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BaRnEy BoNg | - Free online hangout and friends
Bow BouBoe
Bow BouBoe owns this human at 50000 points.

BaRnEy BoNg
BaRnEy BoNg
"B's B Bunnie"

BaRnEy BoNg, 40/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:13 PM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
Location: Vancouver Bc Canada

"I'm a pirana.. dey in da amazon =D"
About me:
Rap, Techno, I make I make =D luv crafting and arts, friends, chat, everything almost =) And I'm A Chubby Bunny ^^ well.. my name is pretty close to a Bunny =P plus I'm babyfaced -.-

I can be Shy, so.. if I don't msg u or do any actions its coz I'm either shy; don't know what to say or afraid to look like a creeper ^.^;;; but obviously if I click'd your profile I was curious.. and if ur a guy reading this, No I'm not gay if I looked at ur profile it's because something caught my interests (tattoo or picture) or curiosity (relations to a look alike of one of my friends to connections through my job career)

Alright sometimes I get really bz or tired so please leave a comment to say hi or w/e so I will acknowledge you first and thumbs easier that way lol.. But yeah even if u thumb me I will try to thumb you back, altho... if I don't get to ya I will sooner or later sorry if I don't soon enough =)

no more thumbs shouts ^.^;; First owner since I came back - Lisa Teoh, Second Owner Bow Jitvaree =)

And yes.. I wrote a song for my stranger friend Jay Lim's Herd, about carrots... so if u like rap or just curious on listening to the song.. it should be in my tales, or you can check it out by clicking here
About you:
interesting, You don't have to be normal, I luv conversing with strange people =) of course.. not too strange.. but strange enough to make you sound interesting ~_^ Poke Poke =P
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): LoNeLy HeRd
Herds: Sore Thumbs, Spamz, 4 Thumbs Sake !, Le Petit Prince, The Carrot, Bow 100 thumbs
BaRnEy's tales
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BaRnEy BoNg
dunno haven't been on this for a long time.. when I do log in.. it's like I'm here to check if anything even happened on here! so as far as my life has changed back to traffic.. the green light must go on!! gone back to school now and working at the same time.. found myself a new batch of new friends, and back into the circle of my co-workers!! it's great to be back, great to have that potential again, and if you guys are even wondering.. haha.. yeah thats basically a speed update of where I am now!! Sorry if I don't reply or anything.. my goals to keep away from the comp as much as possible.. I need to obtain full optimum of life in the local social community, kinda sucks because there are more interesting people around here and all around the world!!! doesn't mean I won't be back!! I wil be.. in further... future Hahahaha.. one of the main things that is occuring is this transformation of me being shielded to a guy thats going to have a lot of man to man up!! adult lessons are hard.. specially when the school lacks to teach you anything about life itself.. it's as if they gave you this 12 year long intro.. then you're off alone to figure the rest of your life chapter on your own! better now then never!! specially if u keep waiting. One of my best friend just really didn't... have any maturity in him to keep up to my friendship... all he thinks about is this game called maple story.. recollecting the times I've been his friend.. he'd always go on and off about it.. and how I notice it more now than before. he's been mess talking to 12-13 yr old kids.. he vowed at age 25 he'd stop playing video games.. but then I asked him why?.. u can still play video games when ur 25, he makes this awful excuse and says, "I need to grow up and think about my real job" umm... ur 24 and u talk about it when you are turning 25??? it just doesn't make sense.. 25 year olds can still play video games and be mature.. but this kid seriously.. got some issues... I mean really am I wrong for thinking u can still play video games when ur 25?? he still works at mcdonalds.... and it seems he will never quit.. everytime he says he does.. he quits then goes back again.. it's as if thats all he CAN do.. I worked with him there again just to see why it's so much fun.. and I saw it.. little girls that work in the restaurant.. and customers!! I think he's just too into the social life of thinking it's much easier to get into a relationship while working with them and they are young naive easy to get, plus most of them are international students. There was a fever that gone through him.. there was a point where he was jealous of me and my friend.. and then it came to a conclusion that he'd stop and he wouldn't care about having a gf, he said "I rather be single" and the next thing u know.. a korea international student works with us.. What does he do? first he pushes me towards her because he can't stand up for his own to ask her out. So he goes "Barney is single, *wink wink*" thats his way of showing that he's "nice" and that he's "friendly" and thats his other way of seeing if she's interested in him, by eliminating the process of not having 1 more guy to fight over her. as time moved on I convinced him I don't like her, she's not my type, then he tries to mega flirt with her, "Hey Barney and I are going to the movies u wanna come?" (I didn' even know we were going??? so I immediately said I'm not going what u talking about) And he gives me this look and says wth? omg nvm then (he gets all mad) walks away as usual. lol... then there was another time where he goes "owww I burnt myself" and the korean girl goes up to him and says "ohh are u okay?" and he goes I burned myself over there!! Sue kiss it all Better Jokes!! Sue obviously thinks it's a joke because her humour is not the same as his. he always kills the joke.. by saying joke right after the joke... ugh.. I'm getting mad just even explaining how pathetic he is... and to make it worst is the fact that he does a bad job of it!!! Anyways there are a lot of stories that unfold with this guy.. he still by the way plays video games... the 13 yr old maple story... if u don't know what maple story is. google it... it's not a gore game.. that most 13 yr old guys would play, or they'd play halo.. but this guy is stuck playing a 2d anime game.. thats similar to neopets... *roll his eyes* I didn't tell you.. he saves up money to buy a currency.. similar to wow currency.. but it's for MAPLESTORY... no wonder he's so skinny -.-;;
BaRnEy BoNg "B's B Bunnie" Sad - 14 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
BaRnEy BoNg
VEry happy today.. finally uploaded my warcraft 3 track... it's about time.. I finished it yesturday.. err day before yesturday rather.. and I'm very proud of it.. A lot of warcraft players are very satisfied with my track actually, and I've had a lot of positive feed back so I'm really happy =) specially that my singing is better that I've been told... and someone said that it sound professional the chorus anyhow lol.. =)

anyways it has swears in it.. and it's about gaming, as much as it is about how fustrated I do get from gaming and how internet players talk big as if they were gangster

the chorus was inspired by my mother, she got my sister to text me about how she was concerned about me not havin to see me lately coz My gamers are all in austrailia so I am switched to nocturnal.. and I sleep during the day.

so I decided to write it down.. so check it out if you guys want to =)
BaRnEy BoNg "B's B Bunnie" Sad - 15 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
BaRnEy BoNg
well here we go.. my co-workers are calling me and wondering if I'm ever gunna show back... to be honest.. I didn't work on slimming down for no reason.. and that only meant that I shaped my image and forfeit my job.

I was watching Teresa's son play hockey yesturday.. it was a lot of fun, Teresa is not just a mother.. she's really fun to hang out with, there are few mothers that take motherhood not as serious, and she's one of them rare mothers!! I never thought I would ever see mothers acting younger, but I saw it yesturday!! I mean don't get me wrong.. there are mothers that try so hard to look young.. but these mothers look young and they act young by nature!!

anyhow set aside all the fun they always have.. seems like their family were always happy.. which is good.. I admire that because I don't have that at all.. well I won't say at all.. but our family fun never added up to that... but wait.. when was the last time we had family fun?.. oh yeah not for a long time.. our fun would be on the dinner table and when I vent about my grandma.. okay thats the only family time I ever had lol..

So I mean the feeling of having strangers fanning my arms open wide song was a break through for me.. I was more than happy.. I enjoyed hanging out with Teresa's family friend and son!! her son is a gentle ben lol.. I don't know why.. but I feel like I somewhat knew her son.. just like how I some what knew Teresa, now any guy that read this should be warned I'm not gay or a pedo lol.. it's like brotherly bond.. I don't know why but I think it's cool to hang out with younger guys because they have a lot of spunk and interests!! it is not because it makes me feel young, because it doesn't, But it makes me laugh to have compared my past life to theirs, and telling them about mine so they better understand =D

Anyhow I'll get to the point.. I've never had a request for a song.. and the kids and mothers wanted me to write a song about their hockey team... so I told them I need time and inspiration to make a good peice, so thats my new goal.. this should be easier than the carrot song.. definitions are definately much more easier than all the carrot terms.. although typing all this and thinking about it too much worries me.. the fact that it won't sound good... I get really scared of that lol.. thats why most of my songs are incomplete until I feel like I'm inspired enough to go back and rework them and make them sound better.

well thats all for now, I feel very busy with little things.. that I barely make anytime to write about my trip, sorry!

sorry I don't have any of those photos gahh... but I will promise to take a photo of Teresa and her son when I go to kelowna to meet up with their family one day!!

and if anyone is reading this, if you go to my arms open wide song, in the end where it showed a picture of 3 guys (including me) and 3 girls, the lady on the far right is Teresa, just incase you're wondering, she's 46? and she looks so young!!

and yet they are still trying to learn who I really am =)
BaRnEy BoNg "B's B Bunnie" Sad - 15 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
BaRnEy BoNg
Hello tales.. it's been a while since I wrote on here.. yes.. and to everyone hope you're all having a fine and dandy day.. just a quick update.. because I need to be brief.. just finished working out and I want to shower it off =D Anyways I've been cooled off ever since the euro trip, even though there were stresses behind it all.. and I found a strand of white hair.. which means I did stress on the trip.. in more than a few ways.. umm lets see!! if you didn't hear/watch my video on my trip then you should check it out, even if you heard the beat and didn't watch the video, I have a mix on my videos during the trip all combined into one music video so don't miss out on that!! I will write about days on my trip.. but I'm feeling lazy.. and I just want to get another song done before I relax and chill to kick back with photo organizing.. And umm I did take over 3000 pictures and had well of 66 short videos as well.. 7 which were corrupted =( and 1000 pictures lost =( well yeah anyhow just check it out, I've gained weight since the trip because my mom and lil brother didn't really eat much italian food.. anyways so I'm now working out every other day to keep a fine line sharp slim healthy look =D (coz I feel that I miss my slim ways) ^_~ okay okay enough about that, yes a new song I'm working on and it'll also go on my new tales, just not now, and it'll be a song about me coming back from not making music to still making music, kinda like a Hang on I will be back! as for my life.. my dad is having heavy menopause.. he's being super moody with my sister, and my 2 sisters are now in a fight. Honestly everyone dislikes my lil sis, I still do, even though I'm keeping my cool and acting mutual, it's all fake.. she's really dumb.. and its really that bad to have all 3 of your other siblings talk shit about you with each other when you are out with your boyfriend.. if ever figured out.. what does she think of herself?.. how can she be so stupidly blind of how much fault she is at. Anyways disrespecting elders is not on my profile unless they are scumbags as how my dad use to be. I give people leverage all the time.. specially seniors.. but if they keep at it on pissing me off, then I tend to ignore and walk around them avoiding them at all cost.. To be honest I'm not much of a junior to senior type of a guy, If the person is not interesting I tend to loaf around a lot, get lost in my own creative sense, but if they are down to earth realistic then I am a good listener. sigh.. oh how I can write on about a lot of things.. but I know I can get overly loaded with typing all these feelings and thoughts.. so I shall call it a night.. btw I've been playing a lot of warcraft again!! =D happy to be back most importantly!!!

Incase you don't see my video in my profile, it'll be on here

I don't know whats wrong with human pets.. but since the video thing doesn't work.. I will post up the link..
BaRnEy BoNg "B's B Bunnie" Sad - 15 years, 10 months, 17 days ago
BaRnEy BoNg
I'm going to hurry this tale before I disappear.. I don't know when I will be cut off.. but note I will be cut off.. Today... was a war zone of our 20th anni for wars! Family feud.. anyhow, when one becomes contempt to an elder person, it just angers the person to the max, I will admit I get the urge and thirst for a punch to my sisters face, but throughout the whole past 5 yrs I've been hiding my problem of knocking my sis out and dealt with it with inner patients, today I haven't touched her still, but I figured the best way to teach that fucking bitch a lesson, so instead I got even!! Anyways I cannot stand the cockiness and the vanity she puts out, so this was the last straw!!!, I posted that 1 video of her and my lil brother fighting, and how weak she was, PATHETIC, she's older and she is a big crap full of shit! anyways I got the best of her, today was warzone, she told her daddy, Like always "I'm telling dad on you blah blah" go tell dad u fucking whore, in the end I will teach u a fucking lesson, that will scarr you for fucking life!! so I teach her a fucking lesson, My dad tells me to remove the video, I told him straight up HELL NO, ya can't stop me!!! and my sis was pissy, I told her straight to her face, I said, coz u rat me out, I'm going to spread the media to 20 other video websites, so everyone will fucking view this shit, She tweaked

She started making fun of how I have no friends because I choose to not talk to them, and then starts saying I'm 24 and I'm still living under my parents roof? I didn't say anything I was pissed, but of course why should I waste my fucking voice in explaining to a vain person that only pays attention to her looks, when she doesn't realize economy around her makes living alone hard? and most people that live on their on DON'T LIVE ON their OWN, they move out with roomates so they can pay for rent cheaper, so stupid I swear to god I wanna punch her out till she's unconcious.

Anyways now you see this side of my anger, I've been hiding it too long because I think it's a lot of stress to deal with, and my lil sister is a big portion of my stress, she's annoying as fuck!! Anyways back to my story, she got me really pissed so I ran up there ready to smack her, my brother stops me, my sister holds her back, u know for a smaller girl other than my size, she's really got a lot of mouth and guts but no idea she's in for big injury, she thinks she was really smart, coz when I ran up she was like GO I can't wait till you hit me so u can go to Jail and move out, I calmed down after I heard that, and knowing she was really pumpd and pissed as well at this point I went downstairs, and thats when she started to diss me, I was patient and I went to take a washroom break. As I was going to take my washroom break I heard her get bitched at for her actions by my dad, and my mom, she kept on saying how I posted the video up, and I did this and that, trying to make me look bad, but instead she got in trouble for her actions for agitating me, my dad was helping her out by telling her to shut the fuck up or I would come Smack her, and My dad knows my anger issues, that I can fucking wreck this house I can smack him or my sister. So while she breaks down in dispair of her own fault and being himuliated because she fucked with the wrong person, I ran upstairs with my camera because I'm a guy with opportunity I snatch it!!! I ran up there heartlessly and my brother thought I was going to hit her, but I said move out of my way I'm not going to do anything, And my mom calls me crazy, I said NO I'm NOT CRAZY I JUST WANNA VIDEO TAPE HER CRYING" My sister esther laughs her ass off, and tells me she doesn't wanna be in the video, I told her then move out of the way, my faggot sister Shawna then finally breaks out and wants to hit me, I taunt her some more and make her look bad in the camera, afterall she may be smarter than me? But I out smart her here by far!! SO I laugh and run downstairs (by the way the whole time my dad and mom was yelling at me) I ran downstairs laughing and my sis was pooring into tears and saying "GET HIM HE HAS THE CAMERA" god it feels good to have revenge!! when someone pisses me off too much, I can give less of a fuck, I have a back bone, and yes I'm nice, if that person pushes me too far My back bone response quickly and I turn to someone that doesn't give a shit, I get to where I am at and I dun give a shit what I have to do, even if it embarasses me!! My motto is, if you go down, ur gunna bring the person 10 times harder down further than u!

So because of all this I may lose the internet, but I told my dad outloud I said, doesn't matter if u disconnect, or discontinue the internet, I have friends that I can jump their cable into my laptop then upload, this curse just got worst for her, I'm like a virus, when matters are bad, don't agitate me, it'll make matters worst!!

So yeah I recently found out she downed my video stars which I laugh because it increases the chances of views lol.. the more stars = more views, so I've already decided to build a song to explain the whole reason why this has happened, and to also diss the living hell out of her with my smart moving fast lips. And it will be the last song, causing a tragic to those that like my music, so the most I can do is to get everyone to spread the video, because I feel pay back should be in store!

So I'm saying this out right now.. I feel that because there is no way of contact to make her change, I want this to change the way she is, I dun care how much she hates me in the end she'll have to face the fact she was a bitch to her bf and to everyone else. Which is good coz I'm smart at saying bad things about her!!

Anyways if you read up to here.. u will probably wonder how did she anger me?

Let me explain the story, I had a old video of her posted before, I told her long time ago, you piss me off I'm gunna post the video of you, which I did. Recently she told me to take it off as a bargain to making the song, now I feel her efforts have failed to me, not just that, but her making me very mad as well by disallowing our illegal acts in fitting passengers in the car. So I kept the video alive, she found out then a few days ago and wrote this on my msn. "I hate you guo ur not funny, You still have that video of me on youtube I'm not going to do the song with you anymore"

Okay that being said I'm pretty furious and like suprised!! so just coz of 1 video taken for granted she should know better I had other videos, so now!!! I took it to another level, she still don't understand why I'm doing this. So now I'm gunna have to upload the third video to make things clear!! that I'm not fucking kidding around, anyways I left her 3 paragraphs saying this isn't over, u don't know who ur messing with, and I also told her to check on my youtube account every frequently because there will be pay back!! Call me evil, Call me heartless, I feel all those when opposed to that black sheep of the family, we all hate her, my mom always yells at her, and my brother always hits her, and I always hate her for disrespecting me, and my sister hates her for taking her clothes without asking, the sexy clothing and using her shoes to look sexy for her bf. My dad seems to be the only one that loves her, and my grandpa, always flowering her with things that have a camera device in it!

Enough is enough, I do this all for justice!!!
BaRnEy BoNg "B's B Bunnie" Sad - 15 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
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K Zin

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K Zin "✨🖤✨" Sparkling - 12 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Bow BouBoe
Hi barney my friend ^^ i just came to check this web out after a long time --' so i'd like to say hi and I hope you are doing fine :)

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Bow BouBoe "tooth fairy" - 12 years, 5 months, 20 days ago
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K Zin "✨🖤✨" Sparkling - 13 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
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K Zin "✨🖤✨" Sparkling - 13 years, 4 months, 24 days ago
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K Zin "✨🖤✨" Sparkling - 14 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
K Zin

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K Zin "✨🖤✨" Sparkling - 14 years, 8 months, 1 day ago
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