
"•good vibes•"
Name: |
Martin Bakunawa, 40/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 1:10 PM |
Join date: | 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago |
Location: | Quezon City, Manila Philippines
"The Charmer" |
About me:
So I am asked.. what does it take to be me?
Start first by knowing yourself and Be yourself.
then you run around daring yourself to everytrhing to be thrilled.
Once your thrilled, suck in the experience because it won't be forever.
Everytime you fall, big up yourself and stand on the ground.
Seek new adventures and travel. The world is yours to explore.
never keep your mind idle and speak your thoughts and make it into actions.
Dream big. But start out small. Live the dream in your own little ways.
Look for fellow human beings, but hang out with aliens and those with paranormal capabilities.
Vanity is not your friend, instead have a passion for flashin what is yours and be proud of yourself.
Keep your head up high but your feet planted on the ground.
Live in passion for everything. In is never tiring and always rewarding.
Keep an open mind and never judge. Simplicity is a good nature to be in.
Dance. Sing. Smile. Laugh and be happy. It's that simple to keep a good nature.
Keep in mind that I only reminded you of what you already know. That's just me.
About you:
Anyone with a mind that speaks. Who has eyes that knows how to appreciate and doesn't hate.
Who has lips that launched thousands of ships, and ears that opens up millions of opportunities.
You can just start with a smile, yes it's will just take a while. I don't want to take much of your time,
its all worth it now that we are in our prime. You could be anyone in this big world, I'm just working my way out of this life just as you are, so why not take the chance and let it roll.
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | Charmer's Goodvibes | Herds: | We love art!, Art+Design+Fashion+Music+Sex!, I ♥ THE PHILIPPINES, THE TURNERS SEXY ANIMALS, THE TURNERS SEXY ANIMALS 2, x mira MIRAcle x |
10000 pts
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Martin's tales
blog blog blog!! just giving a heads up to everyone here! :D keep me posted once you read this if ur still alive! hahaha! rock on yo! \m/
Martin Bakunawa "•good vibes•" Daring
- 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
Okay, so I guess Im back here once again. Trying to feel how's it like just like the old days.. Its still great to see all them familiar faces, especially my friends here. Its been good and all. Freaking on hella of a Rockin ride if you ask me. Im just living my passion still, actually trying to combine two arts of mixing. Music and food! Yup you read it right. Little that I know that it will get me to dang higher grounds. *gulps* its not as easy as it seems., tho I am really loving the vibe Im getting! Turning things up and making sure it hot. I got a message for everyone.. DO WHAT YOU WANT! don't get stuck on the brink where your told to do it because they say so. Follow yourself. Live and let live. I'm doing it, and it totally rocks my life! I remember someone who used to say this.. Mad love and peace! m/ ~ martin
Martin Bakunawa "•good vibes•" Daring
- 16 years, 8 months, 13 days ago
After all the MAYHEM, drama, fears and tears of almost loosing it all... We are yet BACK ONCE AGAIN!!! well, its really glad to have human pets back. it really shows that we have placed so much effort in this site and how much this means to all of us.. well i hope everyone has learned a lot from this experience.. =) Its really good to be back! I have petted all my faves and friends! i missed it here. build your shops once again! In celebration of the great comeback! I will post now my items and offer big discounts!!! :D:D:D:D yeah you heaerd it right!!! so please do stop by to the charmer's shop and get ready for the goodvibes!!!! :D:D:D Rockin good one to ALL!!!!! m/ ~ Crazy.. martin
Martin Bakunawa "•good vibes•" Daring
- 16 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
hello everyone! I just want let you know that I am really sorry for not dropping by and if im spending my time that much anymore online.. well I got some important things to do (and believe me its not all clubbing).. Doing stuff for the home, my younger siblings, work, and catching up with friends before the summer ends :) Well I plan on staying online like i use to.. and when I do, i do hope were still cool and all! I will try to be here asap! so hope you would understand! :D just want to let you all know that I miss being here and seeing your fab faces and doing the crazy antics we do! :):):) so do have a good one! Keep it connected to the goodvibes still!! ~ Crazy Martin
Martin Bakunawa "•good vibes•" Daring
- 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
i want to have a loyal pet.. all my pets are gone.. the always online ones.. they are gone off set to another journey.. they get bought always and im afraid im poor.. guess they want a rich owner.. lol but hey, im a loving owner, and i got testimonials to prove that who would wanna be my pet.. loyal ones only.. imma spoil you to evey freakin bits!!! :) :) :) :)
Martin Bakunawa "•good vibes•" Daring
- 16 years, 11 months, 1 day ago
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