This more of a blog syled rant nut bear with me and you will hopefully understand.
I came froma small rural town in Manitoba, and I do mean small (perhaps 1000 peaople).
I was raised to be a "good christain" but was not truly a christian at heart.
I believe in a higher supernatural force but not a divine being.
I have seen and experienced both mania and depression and live to tell the tale.
I seen the world in shades of gray where color is more than definition and accent.
Love and hate war in my mind and heart constantly as I both love and hate myself.
I enjoy human company but not hman beings.
I appreciate life but accept that death is inevitable.
Love is not blind and deaf but blinds and deafens the unprepared.
Hatred is the cancer that befalls humanity and cripples evolution of the mind and soul.
I have loved and lost and wondered if I can ever be in love again.
I find woman confusing but fascinating and men to be strong yet vulnerable.
I do not like being hurt but know pleasure when I feel pain.
I laugh when I am happy. I cry when I am alone. I dance when I am moved. I sing but very poorly. I love those around me. I fear losing my soul. I bleed to know I am alive. I live because I am here. I f### because I can. I know more than I need but less than I want.
I amdarkness surrounded by light and a flame that never burns.
I am bisexual and always have been, yet I am divided between love and desire.
I am country and city and wild and tame and good and bad.
- 16 years, 10 months, 10 days ago