Almost never at a loss for words, though usually lost for meaning. I come and go as i please, no one can keep up. flying free is a SWEET DEAL!
Don't be fooled just because you may have caught my attention. I've yet to find anyone who could hold it.
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth"
Made a new facebook after getting locked out of mine and my yahoo mail as well. Lauren Monique"mine"Dazed
- 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
I hate my god-damned immune system (or the lack of one), every year the same thing, cold anfer cold after after cold. till i crash around march I was an even sicker kid, born 2 1/2 months and 3lb, constant ear infections, (2 sets of toobs) i couldn't hear well, so i'm asuuming it why i get so sick so easy, add the stress, the physical stress walking and standimg in snow amd rain, i feel like shit Lauren Monique"mine"Dazed
- 16 years, 2 months, 10 days ago
the turkey took over 4 hours to cook, and every time i'd leave it for more then 15 minutes something would happen (like the pan i cooked it in overfload and almost caused a greece fire). I don't even like turkey that much but i got it for free, so I made dinner (the boys said I had to "earn" the right to cal it MY kitchen, lol) It turned out amazing! so did the Pie and everything else! had christmas eve with my family at anita's house. cousin david, uncle rick and kelly, and even Nancy and the kids came, samara brought the baby and it was so much fun (just like way way back having christmas at grandma's) Lol, just like old times, david and I got yelled at for wrestling (the 4th time) only he's goten so much taller then me. Anita made so much food, everything: cake, perogies, ham, fudge, pumkin log, brownei pie, italian cookies, spinach dip, kilbosi, bear bread, poatatoes, baked mac and cheeze, meatballs, sweet cheese dip, and way more then i can list.
Lauren Monique"mine"Dazed
- 16 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
the only thing i wanted for Christmas was a place to call home and be done with moving about. It's not much, but it's amazing! The house is huge, three stories and a basement, 300 a month for my room and I share the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and the dining room with the two other guys renting from the houses owner. Its a SWEET DEAL! The owner is a really sweet old lady that owns a few old houses and rents out rooms in them like apartments. But it's so amazing to finally have a home and not be sleeping in hotels or friends places. Took the bus into the "unknown" to shop for things to put in my house. it feels so good to say it 'MY HOUSE"!
Lauren Monique"mine"Dazed
- 16 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
Lauren Monique"mine"Dazed
- 16 years, 5 months, 22 days ago