I love meeting new people from all over the world and enjoy learning about different places and cultures.In Hp;I have met so many nice,kind people and am enjoying the friendship very much and meeting people from all over;its a wonderful experience for me as i probably will never get the opportunity to travel. If i did, I would like to meet someone alot like myself; spiritual; loyal; caring of others; someone who likes walks; squirrels(feeding them);reading books by popular authors; all types. Handicaps are okay,as i use a cane myself. Someone big;cuddly and lovable would be nice;teddy bears are awesome. Its what on the inside that counts the most to me and a sincere,loving heart is most important. And around my own age;a few years older is okay too. And an animal lover; as love dogs and cats and have a cat.
my son had his second child, a new grandson for me, Jaden James,born March 20th,first day of spring....weighing 7lbs,12ozs and he is just gorgeous....and when i can get the pictures to load i will...he is precious,healthy, mommy and he are home and doing very well and i thank angels for keeping them all safe.... Susan Elliott"'Ceridwen'"Courageous
- 14 years, 6 days ago
spent very early wee morning hrs Christmas morning with Jonatha,Julia,new babe still due in March, and had a wonderful time watching Jaxon waking up to Santas having come,and seeing presents opened,and yes, we stuck our tongues out at the camera too, and i was exhausted,lol....a wonderful memory to cherish
Susan Elliott"'Ceridwen'"Courageous
- 14 years, 2 months, 9 days ago
My son jonathan is in his first remission, God willing he will stay that way, its been a most trying and difficult 4 months for myself and him and my family and all i wanted was his remission, and i thank everyone who sent prayers and wishes for this to happen, for the NEW YEAR, i wish everyone good health, good friends,kindness,peace of mind and happiness within their souls....the world outside can be harsh and cruel and we have to find kindness within each of us to share with each other....i hope the NEW YEAR brings us all just those things...God Bless and may Angels keep Watch over you and your loved ones....take care
Susan Elliott"'Ceridwen'"Courageous
- 14 years, 3 months, 11 days ago
thank you all for the prayers for my son Jonathan....his cancer markers for his bloodwork have went from 111 to 4 in just three weeks of chemo and they are so certain he has a remission coming soon....i can not even begin to say how relieved and blessed and happy i am.....so very grateful to everyone for their prayers and kind thoughts....and baby number two due in March is also to be a boy...saw the proof,lol....While Angels keep Watch....take care
Susan Elliott"'Ceridwen'"Courageous
- 14 years, 4 months, 28 days ago
my son Jonathans testicular cancer is the second of the type types, stage 3, very aggressive,hence is having reached his stomach,chest and neck lymph nodes already and they are not sure if its reached an organ, but he starts his chemo on Monday, Oct 18th, using agressive iv drugs in a hope to halt it, please keep him in your prayers and thoughts, i appreciate it so very much....thank you
Susan Elliott"'Ceridwen'"Courageous
- 14 years, 5 months, 17 days ago