I'm strattling that gap that divides me from you
That gap that divides my side of the story from yours
In what could almost be considered a comical way
Like how cartoons do, flailing their arms about
That comical, cartoonish way
And i could almost laugh at myself
Were this a less dire situation
And had i not been here a million times before
Will i cross it this time?
Don't hold your breath
You're cold as death
You're cold as
All the words I've written up to this point
These thoughts of mine
They could shake you right down through your joints
And will i help you this time?
Don't kid yourself--
I'd never help
The only person who's ever bothered to help me
Sorry, nothing comes for free
Not unless you take it
And I've taken everything you can
Perhaps after this, you can still call yourself Human
God knows you've got the fixins
But there's a difference between having the parts
And using them
Because your heart may beat
Pump blood to your feet
But you'll never run
You'll never escape
My hand brushed over your nape
Over your pretty skin
I dug in
Right down into your windpipes
So how does it feel?
To be unable to breathe?
To be unable to speak?
Don't tell me twice--
Just once will suffice
Because I already know
I know what it's like
I know that sick feeling you get in your gut
When you watch someone you care about
Screw you over
You watch them strattle that gap
And it's all you can do
To get oxygen into your lungs
It's all you can do
To keep the bile in your throat
It's all you can do
To keep your heart in your chest
Am I clearer this time?
Try not to choke
I only broke
The only thing you don't know how to fix
I'm sure that you'll hate me for this
But remember:
You were the one who handed me the hammer
When you asked me why I say the things I say
And I already know
I already know what it feels like
Having the breath hammered out of me
After all
You've done it to me countless times before
Yes--I already know what it's like
To be unable to breathe
So don't waste your breath.
Kelsey Alison Wonderland "kelsey i miss u" <3 Cuddlemuffin Cupcake <3
- 16 years, 9 months, 7 days ago