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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Herds: Grammar Geeks, ~♥♥THUMBS R FREE♥♥~, Love us older women, Jootopia, The Frog's Rainforest
Unknown's tales
hhheeellllooo do ya just not get it, even though some of us are as horny as hell if you just shut your mouth and let me lay with my head on your shoulder sometimes, just sometimes thats almost as good as sex, sometimes after a shitty day your shoulder is the best place in the world to be, so where the hell are you??????
Unknown "Artemis" Ecstatic - 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
ok what is it with you guys and your machines. I am out there trying to mow the grass, yeah all the yeehaaa stuff that I have to do being on my own, so I have to be the mum and the dad, so yeah girly stuff and guy stuff. Anyway, trying to start the mower, now I am pretty strong for a girl, so why is it I have to rip my arm outta the socket to start the freekin thing, guys always have one arm stronger than the other from all that masterbating, oh come on it's true, everyone does it, oh my god I just had a great idea for how to start up a mower hahahha so it would have to be a girly mower hahhahaha, ok get my mind back outta my knickers for a sec, I had a friend bring his mower over to help out, I have a jungle, so whats new hahahhaa, anyway my mower ran out of fuel and I wanted to finish the back yard myself, so he brings his mower round the back and says, now this lever here is for the drive, and this here with the rabbit picture makes it go faster and the turtle is slower, now this chain here I put on myself other wise it will cut out, W H A T!!!! can it just freekin mow??? I thought you guys were the stone age dudes, He came over after 5 mins and said "oh your not useing the Drive"?? WHAT??. I go no, I don't know how to work it, I so wanted to be caveman and say, mower cut grass, mower go, mower stop. who gives a rats arse about the bloody gadgets, I just want cut grass faster than a bloody sheep can chew it. you guys have to fiddle with things and add whats its and doodahs, and you reaken we have to have frills and all the pretty things, when we buy a hair dryer we don't go adding a knob that will shave out arm pits at the same time, the mower just needs to go forward and I dont want to have to find the doodah that makes it go backwards, oh and by the way I can drive a bloody manual car, I can even drive an earth mover and reverse it onto a trailor, not like the fruit loop who let came over with his mower today, when he drove an earth mover he had it on a hill,, I said it's gonna tip up, so he says, nah ya can't tip those things over they are too heavy, and guess what guys, HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA, he tipped it up ahahahahaha
Unknown "Artemis" Ecstatic - 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
Just thought I would add some personal pics, weeellllll maybe not since all my pics seem to be to big, and I can't take any off my phone cause according to all the Knob Jockies at the phone stores there is no cord to connect my phone and my computer. ooookkaaaayyyyyy, so why did I buy this phone then????? so I sent and email to the company asking where to get the cord, and they said go to this store and this store and that store. REALLY??? I never would have thought of that, a phone shop that sells acessories, oh do tell!!!!! really?? you don't say. so I sent back an email telling them this, they reply ask them to order it in, holy crap?? now thats new. well duh, why didn't I think of that. Well I freeken did and they don't order those ones in, oh boohoo don't they know how to use their comps. hahahhaa ya gotta love it, but whats funnier is when your on the phone about your broadband and they are saying, just waiting for the page to load, meanwhile time is ticking away, so I say, gee don't ya have broadband?? it goes alot faster ya know hahahahhahahhahaa, ok I am done my rant now hahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahaahahaaha, woooohhhoooooooooo Baby!!!!!
Unknown "Artemis" Ecstatic - 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago

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Kia Aoki

You have been given Polar Moon.
Crafted by Anubis
Kia Aoki "Siahathoriyunet" - 16 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
Elliot G
your tales give me a laugh xx
You have been given a round of applause.
Crafted by Unknown
Elliot G "sexy tradie" Lonely - 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
Stay still! You are being hypnotized…


Just kidding…

Hi Alexandria! I stopped by to thumb you and thank you for buying from my shop!
Have a great day!

You have been given You are being hypnotized....
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "my lovely pet" Adventurous - 16 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
Regius Draconigena
QUEENSLADER!!! QUEENSLANDER!!! QUEENSLANDER!!!..... teehehehe..... xoxox
You have been given State of Origin - Go the Maroons.
Crafted by Regius Draconigena
Regius Draconigena "My BfF SpIke" Happy Valentines Blood Blossom! - 16 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
Regius Draconigena
Just popping buy to say "Hello" my beautiful one!!!
You have been given Flower Fairies ღ.
Crafted by Unknown
Regius Draconigena "My BfF SpIke" Happy Valentines Blood Blossom! - 16 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
Mr Stig

You have been given Boobies make me smile :).
Crafted by Tyler
Mr Stig "Pirate Pete!" Growling - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
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