It was a night like any other, the day had been long and uneventful, and everything was just as it always had been. Or, that's what she though. Serene had just gotten home from a long day of work, running errands, and visiting friends. As she unlocked the door to her lonely apartment she had one thought in her mind. Sleep. She opened the door slowly, contemplating wether or not she should heat something up for dinner, or just have a nap on the couch and eat later. As if in a dream she carried out her usual routine, shut the door, lock the door, take off her shoes, hang up her coat, put down her purse. She drudged into the kitchen groggily, and opened the fridge. Scanning the shelves she saw nothing that would serve as a quick fix for her hunger, so she headed to the couch in the living room. Thats when she noticed it. Something wasn't quite right about the place. She couldn't tell what, but she knew it was wrong. She shrugged it off, thinking she's probably just being paranoid because she's tired. She layed on the sofa, turned on the tv, and fell asleep to the tune of her favourite late night show.
Later that night she awoke with a start. Turning over slowly, she glanced around the room. She saw something she had hoped she would never see. There was a strange man in her apartment, a man she had never seen before, and who had no way of getting in. Frightened she decided to stay put, and watch his movements. He was tall, with a masculine build. Probably about 6 feet, bushy brown hair, and dark skin. He walked right past her, and the smell that lingered in the air was strong and musky. A mixture of manly sweat and nice smelling cologne. Whoever this man was, he sure had good taste. She realized it then, she had noticed that scent earlier, but hadn't quite picked up on it. The question kept running through her mind, who is he, how did he get in? But suddenly she was drawn from her thoughts, when he addressed her, "Ahh, Serene, it's nice to know you're finally awake, you've been sleeping for some time now."
Care to know what happens next? go to and read the rest of my story
Unknown "The Chosen One" Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 11 days ago