Rambling Emotions
Sitting in my chair
Listening to the patter of rain on my window
Staring at the gray skies
My feelings matching that gray
Do I sit here alone?
Or do I find a way to go on with my life?
Will I ever hear his voice again?
Will he ever return to me?
Did he ever love me?
All these questions race through my busy mind
The pathways of my mind have been flooded with memories
Warmth and love
Bitterness and pain
Tears of sorrow flow down my pale cheeks
Showing the pain I felt inside
Would they even know how badly it was pressing on me
The weight of my emotions drowning me
Wouldn't it be simpler to just fade away
Let myself go into that deep abyss of nothingness
Let my body burn and float away on an angry wind
How am I still here
How did I find the strength
The urge to end it is overwhelming
The urge to fight just the same
I want to be numb
I want my wounds to heal
To smile a smile that went all the way through
To take off the mask
Show the world my true self
No longer afraid
No longer living in shame
Can you still see me
Am I worth anything anymore
Fading away seems to be occuring more frequently
Sinking deeper beneath the surface of those emotions
I no longer want to feel for anyone
To feel their pain
Their happiness
It's more then I can bear
Save me
Before I find a way
To leave this world behind
To go to a place where I will feel no pain
Liesel Herrmann "Vampyress Flame" Content
- 16 years, 2 months ago