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"Cutie-Pie- NFS"
52500 pts
"Flashlight girl"
10000 pts
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Unknown's tales
The Freight Train He came at me like a freight train magnificent and powerful, steady and unwavering. His voice was like the whistle blowing and his light shined into its path to me. Charging… getting louder and louder and closer and closer. My heart began to pound a rhythm of warning. My body shook with anticipation and fear, but my hesitation didn’t effect the speed of this magnificent train, he knew his destination and he was not going to stop till I was under him and a part of him, so I did what any human would do when met with such force… I jumped out of the way.
Unknown "Raven" Frisky
- 16 years, 3 months, 12 days ago
We sat in the restaurant. I could do nothing but toy with my french fries unconsciously swirling one in circles in my ketchup. I looked up and was caught captive by his blue eyes peering through his sandy bangs. He smiled knowingly at me slowing his moves as he put down his fork and pulled a piece off his barbecued chicken with his fingers and brought it to up to his mouth. He licked the barbecue on his fingers before opening his mouth and tearing off a bite with his teeth and savoring it and slowly licked his lips. My gaze never left his as he smiled. His message was clear. I was his next meal.
Unknown "Raven" Frisky
- 16 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
Deceit is like a poisonous vine, that once planted and cultivated and nurtured, it grows so quickly it will choke out everyone you love, till you are left, isolated and alone With a destruction that can ripple through your life, for years and quite possibly generations after you are gone.
Unknown "Raven" Frisky
- 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
One can be touched by words...Truly! The right words can touch so deeply that it transcends space and time and fuses with your soul and becomes a part of you. In fact in my philosophical state of mind I will go so far as to say that words shape the view of the world, of life and of love… So why am I so out of words when it comes to you? My heart fills up, I engage with your eyes, I open my mouth… and nothing....
Unknown "Raven" Frisky
- 16 years, 4 months, 14 days ago
When you chase love...it runs
Unknown "Raven" Frisky
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Raven's Nest
A wide Variety of Everything :) Custom made designs coming soon Please come back often :)
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