Before I start, I should probably tell you that, due to my inability to count and overall mathematical ineptitude (I scored a 42 on the math portion of the PSAT), I am a high school junior in Geometry. Since I'm in Geometry, I need to carry a compass (the kind you make circles with). And since it's kind of inconvenient to keep it with my math binder, I keep it in my purse.
A few months ago, my mom was just starting her church and she needed to pick up some tithe envelopes. Where else to get them but the Family Christian Bookstore? So we drive up to the Family Christian Bookstore after a trip to the mall. As I'm getting out of the car, I pull my purse on to my lap. I lean forward to step out of the car, and I feel a stabbing pain in my crotch (keeping a pointy compass in a fabric tote bag. Stupid, stupid, stupid). I tumble out of the car, kinda confused and worried that I was bleeding (I was wearing a khaki mini skirt, so if I would have been bleeding, everyone would have known). So there I am in the parking lot of the Christian Bookstore, doubled over and grabbing my vagina. The people inside are looking at me like I'm possessed and my mom starts freaking out, thinking that I've peed myself (why did she think I'd peed myself?).
Surprisingly, this experience didn't teach me a lesson at all. I still stab myself with that compass all the time. Q: Why don't I just get a pencil case? A: I don't care how many times I get stabbed, I will bleed to death before I go out of my way to do anything. GIVE ME CONVENIENCE OR GIVE ME DEATH!
Unknown "Sariel" Sleepy
- 17 years, 2 months, 10 days ago