tuesday 12th August - The day my friend jumped out of my bedroom window.
it all started on monday when he asked to meet up with me for a chat and to get drunk, so like a good friend i agree to meeting up even though i'm broke and not in the mood for it. come tuesday i over sleep and tell him i'll meet him later and we end up meeting at the bankers draft at about 15.30pm, and we have a pint there. then we head off back to mine, stopping of at his bank on the way before we carry on back to mine and the shop to pick up a bottle of something.
on the way to mine he tells me why he wanted to meet, because he knew i would understand and we had a laugh about it. anyway, we pick up a bottle of bullet bourbon and two bottles of coke and head back to mine to polish it off.
when we were in the flat, we chatted about stuff, while he looked up the address for his new job using my internet and that, when he suggest inviting my other friend round, which i did and she got there at about 18.15 to a half drunk bottle of bourbon, so he sends her off to buy something else to drink and comes back with a small bottle of JD.
so i have some more of the bourbon and they start on the JD - i hate JD - and everything is still going ok, my mates a little pissed but there is nothing new about that. anyway, he goes off with my other friend for a chat about something stupid and then we just all sat on my bed drinking making toasts and that, until we run out of stuff to drink.
so again my friend offers to buy more booze even though i'm telling him he's had a bit to much to drink and should think about heading off home as he starts his new job at 9.00. but he doesn't listen and her goes off with my other mate to buy some beers, coming back with 5 cans. the problem is that he is a bit to drunk now, and when he goes to the bathroom to use the loo he ends up breaking my bathroom window.
this time i take him aside for a chat - although i told my other friend he wouldn't listen -to see what going on, but he doesn't listen and walks back into my room and i follow him. by now we're both talking to him to try and find out whats going on, but its not going well - they're sitting on my bed and i'm sitting on my floor - anyway, he goes off to call his mum and then when he's done doing that he walks out and smacks me in the side of the head, to which i reply by saying, "what the fuck was that for?" and he says, "i don't know, i'm sorry" and takes a few steps backwards. so i tell him he has to leave if he's going to act like that, and we start to grab his stuf and hand it to him.
now this is where it gets fucked up, he just stands there, no expression, no longer looking pissed,and puts his shoes on, then out of no where he runs 15 feet across my room and jumps head first out of my window! as soon as i'd seen him jump, i'd had my shoes on and was halfway down the stairs telling my other friends to call the cops because she was freaking out screaming oh my god over and over again.
by the time she call 999 i'm already checking to see if my mate is breathing, checking to see if he was chocking on his tongue, i also checked his eyes and made him keep his neck still because he kept trying to get up, even though his eyes were point in different directions like the new links ad. by now my flat mate was with me and was calling 999 as well, so i get my friend who is still in my room looking out my window to throw me a a hoodie so that i could cover him up as i was worried he was going into shock.
the police were first on the scene, followed by a host of other 999 type people, 16 in total. once they got there i took his phone out of his pocket and tried to call his girlfriend, but i couldn't get hold of her, so i called his mum to fill her in on what was going on and so the ambulance people could talk to her about what medication he might be on and all that, i then noted down his mums number before his phone died and called her again before this time passing my phone on to the cops and his phone so that they could look after it.
after being there for awhile - my mate wouldn't stay still and be treated so they had to drug him - the police tell us they have to arrest us because they need to find out what happened and all that, which i was fine with. so they handcuffed us and put us in the back of the vans and took us down the station, where my friend kicked off cause she felt her rights were being abused, which they kind of were, so they ended up drugging her after it took 5 police woman to take her down. me on the other hand just just got on with it.
this all would have been fine, but they kept us in the cells for 18 hours, they wouldn't tell us what was going on with my friend, which hospital he was at and if anyone was with him, which really sucked. 18 hours worrying about my friend with only four blank walls to look at. in the end i got myself a lawyer type person so that i could find out what was going on, which she did, he was in a chemically induced coma, with a broken back and had cracked his spine.
by the time we hand out interviews at 4ish, we'd given up all our clothes and had had blood tests, swabs, etc. after the interview, they kept my clothes but gave my friends back, leaving me in a pair of white jogging bottoms that they gave me which didn't fit, and a white t-shirt which they also gave me which didn't fit. but before i left i had to force my rings back through my ears and lip, which really fucking hurt as they had closed up.
so yeah, i had to go home like that, in the cold. which sucked, but i wasn't allowed back in my place yet as it was still a crime scene. but that changed at 21.00, so after a quick pint to get rid of our need to be sick, we headed back to mine to charge my phone up and have kfc. once my phone was charged i called up his mum to find out how he was and that, and they were cool. they asked if we could meet the day after, which i was more than happy to do, and once the call was over, i watched back to back chucky films.
on the thursday, me and my mate met up with his family, and they were really nice people, they couldn't understand why we were treated so badly and they were just as disgusted with how we were treated as we were. so went spent the afternoon with them, talking about what happened, what injuries he had and just got to know each other. during this time, he was having his spine pinned back into place, and we got to say a quick hello before visiting hours were over, which was nice, but seeing him like that was weird as hell. after that we had another pint and went home.
come friday we went back to see him again to drop off some stuff for him and that and find out who he wanted contacting from uni and all the rest. he seemed as happy as you can be given what had happened. what really sucks about what my friend did is that this one stupid mistake that i'm not even sure he knew he was doing, may mean he may never walk again.
anyway, this was meant to be the end of the low point of my week and things were meant to get better from here, because i was going to be meeting up with someone i was really interested in, which hasn't happened in over 5 years, and for a while things had turned around for me, i spent the next fours days with someone who i actually liked and kept my attention, which never happens, and for once, instead of me not wanting a relationship - which i'm always up front about - i found myself wanting one, but i knew she wouldn't as she was a lot like i normally am and wasn't looking for a relationship. just my luck, ha ha ha.
so yeah, we were with each other from friday until today (monday) and it was really nice, because i think she is the most beautiful person i've ever seen, and i so shouldn't be that lucky what so ever. anyway, where was i...... oh yeah, she left earlier today, and i thought my luck was improving but no, i my landlord said that i would have to leave because of what had happened, even though it wasn't my fault. which really sucks because i so don't have the money to move because i've only just finished uni and i've not found a second job - a full time job.
Unknown "Token" Intrigued
- 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago