Oh you poor thing! What are you doing looking at this profile?!? Well you are here now so you might as well read a little bit further and I'll try to keep you entertained while you read this waffle but I can't make any promises to that effect.. but I will try!
I really am a firm advocate of 'self praise is of little worth' and let's face it me telling you that I am just super and fantabulous really doesn't cut it.. for all you know I could be a socially retarted recluse that likes to keep his finger nail clippings in a jar... for the record I'm not and I don't! I've lots of flaws but I would like to think that the good bits about me far outweigh those.. most days! The tricky bit is convincing you of that, in essence I'm just me - I treat others with the respect that they deserve and show me, that's all we really want from each other isn't it?
About you:
No-one in paticular really I've not met you yet so possibly you but as long as you can hold a conversation, be witty and entertaining we're off to a good start!