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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 119022 points.



Unknown, 31/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:17 AM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
Location: londres Iceland

"oooh placenta"
About me:

okay where to start, Lmao! I am a completely outgoing spastic mental peanut with sexual urges, okay no sexual urges lol. I love my friends and miss them all when im not with them. In my spare time we go camdem and sleep in tents only to wake up at 2am with foxes trying to eat us. I have lots of belts millions of braclets and many a funky shoe. Music is my whore and noel fielding is the sex. I love russel brand and enjoy comedy and horror films are brill. I am a comedian with my best friends emzy and we toke up skateboarding which failed miserable we cant do any tricks but we can use one now lol. I like electro and wear clothes like back in the 80's i have an obsession with the colour green and noel fielding is the sex, wait have i already said that lol.

well toodles ask me anything

About you:
you so like totally thumb me please <---they are free!! :D

i love him madly!

tis more of an obsession!

could you be him?

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Vegans, Emo VS Rockstar, ---->Shops<----
Herds: Emo Animals, Save the polar bear
119022 pts

"Mr. RAF"
50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
I had a dream that is more like a nightmare. I might as well not be alive. So plebs from another dream grab the gun && shot yourself in the head. I am but a little less of the sixteen candles. And so he breaks the heart of once he could call home. His birthday of an extra candle comes and goes every year but it wont for me. My heart has stopped. It did the second you stopped loving me. How queer must i be and how amazing is this girl. You left her for a broken heart. You make it seem like it was all my fault. All my fault. It was not. No only after a few days. She tells you its not working it. It not working out because of me. You get angry and blame it on me. Its not my fault. It my fault, not. You lose your mind. Its gone off to a funny place, i wonder if its with my heart. I wonder if we feel the same. Betrayed and used. Destroy again. To know what love feels like and have it torn away. Now you lay with me inside our home. Of which we should never be. Of where only she would go. Why should she hate me so. 'Tis not my fault! Even if i wished upon it, it would not of happened this way. It makes me fear the worst. And only when it's finally over does the world relise. That this girl you see before you gave her life for who she loved. And yet because of him she gained strength and became strong enough to carry herself once more and to finally stare way into the distance to present day and now she finds herself singing her songs and dancing with boys and men from which the silver screens of movie films had stolen the hearts of millions of girls...
Unknown "Jeesssh!" Adored - 17 years, 24 days ago

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Yes I own myself,
Im fed up of going from one owner to another,
I just want one person to own me Lol.
So if can afford me then buy me.
Go for it..
But dont buy me, give me away, sell me, and everything between.
It just irritates me.
Well anyways.
Toodles my darlings.
Unknown "Jeesssh!" Adored - 16 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
WHOA, you talk to that dude below me, a lot!
Lol, whats up with that?
I love you more than him >__<
I have updated =]
Im now on facebook everyday woohoo.
here..erm have a icecream, darling!
You have been given Smiley Ice-cream.
Crafted by Kiki Tsang
Charlotte "Glassy :)" Calm - 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago
Hasan Eren
you mean warm during day, cold during night? I guess so.. not sounds bad for me can make you ill easily. Take care Jesh, and be better soon :)
You have been given a Raspberry Cake.
Crafted by Unknown
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 16 years, 8 months ago
Hasan Eren
How are you Jesh? And how is weather in there?
You have been given Hot Chocolate for 2 ♥.
Crafted by kam sa
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 16 years, 8 months, 8 days ago
Hasan Eren
a great adventure! thanks Jesh :)
Now I had dinner, now let me think what to do
You have been given Have a Great Evening ツ.
Crafted by Lily
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
Hasan Eren
you're right, staying in water always helps to cool down.. And it's summer and getting hotter. I need to find a place to cool down :)
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 16 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
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Unknown's shop
trinkets of such

lookie at my trinkets of such as the glitter and glow even makes the crows turn round and glare.
Pineapple is good for the heart and great for the soul.
Comment or messgae me to request something to sell in this shop and i shall get it for you all.
so say grace spread love and listen to the music. Gary Numan is the best!

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