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JessicaRabbit | - Free online hangout and friends
FRANK owns this human at 600000 points.

® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™

JessicaRabbit , 37/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:49 PM
Join date:17 years, 29 days ago
Location: peoria, AZ United States

"The PiErCeD JessicaRabbit <3"
About me:
i want thumbs i want thumbs plz plz plz???!!! ill luv u forever and ever and ever and ever :D xoxoxoxoxoxo Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

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About you:
id luv to meet you! ne1! i luv ppl especially sexi sexi ladies and guys ;) if u r a sexi lady or guy u should try and join my herds :)
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): The Finest Animals on HP
Herds: MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, *Bi and Lesbian Girls*, Naughty and Bisexual Girls!!, HP's Most Delectable, Girls Only Club, Bi sexuals Of Human Pets!, You're Hot! Pet Mansion, *Girls Allowed*, Orgasmic Thumbs, Hot guys ♥ Sexy girls, Tri Hots!, Bisexual Beauties, private, ^______^, ♥ HPs HOTTEST Diva ♥, Girls wanna play ? xx, LanasAngeles, ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ 2, Pages Done By The Pet Pirate, The Psych Ward
50 pts
JessicaRabbit's tales
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The ULTIMATE NAUGHTY QUIZ! Fill it out and send it to me in a message, and repost to see what people put for you!

1. Your Name:

2. Age:

3. Dick/Boob Size:

4. Favorite position (s) ?

5. Do you think i'm hot?

6. Would you have sex with me?

7. lights on or off?

8. Would you have to be drunk?

9. Would you take a shower with me?

10. Have you ever thought about having sex with me?

11. Would you leave after or stay the night?

12. Do you like cuddling afterwards?

13. Condom or skin?

14. Do you give Oral pleasures?

15. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures?

16. Have sex on the first date?

17. Would you kiss me during sex?

18. Do you think I would be good in bed?

19. Would u have a 3-some with me?

20. How many times would you like to cum?

21. Would you use me as a booty call?

22. Do you like fore play?

23. What is fore play to you?

24. Can we take pictures of the act?

25. Would you send me nude pics if I gave you my email?

26. Who would be in control?

27. Would you pull my hair?

28. Would you let me pull yours?

29. Would you whisper in my ear?

30. Would you talk dirty to me?

31. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue?

32. Would you say my name?

33. Would u give me head/eat me out?

34. Would you let me give you a hickie?

35. How many rounds would we go?

36. What would you wanna do afterwards?

37. Would you take off all your clothes then take mine off slowly?

38. Would you lick and bite me all over?

39. Would you like to play or get straight to the point?

40. Would you want me to take my time?

41. How freaky are you, 1 - 10?

42. Would you want fast or slow?

43. Would you be loud or quiet?

44. Would you want me to be loud or quiet?

45. Would you do it today?

46. Would you do it tomorrow?

47. Would u wanna make me moan?

48. What position would u ........ want me to have u in?

49.Would u fuck me hard

post it as a message and i will get back to ya asap ; ]
JessicaRabbit "♥" ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ - 15 years, 6 months, 25 days ago

(and what they actually mean)

10. I think of you as a brother.
(You remind me of that inbred banjo-playing geek in "Deliverance.")

9. There's a slight difference in our ages.
(You are one Jurassic geezer.)

8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way.
(You are the ugliest dork I've ever laid eyes upon.)

7. My life is too complicated right now.
(I don't want you spending the whole night or else you may hear phone calls from all the other guys I'm seeing.)

6. I've got a boyfriend.
(Who's really my male cat and a half gallon of Ben and Jerry's.)

5. I don't date men where I work.
(Hey, bud, I wouldn't even date you if you were in the same 'solar system', much less the same building.)

4. It's not you, it's me.
(It's not me, it's you.)

3. I'm concentrating on my career.
(Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.)

2. I'm celibate.
(I've sworn off only the men like you.)

1. Let's be friends.
(I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and have sex with.)

JessicaRabbit "♥" ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ - 15 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
well im thinkin about closing this account bcuz the only person i really talk to on here is frank and i have u on IM frank :) i miss the zoobies but it seems like the zoo has died once again... i dunno ill decide wen my membership is up
JessicaRabbit "♥" ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ - 15 years, 9 months, 13 days ago
joke of the week:

To Diet For

A heavyset guy sees an ad that reads "Lose weight. Only $10 a pound. Call (202) 555-0238" and decides to make the call. The operator asks, "How much weight do you want to lose?"

"Ten pounds," he replies.

"We’ll have a representative over in the morning," says the operator.

About 9 a.m., there’s a knock on the door. There stands a fairly good-looking girl, completely naked except for a sign around her neck reading “If You Catch Me, You Can Have Me.”

The hefty fellow chases her upstairs, downstairs, and all around the house. Finally, panting and wheezing, he catches her. After they have sex, he runs to the bathroom and weighs himself. He’s lost 10 pounds!

That night he calls the number again and says, "I want to lose 20 pounds."

"We’ll send someone over."

The next morning, he’s greeted by a gorgeous girl dressed only in track shoes and wearing a sign around her neck that reads “If You Catch Me, You Can Have Me.” The chase takes a good while longer this time, but later he finds he’s lost 20 pounds!

That night he calls and says, "I want to lose 50 pounds!"

"Fifty pounds?" the operator asks. "That’s an awful lot."

The man replies, "Listen, just take care of it!"

About 7 a.m. the man hears a knock and opens the door. Outside stands an enormous gorilla with a sign around its neck that reads “If I catch you…”

JessicaRabbit "♥" ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ - 15 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
hey! go visit ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ its amazing, and the people r amazing i absolutely luv ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ !!!!!!!

c ya there! xoxo!
JessicaRabbit "♥" ® Ŧ ῌ € ≈ Ƶ ʘ ʘ ™ - 15 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
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I Was Here! You have been given I Was Here!.
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FRANK "THE FRANK" - 11 years, 7 months, 15 days ago

Mwah....Mwah.... Mwah You have been given Mwah....Mwah.... Mwah .
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FRANK "THE FRANK" - 12 years, 11 months, 2 days ago

Huh You have been given Huh.
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FRANK "THE FRANK" - 12 years, 11 months, 9 days ago

Fits like a glove You have been given Fits like a glove.
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FRANK "THE FRANK" - 13 years, 5 months ago

Sharing some intimate moments You have been given Sharing some intimate moments.
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FRANK "THE FRANK" - 13 years, 5 months ago

Rawrrrr You have been given Rawrrrr.
Crafted by Denise Rose
FRANK "THE FRANK" - 13 years, 5 months ago
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JessicaRabbit's shop
Bunny's Amazing Stuff

lol i couldnt think of ne thing better for a name so shhh! ne way enjoy ur self in my shop purchase things and have fun :) xoxo

thank u! come again!

♡♡ i♡bunny ♡♡
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♡♡ i♡bunny ♡♡
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falling for you
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falling for you
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a cookie (homemade ^_^)
1 use

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a cookie (homemade ^_^)
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the cutest kiss ever!
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the cutest kiss ever!
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300 pts
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Im so DaNgErOuS!!!
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Im so DaNgErOuS!!!
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i get cooler everyday ;P
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i get cooler everyday ;P
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A Concert Ticket to see Tool!
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Monster Energy Drink... Thirsty?
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a good tease ;)
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a good tease ;)
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