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"my hot hubby"
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"my sexy wife "
193419 pts
"my dream lady "
124110 pts
"double trouble 1"
53882 pts
"loved one "
50681 pts
48590 pts
"All 6 for 1"
39608 pts
"Soul Friend!!"
24912 pts
"beuty qween"
2000 pts
1050 pts
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Unknown's tales
this is just 4 the woman im doing reserch i was wondering what woman like and what makes them happey and what they want from a man ? post in my comment page the answer please so that us men can read and learn much apreshated cant wait to read your thoughts
Unknown "my hot hubby" Purring
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
and i was reading about this stupid woman protest about breast feeding i belive if your sapose to be feeding your baby mabey you should not bee shopping when you should be nutreing you baby and theres also a thing called respect if it bothers some one that your feeding you baby slach expsoing parts that might give some one the rong thoughts then you should respect them just like the company that bought rooms 4 mom that need to breast feed in public they respected you by spending big bucks to put them in there stores just 4 u so mabey you mothers should think about that b4 you protest woamn rites cuz as far as i am consened you woman have the same rites as every one else i was a kid when i had the me me me me mentality level i am older and wiser and i live in a big world full of others not just me and as a matter of fact i belive it was moms thart thought we should respect others as we our selfs would want tp be treeted i see much bigger problims in the world that should be delt with that are more important then the moms feeding in a public place like war and drugs for example that would be a much better protest to deal with and im just saying my opinion i am sorry if ne person takes offence to this tale
Unknown "my hot hubby" Purring
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
i am not on 4 a month 2 much sorry but will be back on soon
Unknown "my hot hubby" Purring
- 16 years, 8 months ago
i have learned so much in the last little while about the problims in the world the problim is no most people are doing nothing to solve it people have feeling and some time all they need is a friend not shrinks doctors the goverment all those people dont care about you and your life your just a number and a pay check to them ! i hope some peopl who read this take a second to think about some one out ther whos hurting or just down and out love is the cure and love is not just boyfriend girlfriend hubbi wife its frienship its kindness and some times thats all it takes
Unknown "my hot hubby" Purring
- 16 years, 9 months, 26 days ago
i also have thumbs in rucha's frnds and i will pay half points if ne one thumbs me there thanks just messge me when done ill pay in a aution and i will look at my thumb counter to see how much i owe
Unknown "my hot hubby" Purring
- 16 years, 10 months, 2 days ago
happy times lol
shop shop and shop lol
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