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Rishy DeWinter | - Free online hangout and friends
Ball of Fluff
Ball of Fluff owns this human at 41675 points.

Rishy DeWinter
Rishy DeWinter
"Protected kitten"

Rishy DeWinter, 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:19 AM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
Location: With the duck, United States

"My head is bruised from always being knocked around"
About me:
I have anger problems, so don't try to pull anything with me.
I love to be sweet.
Give me a reason and I will love you forever.
Just ask me... I don't bite unless you piss me off.
I will jack your vodka.
<3 I love my sister.
I get sickly a lot so I'm kinda up and down. I love music, photography and languages.
I love to snuggle, and I love my friends. I'm also fiercely loyal...
Trust me, I'm not who you think I am. I've got a boyfriend that I'm head over heels for, so I'm not interested in new people, except as friends. I don't put up with any crap or drama so take it somewhere else. This is me, deal with it. And dont touch my pets.
About you:
I would kill to meet Devin Townsend, The only man that can make every guy I've ever dated go gay.
And Zakk Wylde. Becuase he is a schmexican. YUM.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds (lead): Rishy's Thumbing Wenches
Herds: ~¬»♥Thumbing pets!®♥«¬~, MENTAL,RANDOM,EVIL AND SCARY, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Gay Herd!, ☆___Ninjas Unite___☆, ~Its Simple Dont Touch My Pets ~, Gay/Lez/Bi Pride, Suicide Girls, ~♥♥THUMBS R FREE♥♥~, ~Nerd~Dork~Freak~Weirdo~Outcast~, punk activists, American Hardcore, 450 Pages Herd, The Psycho Herd, Punk Rocks!, I <3 Ska, True Punks, ***WE ARE AGAINST ANIMAL ABUSE**, Scumfuck Rancid Punks, The Alternative Society Herd, support same sex love, Inked Souls, BDSM Teenagers, ©ӐԼԼ ƬĦĘ ƁĘĄƱŦƗƑƱԼ ŞƗŊŊĘƦŞ™, hate work
"<3 RaWr."
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"<3 MineDom"
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"<3 OneeChan"
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"<3 YaNerd"
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3056 pts

666 pts
"<3 McLuvin"
552 pts

"<3 Nii Chan"
300 pts
"<3 Fluffy"
50 pts

"<3 Sweet Momo"
50 pts
Rishy's tales
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Rishy DeWinter
Lol. I sprained my ankle and screwed up my foot.
In calculus.
Rishy DeWinter "Protected kitten" Abused - 15 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
Rishy DeWinter
I want her back.
Rishy DeWinter "Protected kitten" Abused - 16 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
Rishy DeWinter
Last night was insane. I hate when people die and suddenly rumors start flying. I thought another of my party friends died, but it was a typo and its one of Glen's friends that I don't really know. So then I thought one of my best friends' older brother was the one to kill her. THAT was a mess.
The worst part was reading the story on the internet, and someone called him and his family monsters. And his little brother is so sweet, and his mum bartends with me and takes care of me, and they're so damn sweet. So I got really angry that all these people were speculating on what happened, and saying Ash must have been in a gang and all this crap, and they never even knew her. And saying that about my friend's family put me over the edge. I left quite a furious comment and I cried because it hurt and I was so angry.
So I called my friend, and long story short, I was given another wrong name. It's like one of his cousins, but not his brother. Wow.
So I went to Bri's and we watched Baby Mama. Which made me giggle. And I had my first caffine in eight months, which... I don't really think I've been missing out on too much. Speaking of which. I get my staples out tomorrow!!
-- Amanda, please don't be angry or hurt because I haven't talked to you in a while. Things have been complete chaos and I'm trying to get it all settled. Smile for me--
Rishy DeWinter "Protected kitten" Abused - 16 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
Rishy DeWinter
Well. Girlie has other plans, so it seems, so I'm pretty alone. First time in eight months. Weird, huh? I have a side story.
Me and this dude (I'll call him Bob) dated a few times, and it just didn't work out becuase I wasn't exactly sober and he hated that. And so now he lives with another of my Ex's (I'll call him... Mogli) which sucks. They tend to both text me and give out my number to people to help harass me. So Mogli is going to jail soon and we actually talked a bit.
But here's the thing. Bob might be a jerk... he told me to drink bleach until I kill myself, another time he said he hopes I kill myself but the issue with that is that someone would have to clean my "sorry ass" up.
So anyways. I still feel really really deeply for him. And... I'd go back to him in a heartbeat.
Today he told me to f"ck off, and I told him to give me a chance. He agreed to give me five minutes, and I'm not sure when, but I'm really nervous. I can't afford to screw this up.
Rishy DeWinter "Protected kitten" Abused - 16 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
Rishy DeWinter
The viewing was tonight. Cody and I met Trevor there, and we sat in the room for a long time. And I was okay for a while. Until I started remembering everything. I went out in the hall and cried a bit, and found two friends and held them for dear life, and went back in. And I didn't want to make Trev cry, and I didn't wanna worry Cody, so I tried to hide it.
Trev and I went to see Seth. And I lost it from there. One of my friends hated Seth, and he said he was glad he's dead and so is Brian, but I grew up with Brian, and he killed himself. And I hate my friend for saying that, I hate him....
I can't handle death. I can't handle it when people cry, and hurt... And you could smell death, and Seth looked so... broken...
Cody held me on the way home, he was my sanity. I needed him so bad.
Thank you toady.
Rishy DeWinter "Protected kitten" Abused - 16 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
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LiL SiNz

Wanna get dirty... with me? You have been given Wanna get dirty... with me?.
Crafted by Carmen
LiL SiNz "Ma Belle Riene" be back soon - 15 years, 8 months, 5 days ago
LiL SiNz

I'm Checkin you out You have been given I'm Checkin you out.
Crafted by Mikey
LiL SiNz "Ma Belle Riene" be back soon - 15 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
LadY HeatheN

Harley Quinn You have been given Harley Quinn.
Crafted by Neurosis
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" We Will Own You - 15 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
miss rishy... come check out my new tale... its very very cool
a dyslexic cow You have been given a dyslexic cow.
Crafted by Trace
Red "Red" REDiscoveRED - 15 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
Amanda Kenney
i don't have enough money to buy you back now.

Amanda Kenney "Black Roses Red" Tired - 15 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
Destructika Sinner

takinG yoU foR a ridE You have been given takinG yoU foR a ridE.
Crafted by bloodiful
Destructika Sinner "Satans Whore" Growling - 15 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
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Rishy's shop

Kick ass stuff

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a donation to Rishy <3
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a donation to Rishy &lt;3
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a lift
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a lift
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great news!
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great news!
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Brody Dalle
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Brody Dalle
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Happy hump day!
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Happy hump day!
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cavity search
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cavity search
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some angst
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some angst
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Look! A Wild Snorlax!
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200 pts
Look! A Wild Snorlax!
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Demon Pokemon
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Demon Pokemon
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A Pedosmile
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200 pts
A Pedosmile
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Glenn Beck
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Glenn Beck
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No Suicide
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No Suicide
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