by grace Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( ) bdgg
grace andrew
"Tuesday's Grace"
- 10 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
random comment #710) *dipped in honey* You have been dipped in honey
Norti Nicci
"Miss Adventurous"Wild
- 16 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
i like being bitten...
You have been spike-collared.
- 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
Hi Robin,
Looking to make a few more points to buy more pets? Try our own Aussie thumbing herd "Thumbs under the Southern Cross". Typically Australian, its a fun herd where you can spin a yarn, meet other blokes or sheilas with common interests or just make some extra points. Click on the link below to apply to join...