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Unknown's tales
Once a novice student of the Dharma was walking along the road. He did not believe he needed a guru, as he had realized emptiness all by himself. A beautiful rose was growing on a bush. The student looked at it, then pulled out all its petals and stamped ferousiously on the remains. A bird, singing in a cherrytree, was silenced by a small rock, hurled from his hand with admirable precision. He passed a pond, with crystal-clear water and colorful Koi swiming beneath the lotuses. The student took a small bottle of poison from his bag, and the water went milky white before the fish all floated to the surface. An old woman had been watching this peculiar behavior, and asked the young man: "Why are you destroying these expressions of beauty, do you not find the splendor of nature worth admirering-?" The young man looked at her, and overbearingly replied: "All things are impermanent by nature. Do you not think it is better to let them return to their true nature as soon as possible-?" The old woman smiled and said: "In that case, my dear friend, why don't you go and jump off that tall cliff over there, and realize your OWN true nature-?" At that moment the student was enlightened.
Unknown "Beach" Serene
- 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
HAVE YOU EVER LOOKed straight in the mirror and ASKed yourself the question "who AM I"... And your mind goes totally BLANK-? Have you ever NOTICE... That ego is a funny thing...how the more you TRY to GRASP it, the more transparent it WILL become-? Cutting through spiritual materialism, is realizing that with so many things to BECOME it is easy to forget what we ARE not. We want to BECOME enlightened, BECOME awakened, BECOME BEtter people... Being the "best you" is not about adding MORE applications to your ego. Amusing and pleasurable as this may be, this only serves to clutter up the mind, thus blocking for the clarity of TRUTH, AWARENESS to shine through. Much like those pages on FB that take forever to load, because the owner is constantly accepting new application invitations, but never deleting any of the old ones. And you give up, halfway down the page, trying to find the damn simple "Wall"...*lol* Being the "best you" is to let GO of the things that prevent you from experiencing spaciousness WITHIN. It is hard to let go. Especially, when you want all these applications so that friends will see "who you ARE".."how they rate you"...what car, what color, what sexy beast, what kind of partygirl am I -?
Unknown "Beach" Serene
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
Letting go, is realizing that the EGO has no real solidity. It is REAL, very real indeed... But transparent none the less. Trying to "kill the ego" is just plain stupid. Trancending it is just plain wisdom. When the ego recognized as transparent...so are the obstacles, created by the ego. NOTHING is permanent. Trying to keep things the same way they have "always been", at best leads to misery. At worst ... It is trying to fight the laws of nature itself. And guess what... Nature ALways wins in the end...;-)
Unknown "Beach" Serene
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
LETTING GO, means surrendering to spaciousness. Not to let go of MINDFULLNESS. Never let go of TRUTH. Have compassion AND passion. But let go of what ECLIPSES enlightenment. Surrendering, means BEING a humble servant to the BASIC life energy. To DANCE, rather than trying to conquer. BALANCE, rather than letting yourself go and be "swept away" by the moments passing by. CHOOSE, rather than trying to have it ALL at ONCE. WITHIN balance, infinite spaciousness reveals itself as true awareness. We like to "get lost in a moment", precisely because it makes our EGO feel transparent. Being "swept away" allows us to "loose ourselves" in the PRESENT. So we chase these moments. We CRAVE them, to feed our inherent appetite for "being in the NOW". However, the spaciousness and bliss we may experience from such a moment, does not come from the moment itself. Moments pass. Spaciousness is always present. In moments. Out of "moments".
Unknown "Beach" Serene
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
Have you ever experienced a moment so intimate and forcefull, that you felt almost homesick for the moment that had not yet passed -? Surrendering to the NOW, means ENDing the CHASE for Nowness. "But..But..BUT..My CRAVINGS is what makes me feel ALIVE and..HUMAN-! HUMAN cravings-!" No. Your cravings is what makes you WANT. Awareness of your wants, thoughts on wants and CHOICES of which want to want MORE and thus pursue...Is what makes you human. Because you ARE AWARE that every moment. Is different...from NOW. Much like not focussing on "trying to have an orgasm"..and then *WHOOSH* You have one...or three...or.. Magic. Does life then, become MAGICally more easy -? No. It's just simpler. More balanced. More serene. Blissful, even. BALANCE occurs, when NOWness is recognized as always present. SERENITY occurs, when the present is recognized as transparent. BLISS occurs, when transparency is realized as the INfinite spaciousness. Just that. A vast infinity of space. Emptiness within Form. If this realization does not kindle just the slightest translucent sparkle of humbleness towards your mere existence. Nothing will.
Unknown "Beach" Serene
- 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
42'nd somethings
If you are ANYthing like me, you just LOVE giving thoughtfull and silly gifts...But why "say it with flowers" - when you can give a moon, three Wishes or a wonderfully coloured feromone-enhancing Scent-?..Perhaps someone needs the Point of View Gun pointed at them - or maybe you'd just like to bestow upon your favorite Pet/s a serving of lushious green tea-?And when was the last time you gave anyone as much gold as they could eat -? ;-) ENJOY, and don't leave without a towel....
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