if you have no honor you are nothing. Honor is something that can never be taken from you it is something you have to give up. If you have honor in my book you are the richest person in the world because there are so many now who do not even know what that word means. That is sad. Thanks for stopping by and reading up on a little about who I am and God Bless
About you:
About you:
Nice and honest people .I really don't do online chats I am just bidding to be nice.So if you are young that is why I am bidding I am not some weirdo. I have friends here from the age of 16 and higher and have nothing but respect for each and every one of them. May be weird but I love my online friends just as much as the ones I get to see in person every day.I have made some really wonderful friends here and find I am truly blessed to have them in my life.Thanks for viewing my page and taking the time to drop by and read up on who I am and what I am about Bobby

Music Playlist at

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Peacock Thumbs 50, Peacock thumbs 100, Peacock 200
Herds: Shark's Deep Blue Sea, THE TURNERS SEXY ANIMALS, R&P Herders, FAKE AUCTIONS AND POINT STEALERS, Thumbs for dave!!!, Brandi's super fun herd, Mc's thumbing family, Michelle's RTF's, Thumb Promising Scammers, ~~~LEAHS THUMBING HERD~~~, The Human Pets Lottery Herd, $$$DA SPAM PYRAMID$$$, ♥~Q~♥, Sarah's herd--600pages, Pain Killer, Arualle's Obsolete Herd..., Asian vs Western, Thumbs for me, Love Ojarumaru--for private:p, Bloodties 55s, ♡ ⓟⓘⓝⓚ の AveNue ♡, GOD OF SPAMS, Suspected Fakes& Mod Harassment, Larrah's 500pgs, Daily Thumbs :), Ares, Aphrodite, GG 3, BUY, SELL, SWAP :D, Gooberspaz, Bijoux 5/10, ♥ CONTEST OVER♥, Cancer Survivors & Support Herd, THOUGHTS, Michael Jackson Herd, I Love Paris !!!, Mirjana's stuffs
Urumila Thanalingam
Urumila Thanalingam
"Mila "
150492 pts
"Princess NFS"
90 pts

"Little Goosey "
80 pts

"Scrappy Doo NFS"
70 pts

"Freckles NFS"
50 pts
Bobby's tales
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Bobby Peacock
Sorry I have not been around. But thank you all for the Bday wishes
I have one awesome owner and I love my little Sis. She is wonderful
I have always had some great owners and friends here.
I am truly blessed
Love you all and God Bless
Specially my little Sis
Warm Hugs CCK
Bobby Peacock "♥ccks♥ (NFS)" Loyal - 12 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Bobby Peacock
GO SAINTS !!!!!! I have been a Saints fan since 67 when they first started.
I met Archie Manning and even met Payton and Eli when they were teens. The use to eat at Chris's Steak house all the time were my Mom and I worked for many years in New Orleans and Lafayette La.
I even had a personalized autograph picture of Tom Dempsy kicking the world record field goal. I am pretty sure I had every player and coaches autographs for the first 13 years they played
When we moved here to Oregon people would ask why do you back a losing team ?? It is not about if they are the best. It is if they have heart. Most years win or lose they did and it showed in the players and the fans who stand behind no matter what.
Kids at schools were sporting Sea chickens and other famous teams and my son Proudly wearing his Saints Stater jacket his Grandma sent him (didn't have to worry about anyone stealing it ;)
So for all the people who think that you never have a chance. The Saints prove that if you keep trying and have a good team and fans(Family & Friends) believing in you .One day your day will come
Will the Saints win ?? Not sure really. Would be awesome !!! But just the fact that they made it this far is really the coolest
Favre said last night. This is the only night that he is not a Saints fan LOL. But the Saints is and always has been his favorite team
Sorry I have not been around I was really sick for about a week . Felling better but now trying to get my energy back
Love you all

Bobby Peacock "♥ccks♥ (NFS)" Loyal - 15 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
Bobby Peacock
I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful gifts.
I have not been on for about 4 days but I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I hope your New Year to come is Blessed beyond measure.
I love you all and cherish your friendship
Bobby Peacock "♥ccks♥ (NFS)" Loyal - 15 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Bobby Peacock
I just wanted to let friends know that I am not ignoring you. I have a lot of friends and only a little time to be on each morning.
Work season is almost over and I will have a little more time to play
I love you all and you are in my thoughts and prayers every day
So remember I did not forget about you
Bobby Peacock "♥ccks♥ (NFS)" Loyal - 15 years, 7 months, 6 days ago
Bobby Peacock
Please show some support to one of my friend. Sherri is one of the sweetest people you could ever ask to meet.
She is going through treatments for cancer and had a stroke. We are hoping and praying it was only a mild one
Sp please pray for her,Bruce and her family and show some support by visiting this herd
Support Sherri

Thank you all
Bobby Peacock "♥ccks♥ (NFS)" Loyal - 15 years, 10 months, 3 days ago

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Happy Birthday Bobby... :) I still think about you ♥

I Made You A Cake You have been given I Made You A Cake.
Crafted by Denise Rose
Denise Rose "Snowbird 🌹NFS" Content - 4 years, 23 days ago
another year gone by.. hope ur well Bobby ♥
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You have been given HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!.
Crafted by Leah
Denise Rose "Snowbird 🌹NFS" Content - 9 years, 24 days ago
I Miss My Friend You have been given I Miss My Friend .
Crafted by Denise Rose
Denise Rose "Snowbird 🌹NFS" Content - 9 years, 24 days ago

Something To Keep You Warm You have been given Something To Keep You Warm.
Crafted by Denise Rose
Denise Rose "Snowbird 🌹NFS" Content - 11 years, 25 days ago
happy Birthday Bobby... always in my thoughts ♥... have a great day
:) You have been given :).
Crafted by Denise Rose
Denise Rose "Snowbird 🌹NFS" Content - 11 years, 25 days ago
Sending You Lots Of Love ♥ You have been given Sending You Lots Of Love ♥.
Crafted by Denise Rose
Denise Rose "Snowbird 🌹NFS" Content - 11 years, 25 days ago
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Bobby's shop
Peacock Feather

Banner Created BY Char From Florida

Stuff you may just like.
All images are copy write protected .They are all mine I created them .But I do give permission to some people to use.
Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your purchases

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Spreading Christmas Love
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200 pts
Spreading  Christmas Love
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One Hot Christmas Wish
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One Hot Christmas Wish
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Merry Christmas Sweetheart
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Merry Christmas my Friend
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110 pts
Merry Christmas my Friend
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He's Mine
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200 pts
She's Mine !!!
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9999 pts
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Donation fund
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5000 pts
Donation fund
Bought by 27 people
Nice to meet you
1 use

110 pts
Nice to meet you
Bought by 60 people
I am bored without you
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200 pts
I am bored without you
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I love my pet
1 use

200 pts
I love my pet
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200 pts
I Love my Owner
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5500 pts
Puppy Donaton
Bought by 30 people
100 Puppy kisses
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200 pts
100 Puppy kisses
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You wont like my bad side
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200 pts
You wont like my bad side
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