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"jen ben♥"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Nerds are Sexy, ☆___Ninjas Unite___☆, ANIME LOVERS, ♡ YELLOW FEVER, I ♥ THE PHILIPPINES, Anime/korean and japanese dramas, Jdrama Fandom
Unknown's tales

I need a what?!?

Hmm...yea i don't really know how to start this off...
but the past few weeks have been quite hard on me, even though i try not to show it to others...well here we go...

For those who don't know whats going on with me here it is...
I was born with a Heart Murmer called Hypertophic Cardiomyopathy, in simple terms my heart is rather thick on one side which makes it hard for my heart to pump blood normaly than others. Well, about two weeks ago i had an appointment for a check up since i've been having some slight problems doing normal things since January and my auntie had recommended me to this well known Doctor... well they took some test check me out and what not dont really wanna get into details but if you guys ask ill tell you...anyways after these test they had told me that the symtoms i've been having are the signs of "Heart Failure" and that i would need to have a Heart Transplant.......i've been in the hospital for the past two weeks now, and don't really know when they will be able to check me out. At times like this i wonder why things like this happen. I mean DUH life will be hard but damn...does it really have to be so freakin harsh? Im not here to blame god for this happening, cause if he wanted he could have just ended it three years ago, but he didnt. *sigh*

I'm not telling you guys because i want sypmpathy NO i dont... i dont want anyone to feel sorry for my friends I just want to know that you guys will be there for me and care. lol like my brother joel said, "They may take my heart but they won't take my brain." haha.. kinda funny but always gonna be who i am and this wont really fade me... I made it through surgery once before i can do it again... gosh i really miss my friends i hate it here staying confided in a room all day... i mean yea i can go walk around the hospital and get some fresh air but shit who wants to stay here??? Hospitals= weird smells, boring as hell, rather depressing with all the ill patients (me included).....BLEH

[edit May 8, 2008]

The Law of Supply and Demand
Many patients find that waiting for a donor heart is the hardest part of the transplantation process. Nobody can tell you when the call will come or how long the wait will be. Sadly, this part of the process falls outside of human control.

The demand for donor hearts is greater than the supply. At any given time, about 3,000 patients are on the national patient waiting list for a heart transplant, but only about 2,200 donor hearts become available for transplantation each year. In the United States, the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) determines priority for a heart transplant by grouping patients by the severity of their heart condition. This grouping lets those who need a transplant most be considered first. The groupings are as follows:

* Status 1A – includes very ill patients who need constant inotropic medicines or mechanical assistance (left ventricular assist devices); these patients are expected to live less than one month without a transplant.
* Status 1B – includes medically stable patients who need constant inotropic medicines or mechanical assistance (left ventricular assist devices); these patients are expected to live more than one month without a transplant. [ill probably be one of these people since ill be getting a heart defibrillator (pace maker) just in case i go into cardiac arrest at anytime.]
* Status 2 – All patients who do not meet the above standards.

Donor hearts usually come from people who have died of injuries that have spared the heart. Matching these donors with transplant candidates can be difficult. First, trauma patients must be quickly taken to hospitals and identified as donors. The hospital must have approval to remove the donor heart. Medical and laboratory tests are needed to find out the condition of the donor heart and what the donor's blood type is. When a donor and a candidate are in different parts of the country, it becomes a race against time. A donor heart cannot safely be outside of the body for more than four hours. In the United States, 141 UNOS-approved heart transplant programs work together to make sure that every donor heart that can be used is used.

[edit May 21, 2008]

It has been a month now and im still here in the hospital. Its like its another problem after another...another promise to go home after the next. First it was yes Jen you can go home tomorrow =]...comes tomorrow morning im going to need a minor surgery procedure to put a ICD or Heart Defribrillator in two days after I started to have some little problems find out that i have a blood clot on the left arm [looks like someone beat the shit out of me]...ehhh i dunno few days ago they said that i was gonna be able to go home come next morning again they say that my iron level went down and their gonna have to keep me another day >=[ this is really gettin old so im just not gonna believe them when they tell me until i actually get out of yea i guess thats pretty much whats been happening nothing new really just waiting to get out now....

[ edit May 31, 2008]

hmm...well its been about two weeks since i've been out of the hospital, which im quite happy for. I felt A LOT better when i got to see my friends that i havent to in a long time even though i didnt get to chill with them for long...the feeling of having friends that really care is truly a blessing and im greatful to all of you. As for my condition/status right now that pace maker in..still kinda sore from when they put it >_<... legs still kinda swollen taking more meds for that *sigh* which kinda sucks hate trying to remember but its all for my own good so yeah ...gotta keep up with that if i want to loose all this fluid build up out. Man... i never thought that being home could make me so happy....i tell ya being in the hospital is no joke forealz you'd go crazy but i guess imma pro at it since i've already been through something like this... again i want to give thanks to all my friends who have showed their love and thank you all for helpin me keep strong in times like this........well thats all for now

[to be continued...]
Unknown "jen ben♥" Serene - 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
so yea gonna be in the hospital for about a week....wish me luck guys and hope nothing is wrong with my heart....
Unknown "jen ben♥" Serene - 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
so yea i've been thinking...

the things you go through is what makes life worth while...if you didnt go through the things you do then you wouldnt learn nor would you be the person you are now if they havent happened. just to think that about two years ago i was faced with something that changed my life. that thing was something of the medical sort... i had found out a few days after my birthday in 2006 that there was a tumor in the left side of my brain close to my eye. funny thing was the day i found out i was all worried cuz i was scheduled to work and i would have to make my friend dixie find another person to cover my shift. Of course, afterwards was when i started freaking out that i had a tumor... to think i was born with a heart murmur now this? I wondered why me? why do i have to go through something that could just take my life away like that in a few months or so. After my family and i have found out the doctors said that i would have to go through surgery to take it out which was scheduled a week after. That following week came and i went into that room never knowing if i would come out alive or not. I personally didnt want to show that i was scared to death to my parents to make them even worry more, so i didnt. They said it wasnt even and hour into it that i went into cardiac arrest and took them five minutes to bring me back. before that the only thing they did was shave the part of my head where they were to make the incision and just put IVs thats all but what made me go into cardiac arrest was because one of those IVs went in the wrong place and punctured my lung. I woke up 48 hours after that when they had told my mom that i wasnt going to wake till 72 hours... After i woke up yea i was pissed that they messed up and all they did was shave my hair off lolz... thats all i could think of lol my precious hair haha it took a long time to grow it out to that length hehe.. Anyways...after that incident they had to schedule another try which was the next month afterward and as you can tell i made it through that one lucky me....

I think after that i had a totally different way of how i looked at my life. There are things that you cannot control. and like the quote on my page We can discover the meaning of Life in three ways: [1] By doing a deed, [2] By experiencing a value, and [3] by suffering...

ehh... im a lil tired so ill just finish the rest later.
Unknown "jen ben♥" Serene - 16 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
one of my fav. korean songs Kiss- Because I'm a Girl ^__^

one of my fav. japanese songs Yui- Rolling Star

Unknown "jen ben♥" Serene - 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago

Unknown "jen ben♥" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago

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rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ♥
dixie "missed" Peaceful - 16 years, 6 months, 14 days ago
ahhh LMAO that was sooooo FLIPPING weird... asdflksdjf >_<

anywhoooo i had fun with youuuuu i miss your lil skank booty

You have been given Hugs!.
Crafted by Puna
dixie "missed" Peaceful - 16 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
Just stopping to say hello to a cutie from Texas.
Terence "~Hawaii QT pet~" Peaceful - 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
thanks for the pet! OMG! You have Downtown Gaki no Tsukai's video in ur tales! I LOOOOVE THEM!
You have been given a trip to waterfall.
Crafted by Puna
Kyurisu "♥Kyurisu" Ecstatic - 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
Whats up fellow Texan!
Unknown "teXas" Feisty - 16 years, 9 months, 18 days ago

i hope you are gettin ready for hot sex lol
dixie "missed" Peaceful - 16 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
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