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"Rez Master"
83594 pts
"DanceswithSh eep"
1929 pts
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Unknown's tales
So I was walkin' through the park this one time you see, and then a cat came right up to me! I said "No!" and tried to scare it away, but it must've thought I was trying to play. So then I ran after it, but along the way, I scared a human into a laser ray! The human screamed for help and an ambulance came, but crashed into a tree - man, was that ever lame! The tree fell over and landed on a bench, which catapulted a monkey with a wrench. The monkey dropped the wrench onto the ground, and a human tripped over with a big huge pound! He landed on an ants nest, I wasn't happy to see, because they all came out and started attacking me! I ran around until they came off, then another person started to cough. A germaphobe started to run, and chasing her was really fun. Along the way I spotted a car, and I followed it pretty far. It stopped at a china shop and you wouldn't believe it, a bull was shopping there even though it was candlelit! I wondered why the power was out, but then I saw an amish walk out. I ran inside to see their wares, but the bull got scared, breaking plates - in pairs! Two by two they fell down, crashing and smashing - you could hear it anywhere in the town! The bull ran out, he didn't want to pay, but sadly I was the only one left that day. I had no money but never fear, I gave the owner a single beer. My exp. went up by 100 points, but after that I was aching at the joints. I was walking home and what did I see? That very same cat, walking up to me! I didn't want to repeat todays' events, so I took out my switch blade and stabbed it, and stole all its money. It was a black cat anyway.
Unknown "Rez Master" Hungry
- 17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
Random Shop
A Random Shop of Random Things!
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