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Xara Witch of the Phoenix | - Free online hangout and friends
Skydancer of the Phoenix
Skydancer of the Phoenix owns this human at 39536 points.


Xara Witch of the Phoenix

Xara Witch of the Phoenix, 43/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:22 AM
Join date:17 years, 6 months, 11 days ago
Location: Port Elizabeth South Africa

"Silence please! Manifestation in progress"
About me:
I am Xara of the Phoenix. I have been to hell and back
I have been burnt down to ashes, but I have risen out of those ashes newer, stronger and more beautiful than ever
Always positive.....try not to let life get me down.
Love being loved.
I'm a very proud mommy and my son and husband are my entire world.
About you:
Open minded people. The narrow minded will be shut down, the one-track minded will be shot down.
If you are my friend, Merry meet and blessed be. If what you seek cannot be found within you, you will never find it within me.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Where night meets day
Herds: Witches/Wiccans/Pagans, Geneva self-help group, Ari's Herd, Witches, Druids, and pagans, Modern Pagen, TATTOO FREAKS, Order of Angelic Knights, Pixie Haven
Skydancer of the Phoenix
Skydancer of the Phoenix
"Skydancer, NFS"
70000 pts
Xara's tales
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Xara Witch of the Phoenix
Im upset. really hurt and really upset. worst thing is that h cannot do a damned thing about it. it seems like i have enough bad karma following me as it is. worst part is that i'm the only person in this situation with enough balls to stand up 4 what is right and ofcoarse no good deed goes unpunished. sigh.
Xara Witch of the Phoenix "Xara-NFS" Evasive - 14 years, 10 months, 10 days ago
Xara Witch of the Phoenix
Im upset. really hurt and really upset. worst thing is that h cannot do a damned thing about it. it seems like i have enough bad karma following me as it is. worst part is that i'm the only person in this situation with enough balls to stand up 4 what is right and ofcoarse no good deed goes unpunished. sigh.
Xara Witch of the Phoenix "Xara-NFS" Evasive - 14 years, 10 months, 10 days ago
Xara Witch of the Phoenix
Wolves dressed in sheep clothing.u refer to ur own I have now learnt. u sing and celebrate with each other, true colours come out and u forgive each other.
meanwhile here I am who I am and will not hide and cower like a little lamb. Yet in ur eyes, I am the evil one. I worship pure love where u say u love but distort the very fabric from which it is made.
u make me sick with ur pretentious bull.u make me want to vomit with ur covered up deeds.
I'm not faultless, but at least I learn from my faults
Xara Witch of the Phoenix "Xara-NFS" Evasive - 14 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
Xara Witch of the Phoenix
My apologies to all my kindred spirits for not being around much lately. We don't have internet at home anymore and my workload in the real world has kept me away from my little escape here. I now have to enter this world through my mobile and tis more frustrating than good. My lady Blackwolfe, I miss you deeply and still love you dearly
Xara Witch of the Phoenix "Xara-NFS" Evasive - 15 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Xara Witch of the Phoenix
Right so now the drama is over. I am myself again
My self-esteem took a bit of a knock, but i think I have managed to pick myself up once again.
where would I be without the support structure I have. OMG.

Xara Witch of the Phoenix "Xara-NFS" Evasive - 15 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
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Good morning You have been given Good morning.
Crafted by Xara Witch of the Phoenix
Jax "My Bad Boy" Loyal - 10 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
Lady BlackWolfe

Sending happiness to you :) You have been given Sending happiness to you :) .
Crafted by Unknown
Lady BlackWolfe "~ PERSIA ~DNFS" Loyal - 12 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Lady BlackWolfe

from a friend You have been given from a friend.
Crafted by Quinton
Lady BlackWolfe "~ PERSIA ~DNFS" Loyal - 12 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Lady BlackWolfe

Freedom From One's Burdens You have been given Freedom From One's Burdens.
Crafted by Lady BlackWolfe
Lady BlackWolfe "~ PERSIA ~DNFS" Loyal - 12 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Lady BlackWolfe

A love song for you  You have been given A love song for you .
Crafted by Mr Wolf
Lady BlackWolfe "~ PERSIA ~DNFS" Loyal - 12 years, 10 months, 21 days ago
Lady BlackWolfe

dance with me.. You have been given dance with me...
Crafted by Just M
Lady BlackWolfe "~ PERSIA ~DNFS" Loyal - 14 years, 4 days ago
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Xara's shop
Made with love

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