Do you know anyone who has messed up your life?
♥ haha, partly yes coz they didn't really succeed
-Who do you want to kiss ?
♥ Orlando Bloom...ok, it's just a fantasy so no need to react...
-Do you have a best friend?
♥ Cali
-Do you have any siblings?
♥ two
-Where was your default taken?
♥ huh?
-What are you doing tonight?
♥ still the same...logged in at hp and fb till i get sleepy
-Wearing any jewelry?
♥ nope
-Who was the last person on your bed besides yourself?
♥ none...does my teddy bear counts?
-Where is your shirt from?
♥ the store? duh!
-What is one thing you could eat all day, everyday?
♥ pringles and cadbury... :0
-Did you ever make anyone laugh when they were crying?
♥ nope but i made them smile
-When did you last take a test?
♥ a month ago? when i applied for a job in a bank
-Are you happy?
♥ partly
-Are people annoying?
♥ some
-Where were you last night?
♥ still at home...oh crap!
-Has anyone ever sang to you?
♥ no, i wish someone will....
-How tall are you?
♥ are you insulting me? i'm 5'0...happy now?!
-Did you kiss anyone you like or liked in 2008?
♥ no...
-Do you have your belly button or tongue pierced?
♥ nope and i don't dare to have any...
-Who did you sleep next to last?
♥ go on, make me teddy bear....
-Do you have a brother?
♥ yup and he loves annoying me..
-Do you hate your ex?
♥ before but now i don't care anymore
-Do you hate the last girl you were talking to?
♥ no coz she's my mom...rofl
-Whose bed did you sleep in last other than your own?
♥ my brother's...i was supposed to sleep int he couch when my sister and her husband slept over here but then while watching tv mt brother fell asleep on the couch...hahaha!
-Ever kissed anyone 25 or older?
♥ yes
-Are you in a relationship?
♥ no
-What are you listening to?
♥ when i grow up by pussycat dolls
-Do you like summer?
♥ yes and no
-What are you excited about?
♥ grabbing my chips right now and eating
-Seven days from now, will you be in a relationship?
♥ no...i haven't met the guy yet
-Do you like to cuddle?
♥ a lot!
-Where is your number one person on your friends list?
♥ for real? does anyone here keep a list of friends???
-Do you like anyone?
♥ i'm humn...yes
-Do you want to see someone this very minute?
♥ fantasy guy...lmao
-Who do you not get along with?
♥ those bitches on my first job
-Who is on your mind most of the time?
♥ none in particular...or maybe random hot
-Do you think you're approachable?
♥ yes...try it
-Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you and meant it?
♥ yes but sadly i don't feel the same for him :(
-If you can say something to your crush right now, what would it be?
♥ can i have you? lol
-Have you ever injected a drug?
♥ nooooooooo......
-When was the last time you saw your father?
♥ a few hours ago...he's asleep now
-Was your last kiss a mistake?
♥ no
-What is bothering you right now?
♥ finances?
-What is in the back seat of your car right now?
♥ don't have a car
-What was the last thing you ate?
♥ i'm eating pringles now....cheese flavor..yum! :p
-Do you have a dog?
♥ yes and i love him so much!
-Have you ever met anyone famous?
♥ yes, on my first job...a female senator with a male politician...she asked me a favor to type and print something in the office then after i'm done she asked me if i know the guy she's with...clueless i said no then she said his name and his position...i'm not a fan of politics so i don't have any idea...see, i even forgot his name and
-Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
♥ not having food when i'm soooooo hungry
- What are you doing right now?
♥ eating, typing, listening to the radio...damn, i'm a
-What is the last thing to make you laugh?
♥ my dog's expression when he was making a poo...priceless!
-Who were the last people to text you?
♥ Rose...why are some questions here the same?
- What does your breathe smell like?
♥ just a sec...i'll smell it...lmao
- Is there someone you want to text at this moment?
♥ give me a credit first then i'll tesxt my bestfriend
- What is on your mind right now?
♥ none...i'm happy coz i'm eating
- Whats the most shocking news you've recently heard?
♥ that the company i applied and will work for is the same company that my cousin is working with. we're both excited...
- Are you excited?
♥ didn't i just say that?
- Is this week going to be better than next week?
♥ i dunno...i hope...
Princess "Krystle clear" been away for a while
- 16 years, 8 months ago