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Jyung_woo's tales
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37 questions

1. Are you and your best friend similar or different?

2. how well do you know your friends?
My best friends i know extremly well...i think the better we know each other the closer i am to them

3. ever walked in the rain cuz you feel like it?
Yes many times and just stared up at the sky

4. what country have you been to?
Never been outside america =(

5. ever know you are in a dream when you are dreaming?
I used to a looong time ago and i was able to control myself in the dream for a little while...i can't do it anymore

6. which element are you? Fire water earth air
Definately fire in fact our ddr team name is team element and im the flame cuz im the fastest and play with the fury

7. what is your favorite color?
Like turqoise but a lighter neon green

8. longest grudge you have.
lol probly back when i was in elementary school i was mad at one kid for like years...i dont even remember why =P

9. most… unusual thing you did for your bf/gf.
...I dont even remember its been that long since i've had a gf.

10. fav TV channel?
cartoon network/ adult swim

11. longest paper you had to write
uhhh i got in trouble a lot and had to write many.... dont remember really...

12. ever jumped off a roof?
Yes, i used to do it a lot when i was about 13 -ish to see if i could break the fall by rolling on impact, and it worked =D

13. ever got into a fight?
Yes several, for some reason people liked to test me when i was younger

14. most embarrassing moment?
its not embarassing now that i think about it, but once i confessed to a girl that i really liked her and everyone found out and i was soo embarassed...but she was pretty ^_^...that was loooooong ago

15. Fav place to shop?
japan town mall in san francisco definately

16. What are you most afraid of?
Losing my closest friends

17. ever seen a real criminal? Robber… etc etc etc
yeah...ummm many stories behind that, i grew up in a baaaad neighborhood ask jae kwan he knows...

18. ever had a knife under the pillow? O_o;
Yes...for protection....BAAAD neighborhood

19. would you ever do… non exclusive dating? Like date more than 1 person at once as long as everyone is fine with it?
Maybe... i doubt it though...i like to take dateing seriously and i dont think i could like that ya know? its really situational

20. longest non-stop shopping you have done.
0_0 anime expo last year, i walked into the dealer's hall with 300 dollars and came out with like 8 bags and 13 dollars

21. long time you have gone without sleep and why?
my first con they said the really hardcore otakus don't sleep so we made it like a game i went 2 days and about 4 hours

22. know any other language?
Not fluently, spanish and japanese

23. ever like someone but your friends hated him/her?
Yes, but i didn't care what my friends thought and they respected that, thats why they are my best friends ^_^

24. I like cookies ^^
me too, i had an ice cream cookie sandwich once,i gained like two pounds from it

25. was that random?
not really...i like cookies

26. coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi, i think it has more caffine...coke does taste better tho but i preffer pepsi

27. what kind of food do you like? Indian… Italian etc etc
i like lots, its like split three ways mexican, italian, and japanese

28. gimme a picture of your room ^^
I WANTED TO POST MY ROOM PIC FOR SOOO LONG! but i need a soon as i can get my hands on one i will

29. which one is worse.. being chased or doing the chasing?
depends, im optimistic so if you say being chased i imagine a pretty girl chasing me....

30. love someone enough to die for them? This includes everyone.
YES! thought about jumping in front of bullets heroicly sometimes...and joked about it with friends like when we cross the street and a car slows down i pretend slo motion and go " NOOOOOOooooooooo...." and push them slowly

31. love someone enough to die for them? This one exclude family members.
32. one word. Describe your first date ^^

33. most fashionable person you know~
tie, Eugene and Hiro

34. what is the longest time you have known people use to get ready?
Jae Kwan takes hours to do his hair -_-

35. how many people do you have on cell phone?
....about 50

36. how many people you have on all IM. msn&aim&yahoo&all others
over 160 less than 200

37. final question! Believe in flirting with all as long as it gets you what you want?
I believe in flirting with all until you're taken, and if you're taken and you still flirt... tsk tsk shame...
but of course flirting is all in good fun and can lead to dating =D

Jyung_woo "Street Farter" Serene - 16 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
sorry all my awesome friends on HP i will be away for a few days cuz i will be attending fanime i will miss you all very much!!!!
please leave lots of hugs and comments for me to come back to BYE BYE ^_^V
Jyung_woo "Street Farter" Serene - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
So me and my bestest friends went out to japan town in frisco on my burfday and took some pix, it was the happiest birthday i've had since my birthday LOOOOOng ago when i got a super nintendo...i love my friends ^_^
Jyung_woo "Street Farter" Serene - 16 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
so yeah im totally addicted to HP, everyone is so cool i feel like its a whole anime con slammed into my anime chatting music chatting and other random stuff.
i win ^_^
Jyung_woo "Street Farter" Serene - 17 years ago

Ok this is probably the most offensive blog/tale there is but a LOT of girls keep asking me why i don't have a girlfriend and i guess i just have high standards or something and they just dont buy it so...

i've come up with my own system that i THINK works im not sure if its breakable because its just a prototype but if everyone had one on their tale it'd be a lot easier to see where you stand, and i hope im not the only one that gets curious if someone else is your type

AND im brutally honest but i hope people would be honest with me too i think its easier to know the truth even if it hurts

point system
scales of 1-100
Looks 1- 100: beauty, as "I" see them not others

personality 1-100: compatibility, how i can relate to them and maintain well balanced conversations as well as interests

bonus and deduction points

+25 for being asian because i have a thing for asian girls...i wish i knew what it was about them

+25 to everyone if for some reason i'm high....i don't smoke as much as i used to but i wont hide it either

+10 for good/accurate cosplay

+10 for getting along with my best friends

-3 points for every year of our age difference

-25 for every child.... sorry but if you have children you should be focusing your love to them, they needs lots of attention

-50 for dating or being in a relationship with a friend of mine that i have known before you

-100 for dating or being in a relationship with one of my family members

Final score

a total of 125 to 140 means i would probably only want sex for one night and/or sadly not take the relationship seriously

a total of 141 to 185 means i would take the relationship seriously

a total 0f anything above 185 and i'd probably be obsessed with you and scare you away XD

if you wish to know your score you can message me and i could give you an estimate

im totally gonna get flamed for this
Jyung_woo "Street Farter" Serene - 17 years, 3 days ago
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Brittany Lynn
xxxholic? Lol
And thanks :]
bunch of best wishes for you You have been given bunch of best wishes for you.
Crafted by jennifer
Brittany Lynn "Bluebelle" Happy As Can Be^^ - 13 years, 8 months, 21 days ago

Evil Laugh You have been given Evil Laugh.
Crafted by Emily Ang
tarieness "ღbunny haroღ" Hungry - 14 years, 26 days ago

♫♫ Music for Your Day ♫♫ You have been given ♫♫ Music for Your Day ♫♫.
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Candy "sugar" Curious - 14 years, 27 days ago
yep that's how you do it ^__o... lol...
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whoo food...and here you go.. b/c i need to get rid of it before it become too ridiculous to give away lol
Happy Valentines Day Sweetie You have been given Happy Valentines Day Sweetie.
Crafted by Matt Urquhart
tarieness "ღbunny haroღ" Hungry - 14 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
Jessica S

Howdy and Hello! You have been given Howdy and Hello!.
Crafted by Julie M
Jessica S "Jessica" Loving - 14 years, 2 months ago
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Jyung_woo's shop
The J's list

just stuff i thought was interesting, video game or anime related mostly

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