For the second year in a row, Citytv's morning man Andrew Schultz and the Love Vote have officially taken the city's singles scene by storm.
Yesterday marked Day 2 of Breakfast Television's week-long match-making extravaganza, and the competition is heating up.
Five single women and five single men were slated to show up at Kane's Harley Diner bright and early Monday morning.
But one bachelor bailed and left bachelorette No. 5 -- Miss Carrie Eastman -- devastatingly dateless.
But fear not, romance-loving reader, because at the Chinook Bowladrome on Day 2, not one but TWO bachelors showed up to win Carrie's heart and take her for a ride on the love boat.
Scott Greer of L.A. (Lethbridge, Alta.) showed up in his best "Playboy Mansion Bouncer" T-shirt, while a strapping Brad Caldwell just brought his winning grin.
A bowl-off ensued, with the king of the five pins earning the right to carry on and escort Carrie on the week-long BT Valentine adventure.
Alas, it was Brad who came out on top, and poor Scott who was sent packing.But it doesn't stop there. All five couples are competing for your votes. Elimination begins today. Watch the Love Vote all morning on BT, then go to and vote for your favourite couple.\
Unknown "MeinKumpel" Sexy
- 17 years, 22 days ago