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Unknown, 48/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:48 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
Location: 63376 United States

"Hey Sexii!!!"
About me:
hmmm...I have 2 kids that are my life. I love them more than anything. I am going to school right now for CJ and should be done in 2 yrs. If there is anything else you want to know please ask. I don't bite ;-). I am here for friends only and love meeting new people. Feel free to message me! Make sure you put your name on all text messages, so I know who you are!
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Welcome to PA
Herds: Clan of the Tiger, Random Petters R us, Mike's Pub, Human Pets Suggestion Box, Have You

"Sexy eyes"
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"Mr. Nice Guy!"
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Unknown's tales
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I have a petting problem!!! Any questions??? Join my herd! :)
Unknown "Cass" Perplexed - 17 years, 26 days ago
Happiness is...

My daughter is on the FHN Winterguard team and this is the song for their show. They have worked really hard in a very short amount of time. I am so proud of her and the whole guard. We just got done with our 3rd competition. I will put their ranking for each competition here...wish them luck!!! :)

1/26: MCCGA Springfield - Prelims: 3rd, Finals 2nd...3rd overall
2/2: MCCGA Rockwood Summit: 1st in their division...I don't remember overall, will get back to you on that one.
2/9: MCCGA Eureka: 1st in their division and 3rd over all. There was 31 guards participating, plus 4 independent guards that did not affect our scoring or placing. Third overall is a huge feat and very good!
2/15-2/17: WGI Nashville:4th in Prelims out of 22 Guards and 4th in Finals out of 11 Guards!!! GO NORTH, YOU RAWK!!!
2/23: MCCGA FHC - They took 1st in their division and 1st overall! GO NORTH!!!
3/1: WGI Kansas City - Ok, KC was a bit different. There were 2 rounds and Independent groups that competed this weekend. We were in the second round. They take the top 14 groups. The 3 highest scores in each round were automatically in finals then the 8 following those 6. We took 3rd in our round and 6th overall. Our points went up 3 points and we smoked it! The girls did awesome! I am so proud of them!!!!
3/8: MCCGA O'Fallon, IL - Well this competition was a good one for us. We were actually promoted to Scholastic A this last Monday. We actually won against every Guard in this competition. There were 32 guards total and we took first :) Go North!
3/15: MCCGA North West: This competition was awesome. After having such a rough practice this AM, North won the competition with an 84.3. They took first over all :) We are off till the first weekend in April. GO NORTH!!!
4/5: MCCGA Championships - This is the competition that we have been working hard for all season and we were successful in our endeavors. Now, we never went into this thinking we were going to win it all and we did not, but we did take 4th place which is awesome. We were in a hard division and we still came in 4th. We got to bring home an awesome trophy. We are all very proud of our girls and Luke! :) Next week we go to Dayton and that will be it for this Winterguard Season.
4/10-4/12 WGI World Championships - Prelims (4th in their round) Semi-Finals (7th in their round) The girls and luke are very happy about this. They made Guard history. They are the first guard to make it into Semi-Finals in North history. We are so proud of the girls. The season is now over and the girls are kind of sad about it, but we had a good run and will be ready to do it again next year!!!
Unknown "Cass" Perplexed - 17 years, 29 days ago
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel

When I see your smile, Tears run down my face I can't replace
And now that I'm stronger I've figured out, How this world turns cold and
breaks through my soul, And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one
I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all, Even if saving you
sends me to heaven
It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing, And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one
I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all, Even if saving you
sends me to heaven
Cuz you're my, you're my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away, Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away, Please tell me you'll stay, stay
Use me as you will, Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be ok, Though my skies are turning gray
I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all, Even if saving you
sends me to heaven

Unknown "Cass" Perplexed - 17 years, 1 month ago
I SUPPORT THEM...100% but I want to make sure everyone knows...This is not about me! It was sent to me by a friend. I think the meaning behind this is very important.

I was sitting alone in one of those loud, casual steak houses that you find
all over the country. You know the type--a bucket of peanuts on every table,
shells littering the floor, and a bunch of perky college kids racing around
with long neck beers and sizzling platters.

Taking a sip of my iced tea, I studied the crowd over the rim of my glass.
My gaze lingered on a group enjoying their meal. They wore no uniform to
identify their branch of service, but they were definitely "military:" clean
shaven, cropped haircut, and that "squared away" look that comes with pride.

Smiling sadly, I glanced across my table to the empty seat where my husband
usually sat. It had only been a few months since we sat in this very booth,
talking about his upcoming deployment to the Middle East. That was when he
made me promise to get a sitter for the kids, come back to this restaurant
once a month and treat myself to a nice steak. In turn he would treasure the
thought of me being here, thinking about him until he returned home.

I fingered the little flag pin I constantly wear and wondered where he was
at this very moment. Was he safe and warm? Was his cold any better? Were my
letters getting through to him?

As I pondered these thoughts, high pitched female voices from the next
booth broke into my thoughts. "I don't know what Bush is thinking about.
Invading Iraq. You'd think that man would learn from his old man's mistakes.
Good Lord. What an idiot! I can't believe he is even in office. You do know,
he stole the election."

I cut into my steak and tried to ignore them as they began an endless
tirade running down our president.

I thought about the last night I spent with my husband, as he prepared to
deploy. He had just returned from getting his smallpox and anthrax shots.
The image of him standing in our kitchen packing his gas mask still gives me
chills! Once again the women's voices invaded my thoughts.

"It's all about oil, you know. Our soldiers will go in and rape and steal
all the oil they can in the name of 'freedom'. Hmmm! I wonder how many
innocent people they'll kill without giving it a thought. It's pure greed,
you know."

My chest tightened as I stared at my wedding ring. I could still see how
handsome my husband looked in his "mess dress" the day he slipped it on my
finger I wondered what he was wearing now. Probably his desert uniform,
affectionately dubbed "coffee stains" with a heavy bulletproof vest over it.

"You know, we should just leave Iraq alone. I don't think they are hiding
any weapons. In fact, I bet it's all a big act just to increase the
president's popularity. That's all it is, padding the military budget at the
expense of our social security and education. And, you know what else? We're
just asking for another 9-11. I can't say when it happens again that we
didn't deserve it."
Unknown "Cass" Perplexed - 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
Their words brought to mind the war protesters I had watched gathering
outside our base. Did no one even appreciate the sacrifice of brave men and
women, who leave their homes and family to ensure our freedom? Do they even
know what "freedom" is?

I glanced at the table where the young men were sitting, and saw their
courageous faces change. They had stopped eating and looked at each other
dejectedly, listening to t he women talking.

"Well, I, for one, think it's just deplorable to invade Iraq, and I am
certainly sick of our tax dollars going to train professional baby-killers
we call a military."

Professional baby-killers. I thought about what a wonderful father my
husband is, and of how long it would be before he would see our children

That's it! Indignation rose up inside me. Normally reserved pride in my
husband gave me a brassy boldness I never realized I had. Tonight one voice
will answer on behalf of our military, and let her pride in our troops be

Sliding out of my booth, I walked around to the adjoining booth and placed
my hands flat on their table. Lowering myself to eye level with them,
smiling I said, "I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. You see, I'm
sitting here trying to enjoy my dinner alone. And, do you know why? Because
my husband, whom I love with all my heart, is halfway around the world
defending your right to say rotten things about him."

"Yes, you have the right to your opinion, and what you think is none of my
business. However, what you say in public is something else, and I will not
sit by and listen to you ridicule MY country, MY president, MY husband, and
all the other fine American men and women who put their lives on the line,
just so you can have the "freedom" to complain. Freedom is an expensive
commodity, ladies. Don't let your actions cheapen it."

I must have been louder than I meant to be, because the manager came over
to inquire if everything was all right
"Yes, thank you," I replied.

Then, turning back to the women, I said, "Enjoy the rest of your meal."
As I returned to my booth applause broke out. I was embarrassed for making a
scene, and went back to my half eaten steak. The women picked up their check
and scurried away.

After finishing my meal, and while waiting for my check, the manager
returned with a huge apple cobbler ala mode. "Compliments of those
soldiers," he said. He also smiled and said the ladies tried to pay for my
dinner, but that another couple had beaten them to it.
Unknown "Cass" Perplexed - 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
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Boo Boo Bogah  Bear

You have been given a stuffed lion.
Crafted by Unknown
Boo Boo Bogah Bear "Mark" Bold - 16 years, 2 months ago
Boo Boo Bogah  Bear

You have been given a beautiful bunch of tigerlillys.
Crafted by Unknown
Boo Boo Bogah Bear "Mark" Bold - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Boo Boo Bogah  Bear

You have been given checking you out.
Crafted by Animal Eisner
Boo Boo Bogah Bear "Mark" Bold - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Boo Boo Bogah  Bear

You have been given a lil lion stuffy just for you .
Crafted by Unknown
Boo Boo Bogah Bear "Mark" Bold - 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #268) *sizzled* You have been sizzled
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago

You have been given a Tickle :).
Crafted by hotlipzz
Rob "Not for Sale" Ecstatic - 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
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